Sharks shork in triple OT thriller against Nashville
Bloos get stinky smellied in OT by Dallas
Caps on the brink of elimination thanks to Matt "I'm a God" Murray, Hornqvist
Bolts vs Islanders tonight 7 PM ET
Sharks shork in triple OT thriller against Nashville
Bloos get stinky smellied in OT by Dallas
Caps on the brink of elimination thanks to Matt "I'm a God" Murray, Hornqvist
Bolts vs Islanders tonight 7 PM ET
2nd for BILL
>They're still a decent team but they're not a contender anymore.
You can keep saying that, but it doesn't make it true.
>mathews is a bust
>they're still a cup contender I swear
You can keep believing that but it doesn't make it true.
You can have a decent team and not be a contender you know
what happened to that sweep, caliniggers?
Shorks gonna shork
>inb4 ref puck
>the city of the Pacific division
id love to have bills hair
who wouldnt
bill probably got a rimjob that night tbhlads
seeing this beautiful man raise the cup will make my life complete
>flyover getting uppity
flyover states don't have publix. stay mad, stinky smelly beaner :^)
Yours must be pretty dire
literally the most flyover shit there is
sharks got fucked in game 4, that pavelski goal in the 2nd ot was clearly a good goal. rinne was way out of position and his dman put pavelski into him. sharks got jipped
nah it was the right call
publix is a florida thing though
is florida a flyover state?
>that pavelski goal in the 2nd ot
wait did it happen again? I thought that happened in the 3rd period? I fell asleep in the first OT
"""flyover""" states are the most beautiful in merica
nashville is a retarded, trash city and cheerleading has no place in hockey. stupid fucking expansion teams
If its not named New York or California, then yeah its flyover
>team with the highest penalty differential and can only wins games due to their PP screams refpuck
get fucked shorkfags
me behind the angry black chick
lmao no it wasn't, you're dumb. his contact with rinne had no effect on rinne's ability to make a save b/c he had no chance to make the save in the first place. and like I said, the preds dman checked pavelski into rinne anyway. i'm from michigan so i don't care either way but the sharks got royally fucked
Is Amanka Kessel single?
no the refs got it right
logical fallacy m8, a shit call is a shit call
>round 2 is The Shorkening: Guest Starring the Blues
>californian "hockey"
sorry it was first OT
wow good points man I hadn't thought about it like that, what a well thought out argumen
Idk but Bills sister is actually pretty hot
>wow good points man I hadn't thought about it like that, what a well thought out argumen
glad you've come around to side of logic
>I doubted the preds
the shorks are kangs are expansion teams too. The perds are just adapting to local market tastes rather than try to appeal to canaboos
>20 million people
>actually living in either of those two shitholes
i bet you vote bernie
I thought they were toast after 2-0, proved me wrong though
Im from San Diego actually, the last conservative bastion in California, nice try though flyover :^)
Florida is a larger state than jew york you fucking idiot.
>anywhere in california
nice gun laws faggot
m8 pheonix is the largest conservative city in the US.
SD is just a suburb of LA and their degeneracy
>San Diego
population matters more than square footage
unbiased opinion here: oregon is the best state
Florida has 80% of the population of canada though
>muh portland
>largest navy base on the west coast
>camp pendleton
>all these military personnel
>hurr its not conservative cause le commiefornia
dont speak to me ever again
>m8 pheonix is the largest conservative city in the US.
thats nice, why do flyovers chime in with irrelevant shit?
>caliniggers trying to defend their shit state overrun with spics
Kys weebs
You can't take credit for military conservatism though.
Most of them vote absentee in their home states and are gone in 2-3 years.
Florida is a larger state and is more populated.
>not living in a comfy flyover
Lel enjoy your niggers, crime, traffic and suburban sprawl
>nasvhille staying forever irrelevant in everyones eyes
they got some nice bluegrass tbqh
all california is, is an embarrassment to the rest of the union
>he thinks 20 is 80% of 35
>he's getting mad again
>mfw all you have to do is say "fly over" and it immediately triggers the fuck out of all of middle america
my sides, shit never fails to get replies
oh look, it's the faggot cucks fan that lives on a military base
how's daddy's bank account coming along?
but seriously, california (I call it northwestern mexico) is a blight on the united states
i can't understand why any self respecting white male would live there
>he thinks im a ducks fan
ahahahahahah, my teams still in the playoffs lad
and its not the sharks either ;^)
Subway fucking sucks and I don't even know what publix is.
Fight me
>a literal dependent posts on /hoc/
thats hilarious
does he watch real men PT and dream of being a big boy some day?
>not being part time employed in an almost non-existent military
>(I call it northwestern mexico)
t. beta white cuck living with his mom
inb4 you try to convince me otherwise, fly over
That's Orange County. Everyone here hates LA
whatever you say jose
>this triggers caliniggers, jew york cucks, and flyoverfags
Go mow my lawn Paco
thanks flyover cuck
>the asshole of the country
>talking shit about anyone
wew lad
not even him but you seem to be getting mad, friend
there are people ITT who are legitimately mad about wiener schniztel
>asshole of the country
he's not from cali though
why is it so hard for caliniggers to understand everyone else hates them
that was literally my first post of the day
stop fucking bullying the Mexican Stars fan. Holy shit are you assholes racist or what? How would you like me to make fun of a Asian Canucks fan? Fuck off with the racist shit.
adopt pls
>asian canucks fan
its not nice to bully an entire fanbase like that
it's just banter pal
>it was 2-0
Who /Islanders, Capitals, Predators, Blues/ here?
>why is it so hard for caliniggers to understand everyone else hates them
jealousy is a strong drug my friend
How mad are you going to be when the Penguins win the Cup?
>le eastern conference may may
Literally none of the western teams look impressive
Islanders, Penguins, Sharks, and Stars for me.
Sharks pick is looking iffy now but I'm feeling good about my bracket
This. Middle America is actually America.
Coastcucks are essentially Brazilians with a touch more money.
>Coastcucks are essentially Brazilians with a touch more money.
So god tier women along with being richer than the rest of the country? Kek, flyovers truly on suicide watch