I tell you what boys, now you brought me in I'm welling up. What you got to realise, we're one point clear...

I tell you what boys, now you brought me in I'm welling up. What you got to realise, we're one point clear, i've been a season ticket holder for near enough 20 years, I moved to Rostov, and I've seen Osinov, I've seen Yuri, and I've seen debts, right? This is the first time, the first time that I've ever seen anything like what I've seen this season. This season is just unbelievable pal, and I mean that Sup Forums. With all due respect Sup Forums, loved you to bits, loved you to bits, but I tell you something: Noboa, Navas, and all the boys, are putting it on the next level, and it shows in the league table. We're now one.. hang on a minute.. we're now one clear, one point clear.

I went to Kaspiysk, I went to Moscow. I have brung my son up, when he was bullied in school, "oh Spartak, Spartak, CSKA, Zenit, Spartak, CSKA, Lokomotiv" and I.. I stuck by my guns, I said "listen sunshine, wear the ball, wear the yellow.. wear the ball, wear the yellow, we will come through." And all of a sudden my son's turned round and said to me and looked me in the eye today - looked me in the eye - and turned round and said to me "Dad, Dad.." Amazing. Absolutely amazing. He's seen players, he's seen class players, like Erohin, l-like.. oh, honest to God..

Now, tell me.. you cannot, you cannot, you cannot tell me we have not got a chance of winning the league Sup Forums. And listen, th-this is.. I grew up with you Sup Forums. You cannot tell me, you cannot believe we cannot win the league, please..

>magi9 meemov, pacanbI

Take a bump la

Good thread

listen, listen, listen

/lifelong/ poctob fan since yesterday

In my hometown (FIN) we have this place called the Rostov pitch. It's not a stadium or anything, it's just a football pitch in a park where there's grassy banks surrounding the itch that's not even full size or grass, but rather sand. But you guys had some tough times back in the day, and this pitch shows our empathy. It's named after you guys and we say, Let's go play football in Rostov.

You are going to win.

SKA Rostov > FK Rostov



You gotta believe in the meme magic, my droog. You just gotta believe

Spartak Moscow fan reporting in. Fuck Rostov!!!

the absolute madmen, they're actually gonna do it

From what part of Rostov are you from lads? I'm from Rostovtlán

/lifelong/ rostov here since a minute ago. We did it lads.

I unironically support POCTOB since I randomized it on a FIFA 11 online match and completely demolished my opponent.



Reau steauve

Rostovshire here

Little Rostovton, Rostovshire. /lifelong/ for about a minute now.

Дaвaй Дaвaй Pocтoв!

Been a fan since about 2 weeks ago when Poctob showed up on the news pulling a Lester.

south poctob reporting in

Vlad, Vlad...How can I tell you you can't win the league after that!

lifelong Kochtopf fan here

Rostov won the league in '08 or '09 I'm pretty sure.

You're thinking of Rubin

They've always been relegation fodder m8

You lads were right, they won the league alright but it was the one equivalent to the championship tho.

Too bad they're shit now, I still remember that match when they beat Barca 2-1 in CL