What happened to France? it used to be a powerful, relevant country with a thriving culture...

What happened to France? it used to be a powerful, relevant country with a thriving culture, now it's just another shitty irrelevant globalist country with no identity.

Other urls found in this thread:


>"m-m-muh protector Jean dArc of traditional family values"
>born out of adultery
>literally raised by a cuck
>get married at 24 while 7 months into pregnancy
>divorce at 26
>become a strong independent gurl who need no men
Fuck this whore


literally knew none of this
thank you for englightening me

>"m-m-muh protector Jean dArc of traditional family values"
nobody says this you dumb anatolian kurdish swine

She's praised on a nationalistic basis, because she fought on the side of the "legitimate" king (and, most importantly, on the side of the king who wasn't from England). She's also praised on a religious basis, but not because she's seen as a "protector of traditional family values", but rather because she was supposedly on a mission from God to restore the throne of France to the legitimate heir of France (because back then monarchy was seen as having divine justification).

>being this dense

quality post, you dumb inbred mongol fucktard

De Gaulle.

He preserved the French empire for slightly longer, but by the end of his presidency he'd become greatly disliked by the general populace nearing the end of his presidency. His attempts to preserve France's relevance, while noble, were wasted by his successors and the dislike of him manifested into the very strong left/socialist block that dominates French politics

France is a joke.

Their enemies are invading their country, and they're literally welcoming them. Both the politicians, the people and most other sects of society.

They enter their country, behead their people, blow up, all very welcome, and how does France retaliate?

They literally throw trash on the street. That's their response.

This thing has never happened in the history of humanity. Not even once. It's far worse than the social mouse experiment. This behaviour is seemingly illogical and defines prime principles of life.


He was talking about Marion, you moronic fuckstick.

It's not the fingol's fault that you can't read you fucking leaf

Remember when France insisted that the UN chief speaks Franci.

Kurt Waldheim
Boutros boutros gali
GTFO france

Oh this guy also.
U Thant

And this guy.
Kofi Annan

.000000000000134 bitcoins have been deposited into your account
Thank you for correcting the record


I can't watch this. it's too much

RIP in peace france

>this, coming from a country whose most significant contribution on Sup Forums is being a leaf

>"m-m-muh protector Jean dArc of traditional family values"

Francoboos here in Sup Forums literally say this.

Draw it even.

globalism happened



>France almost conquered all of Europe by itself
>developed huge amounts of modern systems and culture
>was at the top of its game when the west was at the top of its game
>now nobody gives a shit about it and its barely a footnote in Europe

De Gaulle sure was a french hero. What a guy, getting rid of your colonial empire and leading your nation during exile. Shame you said no to him when he proposed even further weakening of the state.

Th...thanks, pond friend.

Uhmm, well shit, this is a little be too close for comfort.
But last I visited Auschwitzt was quite in well-preserved state.

All great powers eventually decline and fade into irrelevance

i'm glad, australia will forever remain average and boring then.



they did more than you in the second world war

you right, they were usefull as canon fodder while you anglos showed us your """"fighting spirit""""

France needs to get its shit together.
It's probelm is that they have very strong leftists interest groups, unions that strike all the time and peasants that can commit criminal acts with impunity

France is really amusing. It's like watching the visigoth fall in 711.

Several reasons
>De Gaule was the last politician who had the strength to take bold and ambitious steps to make sure France was somewhat powerful and had an identity
>Then Mai 68 happened, effectively making sure no one of the likes of De Gaule would ever get elected again
>The only shred of power they had left was through history, with human rights and such
>France embraced it full force after May 68 protests
>It worked to net them a spot in the international community because this was part of the US's strategy of global unity against Communism
>This led France to decolonize by shoving the fact that they colonized in the first place under the carpet. It lost them their only chance at recovering power.

De Gaule got the influence and power he had because he was a war hero.
No civilian french president could hope to enjoy the same popularity as De Gaule

They have to keep it ready for the next time.


>france needs to get its shit together

not our fault that in spite of having an army only marginally smaller than the Germans by yourself and with more tanks, a defensive advantage and support from Belgium/Netherlands (which meant you had a larger army) you couldnt even last 2 months.

you can say the exact same thing about the UK
Politically speaking, Europe is a joke. Even fucking Iran or Indonesia is more relevant than the average Euro country. Maybe germany is the only exception

>no identity.

france has an identity: its muslim now.

Why are you so entitled to think Anglos should have allowed a massacre of their troops to defend a country that would raise the white flag in a month?

lol. nuke france please

uk is more relevant economically and militarily than iran or indonesia.

>tfw thinking about all these africans dating beautiful young french white women

>implying any of this matters

they said much worse about Trump, but he still got elected

Shouldn't sell Joan to the bongs to be honest.

Holy fuck are there any white people left in Paris?

How does this started, in 80s everything was alright, right?

massive immigration and higher birth rate, also ethnic frogs flee away from them