When did pro sports become so unbearably SJW?

When did pro sports become so unbearably SJW?

If a city's people don't agree with fag marriage or mentally ill men going in women's bathrooms, the NFL/NBA/MLB, etc. threatens to take away major events from fans in that city. It's really shitty, Orwellian stuff.

Why are non-leftist opinions not tolerated in pro sports?

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Its not pro sports, its american society.

This is because your opinion on the matter is scientifically objectively certified wrong.

Curt Schilling pls go


I've read those buzz words somewhere, oh yeah, it's from a cancer ridden board called Sup Forums which I suggest you should stay in, you frogposting lemon.

>force all sports to be more inclusive to everyone
>more fans of the sport
>more chance of GOAT players coming through
>more shekels for the execs
>more shekels

"Im entitled to my opinion!! Free speech!"
Yeah, well you're also entitled to face backlash for it

fuck off Sup Forumstard.

Why do you care what two adult people do or if they can get married like everybody else?

Just let the fag marry. Nothing bad will happen.

>mfw Sup Forums is finally lefty

How has your team been defeated by SJWs? For it was when the Mets do a kiss cam in between innings, and at the end as a joke they show two guys from the opposing team. Everyone gets a laugh. Except for one guy who went viral about how its disrespectful to faggots. They dont do it anymore.

Hello Farooq, voted for Khan yesterday I imagine?

voted for your nan

I mean the day the redskins are forced to change their name, I'm not sure if I'm gonna watch the NFL anymore

Sf Giants banning the military fly overs because of muh anti-military. Shit like that is why I'm aggressively anything anti-progressive.
>hurr durr I hate the military
>ok not everyone does but hey that's OK this is murrica
>no jets trigger my PTSD from being bullied in class
I feel so dumb saying it happened like that but I can't help but feel the type of logic they used to ban such things. When in reality it isn't a serious thing, like I won't not watch baseball because of this, but if a few triggered faggots can get something like that canceled, who knows what they'd wanted removed too because its not PC or whatever

probably because we're going to watch the games no matter what, but the people you're talking about won't so the leagues cater to them to maximize profits

>people unironically supporting the destruction of strong, masculine societies that produce sports champions, in favour of feminised totalitarianism

When did Sup Forums become an sjw safe space?

empty threats my man. if they actually went through with it there would be riots

I will never understand why a grown man would care to the point of anger that other people stick their penises in men's asses

I will never understand why a grown man would care to the point of anger that other people fuck their cousins

I will never understand why a grown man would care to the point of anger that other people disapprove of people stick their penises in men's asses

1) SJW is progressive liberal (ie: center-right) not left
2) Only a mentally ill person could care about other people's sex lives

>>Sup Forums

Why does a team name matter, especially when it's something so obviously racist as "Redskins"? Do people think that if you have the exact same team, with all the same players and staff and city and field/arena/whatever, and name it something else that it actually magically becomes a different team?

why is it only white people that cry about racism against other cultures?

Because it can produce offspring with severe medical issues

Can you explain why the name Redskins is racist?

and anal sex can lead to hiv. nice try bigot

So can vaginal sex but you don't gotta worry about that do ya

Gay men are disproportionately more likely than straight men to abuse kids. Checkmate, bigot.

why do you care what people do with their sex lives huh? ugh

You should thank SF, they're saving your tax dollars from pointless DoD spending
inb4 >2016

1. No it isn't
2. I can't wait till my kids have to questionm their sexuality because it is forced on them in primary school. Instead of taking recess or gym class, they take a gender acceptance class.
Pic related for janitor reaction

This. When did Sup Forums become so intolerant to same family couples? I'm getting triggered by this bigotry.

Men are disproportionately more likely to abuse children, so let's not allow fathers to be alone with children. Right?

Back to I'm not sure how well your stormfront opinions will go over on a board where we discuss sports that are dominated by minorities.

Perhaps you should try castefootball.us/index.php

Pilots require a certain number of flight hours before being allowed to carry missions. The flyovers are a great source of that. Not even Sup Forums but please continue to spew garbage

>he doesn't watch exclusively white sports

But seriously, I bet there are more than a few people that believe this

So you want an echo chamber? Typical lefty.

I don't care if they don't reproduce but willingly creating disabled kids is morally wrong

>This is because your opinion on the matter is scientifically objectively certified wrong.

>men taking estrogens are women


Pretty much. I'm not supporting a team that gets cucked out of great team name because of some SJWs.

They make the argument that if you extrapolate the name to something that black people find offensive (not difficult at all) like 'blackskins' then this racist.

It's ignoring the argument that native Americans literally do not care about petty bullshit like a team name (they care more about how the US government has fucked them from the beginning). If anything, the 'Washington' part of the name is offensive towards them.

>morally wrong

>the military uses it to train pilots
>it's not military shilling at all
now i was in the chair force so go enlist instead of talking out of your ass

No we want a board to discuss actual sports and not listen to you alt-right retards complain about everything.

Literally every single one of these terms applies here. Don't you have some pride parade to attend?

To answer OP: Jews. The NBA is run by living anti-semitic cartoons. That explains why they in particular are the way they are.

You're a fool if you contribute a single red cent to those cunts.

seems pretty sport related if you ask me

>no argument
gg convict

>Yeah, well you're also entitled to face backlash for it
That's stupid. If you put it like that, anyone has total free speech, because the government backlash necessarily only happens after you express yourself.
The idea of free speech is being allowed to express oneself WITHOUT having to face backlash.

>can't kill 2 birds with one stone
Gov't saves money and you are still mad

It's not. It's whiny right wing man-children complaining about a boogeyman that has absolutely no impact on their lives whatsoever. The left wing twats are almost as bad save for the fact they don't shit up the board with their political posing and moaning

The Redskins issue is fucking priceless because the people who want the name changed aren't the people supporting the team by going to games and buying merch. Dan Snyder has made it crystal clear he will never change the name as long as he owns the team.

>Why do you care what two adult people do or if they can get married like everybody else?

Because you cannot get married to some one of your own sex you dumb subhuman. It's literally against the definition of "marriage".

Create a new institution that mimics marriage if you really want to have a giant wedding where you and your faggot buttbuddy get enough attention to last you for the month, but given that homos are incapable of monogamy, there's no reason why they should.

Gay "marriage" is a means to humiliate non-degenerate Americans, anyone denying this is a fool. It is like prison guards that make you salute their German Shepherds in order to humiliate you, or like Ramsay making Theon call himself Reek. If you comply, you're already their bitch.

you didn't explain how it was morally wrong leaf. not all incest babies are defective

>Why are non-leftist opinions not tolerated in pro sports?
the fact that you boiled this down to a "left vs right" issue shows that you're part of the problem

Get help senpai

Americans are entitled to free speech without backlash from the government. There's nothing in the first amendment that says you can't lose business or your job etc for saying something that someone else may not like.

Yeah I'm sure that's why a vet and military supporter like John McCain doesn't like it either. Go enlist and serve your country

Willingly taking risks like that is wrong: kind of like smoking crack while pregnant. It creates simple minded fucks lik you

Well done son.

You should've stopped watching after the Ray Rice debacle, if not after they introduced Pinktober.

That's fine and all, but then those businesses certainly cannot claim that they are in favour of free speech. If anything, they're distinctly against it.

>supports eugenics
wow nice tolerance there

>it's Orwellian for businesses to exercise their right to refuse service if they feel like it
Kys commie fuck

Welcome to glorious America.

That's procreation with your cousins you moron. Giving your cousin a blowjob won't cause the conception of another dud like you.

Nice strawman.

Anyway, they are private companies, they can do whatever they want. Literally the opposite of Orwellian you mong

>$7MM over 3 years
DoD budget is over $637BB
Cutting that money to feel good means nothing.
Should go after the big amounts, like your benefits...

you literally said these people shouldn't be allowed to breed.

Didn't a huge clusterfuck come up when some biblethumper tried to ban homos from his shop in your country?
Nice double standards your media have.

I like how none of the sports were all fag enabling until 2-3 years ago when that poll saying 50% supported gay marriage.

Now the NHL supports some fag hockey "charity" and a guy gets suspended for calling the ref a faggot but not for knocking out someones teeth with a high stick.

They you can play hockey charity is especially retarded kids are quitting hockey because new equipment can cost 1 thousand dollars every year for a growing kid not because somebody called them a homo

Except when you don't want to serve gays, then big daddy government comes in to take care of the bullies.

Wrong, free speech means you can legally say whatever you want, not that there aren't business and social reprocussions to what you say. No one who runs a major sports team is saying they want mean words to be illegal, they support free speech you stupid fucker.

>It's whiny right wing man-children complaining about a boogeyman that has absolutely no impact on their lives whatsoever.

>people literally being disemployed because of opinions that were the absolute mainstream less than 10 years ago
>doesn't affect your life


dodgers and kings have been doing fag kiss cams for the past year

Not when it causes birth defects

Can you seriously say you're in favour of free speech if you actively discriminate against people for having a different opinion?
Can you really not see the hypocrisy here?

The media is a business and can have any standardand hypocrisy they want you commie fucktard. Please gas yourself and remove one more lefty from the gene pool.

The same people that champion "Freedom of Association" when it comes to threatening conservatives with homelessness when they oppose a policy that was considered a joke in the early 90s, are the same vermin that will sue you for 100.000$ if you refuse to bake a cake for a bunch of AIDS ridden degenrates for their perversion of an ancient and sacosanct institution.

>he doesn't want them to breed because the offspring will be infererior in some way

They don't care about that. They care about one thing: Profits.

Straight gay or whatever, they don't care. They want butts in seats and eyes on TVs.

Correct but because the US doesn't have Civics courses in schools anymore no one understands that fundemental fact.

because aids is a public healthy risk
if you buy the fag argument having kids has never been an important part of marriage which is why we let infertile and old people marry

>If anything, the 'Washington' part of the name is offensive towards them.


It's actually not worse than a woman older than 30 having a kid. In fact, incest as a whole ain't bad until you start doing it every single generation.

>huge corporations don't have influence that rivals that of government


Besides, if those vermin play this way, rightwinger here are going to stop watching them. Or at least follow them in a way that prevents them from earning money.

what is the trump of sports?

in favour of free speech just means you are in favour of the right to say something without legal repercussions, so yes.

I can sort of understand making hospitals and gas stations service niggers and faggots but people acted like the fags would literally die of a broken heart if they did not get a cake from that specific baker

lel ESPN replaced Curt Schilling with that lesbian LGBT rights activist US Womens soccer player

>if you buy the fag argument having kids has never been an important part of marriage which is why we let infertile and old people marry

Faggots can NEVER EVER have children. there is no fertility test for old/sterile people, so them marrying isn't immediately farcical.

You sophistic sack of shit.

Anyone who call himself a conservative and beats off to trannys needs to hang themselves and stop posting

its basically just the US that even has a significant amount of people who hate gays and trans, I doubt the 5 right wing people in your country are going to take down american sports, Germany.

fuck off back to Sup Forums you amerilard

Dan Snider

eugenics is a giant controversial subject though. Your argument is like saying I am a nazi because I like brown suits.
Again, nice strawman

Unfortunately, people are addicted to their sports leagues, and will follow them no matter how unwatchable the product becomes. How people can still watch the NBA at this point is completely beyond me.

In languages, phenomenons called slurs develop. In the United States racism is a long-standing issue in which skin color is the defining marker of any person or persons' worth. Words like "redskin" may have no qualitative meaning for clueless Americans these days but for Indians the problems of old racial hierarchies are still very much alive and a personal issue. The real issue isn't so much that it's racist really, although it factually is racist, but that it's an example of an outside people attempting to make a profit and mockery off of other peoples, and historically and currently subjugated peoples at that.

Honestly I don't care if if never gets changed but this should really be obvious to anyone but there are actual idiots out there that actually bring Sup Forumsshit where it doesn't belong and not only use "cuck" in conversation but use it with sincerity.

Talking about OP, why is he mad?

Was that just for sunday night baseball?

Jessica Mendosa is dogshit too all modern ball casts are dogshit since it is 3 faggots talking over each other and not telling you the count. Why cant more people be like Vin Scully