Patrick Ekeng , ex-Cordoba player , just crashed on the pitch in the 70th minute. The news said that he didn't respond to PCR for 1 hour so I guess he died...After he crashed , the game went on. Fucking Romania , this is incredible.
Patrick Ekeng , ex-Cordoba player , just crashed on the pitch in the 70th minute...
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They still do PCR maneuvers on him. Still no response. The team and the fans are devasted.
He died.
Always africans that die on the pitch RIP
Good, one less darkie in Europe
Same thing happened with a player named FoƩ, he was also cameroonian... weird.
don't cut yourself
No wonder he died
Next will be aubameyang mon.
>Thinking we view them as human
lmaoing @ u
RIP, buddy
>hating black bulls
fuck off, poor little white boy
I don't get why people get mad at this
What are they supposed to do? "Let's all go home and give up the match 3-0, I guess nobody care".
What does the rules says about people convulsing in the pitch?
Vid of him collapsing?
bumping for incoming webm
Wtf were the medical guys doing? Fucking gypsies
they were removing his tongue from his throat.
Scary shit
That's just a popular believe, meds actually are trying to stop him from biting his own tongue
they fucked up horribly, even the god damn amublances were there for transport only, they had no real equipment
As much as I like the team, Dinamo's stadium is a fucking shithole with absolute fuck all in terms of good facilities, fucking morons were probably thinking 'fuck,the hospital is just near the goddamn stadium, we don't need shit here
Atleast his career died before him.
hail kek
It's because they lie about their age. Ekeng was actually 84
I thought people who have heart attacks lurch around and gurn for a while rather just flat out dropping to ground, or was he looking for a free kick?
It was a cardiac arrest, not an infarction.
Probably roids and maybe a Zyzz-like condition
fuck I laughed
>massive increase in PED use 2000 - onward
>massive increase in incidents of heart attacks on pitch/training
lol. Literally don't care mate. If I become a heroin addict, od'ing becomes an accepted risk
ITT: Players you want to see get a career ending injury
For the first time, I can't laff
At least he died doing what he loved.