Ryan Gigg's house has been vandalised. KEK
Ryan Gigg's house has been vandalised. KEK
is he married?
was it for fucking his brother's wife?
I just looked this guy up, he seems like a right scumbag.
Sleeping with your brothers wife for 8 years? That's a pretty bad human being.
his wife left him for flirting with a waitress, so....
Wow his ex wife must be salty as fuck
Tried to get it kept private with an injunction too. Wonder if he's done more stuff we don't know about but he's kept quiet
Injunctions are BS
around blacks....
i read about those super-injunctions a while back, they're really weird. like you can basically force the media to not report on certain issues if the injunction is approved? that's pretty close to breaking freedom of the press imo. it might not be news worthy, they're mostly about celebrity infidelities, but still.
The British press should have all of its freedoms revoked to be perfectly honest
can't say he doesn't deserve it really
>Ryan Giggs 'splits from wife after she found out he was flirting with waitresses at restaurant he owns'
Flirting. But the fact the he was fucking his brother's wife was alright?
He did fuck his brother's wife for years, and it's not like he doesn't have the money to get this cleaned up quickly and easily.
Guess it was the straw that broke the camel's back kek
fucking your brothers wife is the most alpha thing a man can do
>fucking your brothers wife is the most alpha thing a man can do
that mindset is why brasil is a prospering paradise of peace on earth.
Doesn't get enough stick for it either, all the media outlets still suck on sheepshit covered knob just like they have done for 2 decades. Hopefully he'll atone for it all by taking the Man U job and flopping disastrously, leading to him getting fucking hounded.
His own family want nothing to do with him. He's pure scum.
Granted, the woman was obviously a whore too. But how could a man do that to his brother for EIGHT YEARS
I thought kicking a teams ass 7-1 in their own world cup was, huh.
What a piece of shit.
>there are people who want Giggs as next Utd manager
it's pretty baffling that one of the main reasons the board may not want mourinho is because of his 'antics', yet giggs has done far far worse things
ManUtd running massive propaganda campaign today about Giggs.
I want them to appoint Giggs because he'll be shit.
how did he find time to play football? did he sneak out when she was fast asleep then get back into bed before she woke up every week?
Mou poked someone in the eye at Madrid.
Giggs has been fucking around at Utd for years.
He even fucked Moyes and wouldn't even give him a reach around.
And somehow is still a 'coach' there.
There's a culture of lying and sneaking around at Utd.
Rooney, Utds and England Captain at it again this week, paying off hookers and spending half the season in the High Court looking to shut these slags up with injunctions.
Fuck this club.
Spanish media looks decent compared to English media
It's not even really news paper equivalent of click bait
I agree. Footballers are pure clickbait for the media here.
Not only did he sleep with his brothers wife for 8 years he also beat up his ex girlfriend in a club.
>The only overt condemnation of his behaviour appears to have more to do with the damage to his earning capacity than the damage he did to his ex-girlfriend Davinia Murphy. When Murphy appeared in a night-club, according to a witness "He (Giggs) just walked up and punched her in the stomach. Then he punched her in the face and dragged her back by the hair". Agent Eric Hall is supposed to have commented, "Hopefully this was a one-off and sponsors will probably turn a blind eye this time. But if he carries on, these are the sort of headlines that could endanger sponsorships."
>Hopefully this was a one-off and sponsors will probably turn a blind eye this time
He'll shag who he wants
He'll shag who he wants
Our boy Giggsy
He'll shag who he wants
>basically force the media to not report on certain issues
That's just a regular injunction. Super injunctions stop them from reporting about you taking out an injunction on a topic. So you're not even allowed to say that someone is stopping you from saying something.
>Gerrard punches some prick who wouldn't play Phil Collins
>people never stop bringing it up when he's mentioned
>Giggs punches a woman out of nowhere for no apparent reason
>it's ignored
It's kind of funny to see how the media and people on the internet give different players such wildly different treatment.
It's called spin.
Giggs only got off because he's black, but a white man like John Terry was getting nail crossed for sleeping with former teammates ex girlfriend
you do realise he made that up right m8
Munich cunt
It's all Utd black players cheating on their Wags this season.
>The pair met during a Christmas party at a Manchester club on 15 December last year, when Ms Watson claims Mr Rojo complimented her before taking her number.
>She said the Argentinian, who has a wife and two-year-old daughter, did not tell her he was married and later invited her to a party at friend Kristian Bereit’s flat.
>There, court documents say, Ms Watson “performed oral sex on him” while four other Premier League players present repeatedly walked into the room and attempted to watch.
>The pair never met again but a month later they exchanged sexual messages containing explicit images and a video of Mr Rojo masturbating.
>The footballer, who played for Argentina during the 2014 World Cup, has not disputed Ms Watson’s account of events.
Because Giggs is really a top bloke and we all make mistakes. A nice, down to earth guy who played for one club his whole career. A model pro. An example to kids everywhere. A man that should be knighted for his achievements in sport.
Gerrard is a serial scumbag from the lowest common denominator family, was brought up as a subhuman scumbag and even then exceeded all "expectations" by being one of the biggest cunts to ever grace the sport. Not to mention a shit footballer who has never won the fucking premier league.
>Snide elbows
>Two footed challenges aiming to ruin player's careers
>Snide comments to referees
>Getting a 16 year old pregnant then paying for the cover up and abortion
Also not enough was made of that DJ incident, he should have served years in prison but he got off without any punishment. THAT'S SPIN.
Go and look for Ryan Giggs/Davinia Murphy/assault, was a while back, maybe in the 90's.
He made it up you mong. It literally never happened.
>Because Giggs is really a top bloke and we all make mistakes. A nice, down to earth guy who played for one club his whole career. A model pro. An example to kids everywhere. A man that should be knighted for his achievements in sport.
It's not m8.
Have you not seen him off the pitch? In interviews and stuff. Doing charity work and having a laugh with his mates?
He used to do bits on MUTV like a cooking competition, christmas quiz (players vs staff) etc. etc. He's genuinely a lovely guy.
He made a mistake. It's not like he was out fucking loads of random women. He had a long-term mistress for years and years. They were probably very much in love. It's as much her fault as it is his. That's life. Shit happens.
>man city fan forum and yahoo answers
seems legit as fuck
fucking Welsh bellend, he'd be proper smacked if he came to Cardiff acting like such a mong
You know who else is a lovely guy? John Terry.
But he had his whole career shit on because he slept with the ex-wife of a teammate.
What part of Cardiff are you from, boyo?
Weird. Just saw this the other day and the text is similar
This was in London though
Rhodri Giggs is a full time truck driver and a regular looking guy whose attractive wife was pretty much the only thing he had over his superstar brother as well
I honestly have no idea how Wilshere and Sterling get ripped apart for hitting a shisha now and again, and Giggs gets away with destroying a family
>“I wanted to keep my family together because what destroyed me, what made me so angry in my life is when my father left. And I didn’t want that with my kids.
>“We were inseparable when we were kids. The closest a family could be. We did everything together. I worshipped the ground he walked on.
No, Terry is another Gerrard. Cunt through and through.
Nothing like Giggs, absolutely polar opposites. They are at literal opposite ends of the cunt spectrum. I'm not sure if you're serious or not.
Giggs is genuinely one of the most likeable guys in the sport. Terry is one of the most hateable. All they have in common is they both had affairs.
>I honestly have no idea how Wilshere and Sterling get ripped apart for hitting a shisha now and again, and Giggs gets away with destroying a family
It's pretty fucking obvious, Giggs isn't English.
>Parking on a single yellow line
What a cunt.
Also, who the fuck buys farm vehicles when they live in London? It's literally made for driving through shit.
>he slept with the ex-wife of a teammate.
giggs and his brothers wife both admitted it
terry and bridges ex wife denied it and sued the paper that published the story and won, and there was no actual evidence of any affair, no photos of them leaving a hotel or anything, no witnesses, literally they wrote a rumor and english """"""""people""""""""" were so ass devastated by chelsea that they immediately believed anything negative about terry because he was the face of the team at the time
>Can i watch it, lad?
fuck off sosa
Don't get this one either. Set him up as a pariah for England with the Evra racism thing or whatever. Terry was a godsend for England and they should regret not getting the absolute most out of him
t. Arse fan
>Sieg Heil!
fuck off ryan
Les Ferdinand
LMAO why haven't I seen this before.
Fuck I'm going to miss Van Gaal so much.
Shit I meant Anton Ferdinand
Then I don't understand why the English press likes to rip apart England's own players. The aforementioned two are important to England's future and have it worst
name one person on this planet earth other than his mother who wouldnt call anton ferdinand a black cunt
even rio probably did it regularly
Because clickbait. English media is absolute cancer.
Yeah Evra was with the Suarez thing. Makes it worse that it was a nothing player like Anton Ferdinand
No idea. He was parked a yard away from the pavement too
Seen a ferrari park on double red too, absolute wasteman
still butthurt eh sosa
how's 9th?
>Ecuadorian flag
its for Valencia. The Utd team is cucking left and right
Yeah I never understood this.
Which media outlets are legit outside of the BBC?
>fucking your brother's wife
you literally cannot defend this cunt
There is literally nothing wrong with owning a big luxurious car if you can afford to
t. polo owner. one day...
Saw this keep cropping up on instagram, thought the similarity to the giggs house vandalism was weird too. Is there an infidelity vigilante going around?
It's the Ecuadorian embassy
Guardian and independent
The Guardian is the fucking king of "high end" clickbait m8. Not the same as The Mirror or anything but the "opinion pieces" are pure cancer. Every single article the author is called out in the comments. Did you read the Valenti article claiming Thomas the Tank Engine is racist, sexist and classist?
The Telegraph is 10x better.
Calm down lad I'm talking about football coverage, that's what he was asking. Their football journalists actually know what they're talking about and have reliable insider knowledge
>it's a fucking rover
Okay then m8. If you gave me the choice of £5k cash or that thing I'd take the cash, assuming I'm not allowed to sell that piece of shit to some braindead moron.
I dont feel sorry for him
Why not? When you're rich enough it just comes down to personal preference. I mean sure I'd like a patrician car too but range rovers are pretty sick
Literally nothing. I check the BBC news website once a day and that's it.
Even the BBC is biased as fuck i.e. the Scottish Independence debates
You mean apart from
1. It looking like a piece of shit
2. It destroying the environment
3. The fact these retards could have got something that's actually nice for the money they paid
Also, it's a 'status symbol'? Really? What status is that then? Farmer? There's absolutely nothing impressive in the least about those things.
>not knowing what clickbait is
>thinking opinion pieces are written by journalists
Oh fair enough yeah. Barney Ronay is funny now and again as well. And I think it was the Guardian that did that fantastic piece about Redknapp subbing on a fan
>Why not? When you're rich enough it just comes down to personal preference
It's like being a millionaire and commissioning Nike to make you a tailored suit instead of an actual tailor. It's just retarded.
If you have £30-50k to spend on a car, and you live in an urban area, the last thing you should be doing is buying a fucking truck.
>The Telegraph is not a Tory rag, and you have to be a literal retard to think only poltards hate the Guardian. Your canned response tells me you're already beyond reason though
>Reading newspapers of any sort
It's like you are mentally retarded. You might as well be one of the retards who uses Twitter for their news, following """journalists"""" to see what shit they come out with next.
Kill yourselves.
1. Personal preference
2. The 12 biggest oil tanker ships pollute more than all the world's cars put together
3. Yep, plenty of better cars in that price range I agree with you.
Range Rovers are way overpriced for what you get but face it before the bentayga (ugly PoS desu) came along it's the most luxurious big car, and I'm talking about a hypothetical scenario where money isn't an issue. Some people just want a big ass car for comfort reasons
Somebody who sleeps with his brothers wife isn't likeable
I don't think only poltards hate the guardian. Your instant rant about Jessica Valenti is a canned Sup Forums response though. Telegraph is widely accepted as a Tory paper, but I guess anything seems leftist to you when you read breitbart
1. There's preference then there's just lacking sophistication and class. Sure, you could wear a Nike tracksuit to a formal event where everyone else is wearing tuxedos and suits. Sure. It's preference. It's subjective. But come on...
2. Yes but they are doing a practical job. These sort of truck things are okay for farmers because they require them to drive over harsh terrain. It's necessary. It's about weighing up the cost and benefits. Picking up your kids 10 minutes away is not environmentally economic. It's massively wasteful.
Some people just don't deserve to have the money they have.
Breitbart is terrible and the right wing Guardian my friend, I thought I established that I hate clickbait. That was the point of my Valenti rant; the Guardian is just as bad as the Mirror in some respects. Unless you are lying about understanding that reasonable people hate the graun, then there's nothing else to say
judging from how Brazil plays, 7-1 wasn't enough.