The madman actually blamed the physio again after the loss

The madman actually blamed the physio again after the loss.
>Why is Godin already playing?
Except fucker had all the players but Robben this time. Have fun with this manchild who can´t, for the life of him, take any responsibility for his shit. God I´m so sick of this cunt.

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>tfw based HWMW probably won't come back even though poop will leave
fuck this meme coach

To be fair every ex-bundesliga brazillian player say that german football medics are horrible, like leech therapy(in the 90s) horrible

hes old as shit probably would have retired in the next few years anyway

>people who literally live in mud huts say our medics are horrible



He not only blamed them but was about to beat the shit out of them

true but he really was a part of the team, and how they treated him because of poop was fucking despicable. honestly felt disgusted by the club when that happened

nah dudes our clubs have pretty good medics.
Just see Renato Augusto, he was so fucked up when he returned to Brazil, but after some time and some treatment he was godlike, best player on the league and not a single injury

It just comes to arrogance i think, it is just inexcusable a top 5 club of the world have so many injuries in a season, and i would understand if they were pushing the limits to compete, but they are flying in the national league

>believing the rummenigger line

bitter, kamarad

or maybe its peps fault for training wrong or too hard or whatever?

bayern didnt have that many injuries under henyckes iirc
robben is just made out of glass its surprising hes still has a career desu


>trusting Poop, the despicable mememaster
It was understandable at the moment. I'm glad after the ManC phase it'll be over.

pro-tip: the doctor of Vasco da Gama is treating Stephen Curry right now. He fixed Leandro Barbosa's knees so GWS hired him.


IS Pop a cheat?

T.b.h I would win a fight against Poop Sissyola

>he blames the medical staff last year
>earlier this year mourinho loses the plot and does the same
>poop does it again
It's like they are trying to one up each other.

maybe, but even if Pepe is pushing the athlete to a unfair limit, the medic staff has a say in all this, they can't just wait for injuries and treat them
Maybe i don't know things how work in germany, and maybe that is the case, but in recent years a lot of brazillian clubs improved their medical staff.. And i always feel like German athletes don't perform 100% during the season because they have a medical condiction handicapping them

the bayern doc 'poop' fired treats usain bolt

He'll do well there. As long as he adapts to the masturbatory narrative of english furbol. Which shouldn't be too hard if he makes a deal with the pundits setting the lines of the furbolistic discourse; you take my poops and I take your wanks. Sort of Wenger style.

Anyway, it's a perfect meme coach for the definitive meme club in the ultimate meme league.

>Anyway, it's a perfect meme coach for the definitive meme club in the ultimate meme league.

i thought that would be Klopp.

There's this shit going on in Madrid as well. Only that this time is actually the players complaining about the new medic teams. Benzema f.i just went with his old fisio to recover and Cristiano did his treatment with a different team of doctors.


7-1 kek



>this mad he left your shitty club