Rome isnt the capital of Romania

>Rome isnt the capital of Romania


>mexico d.f. Is not yet the capital of the usa

>New York isn't the capital of New York
>Chicago isn't the capital of Illinois
>Toronto isn't the capital of Canada
>Portland is neither the capital of Oregon nor of Maine
>Rio de Janeiro isn't the capital of Brazil

>Austria isn't the capital of Australia

plus Washington

also as a kid I was always surprised that Sydney isn't the capital of Australia

>not the capital of islam

that's bullshit it totally is

>Sydney isn't the capital of Australia
>Istanbul isn't the capital of Turkey
>Old Delhi isn't the capital of India but New Delhi is

It's CDMX now, Manuel.

Glad to see Australia is maintaining the American tradition of irrelevant capitals.

Ah yes, well done Spain, really well done

>The capital of Pakistan is Islam-a-bad
>The country is actually incredibly Muslim and saying such would get you killed on the street


>Australia is maintaining the American tradition

>Not the capital of France

T. Proxy

>Ile de France
>It's not an island, it's a landlocked region

jsuis normand batard

>>Rome isnt the capital of Romania

American capitals, both Federal and State, are well known as being irrelevant.

>Istanbul isn't the capital of Greece

oh ok, ça s'écrit pas comme ça


>Oslo isn't the capital of a nordic union

>Kansas City
>it's not located in Kansas

Donc non français, retourne en Norvège Gugliarmus

Signé Abou Salim Al Françaoui

>United Kingdom is ruled by a queen, not a king

>Turkey isn't the capital of Hungary

No, I mean: that's coincidence, not maintaining tradition.

There is an adjacent Kansas City, Kansas


>people from Malta aren't called maltesers

>portugal isn't a spanish territory




>dutch isn't the language of deutschland

deutsch is though

>deutsch isn't the same as dutch

>Anchorage isn't the capital of Alaska
>Vancouver isn't the capital of BC
>Seattle isn't the capital of Washington
>Portland isn't the capital of Maine
>L.A. isn't the capital of California
>Sydney isn't the capital of Australia
>Auckland isn't the capital of New Zealand
>South Africa has three fucking capitals

just fuck my shit up


>Washington DC is not in the State of Washington

>Turks and Cocois Islands aren't part of Turkey.

>northern cyprus is part of turkey

Literally dog shouts

Lebanon isn't failed state...?

>Iceland is full with green
>Greenland is full with ice.

libanon is so fat he's bulletproof



>Washington D.C. isn't the capital of Washington

Bemis isn't the capital of Big Bemis :DDD

>Brazilia IS the capital of Brazil


>Cavalier, North Dakota isn't in Cavalier County, North Dakota

> Brazil

>>New York isn't the capital of New York
>mfw I found out New York is named after a village in England that's called York
fucking american imagination lol

>Puerto Argentino is not in Argentina


It's actually named after the Duke of York you uneducated swine. In any case the Dutch were even worse in calling it New Amsterdam.

You mean British imagination.

>Jason Pollock isn't from Poland

sincerely hope you're looking to trigger me you stupid fucking oil nigger
