full kit wankers
Full kit wankers
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That's actually Gerrard after months of nobody recognizing him in LA.
theres absolutely nothing wrong with full kit
Is there a reason why every time this thread gets made, it's only filled with Liverpool fans? Is it because people hate them the most or because Liverpool fans are most likely to be full kit wankers?
Pick two.
not if you are a professional football player on the pitch OR a child >16
This tbqh, I'm a full kit wanker and I'm proud of it.
Nice focus.
I never take pics because I go alone to football matches, I'm a shy person.
looking for fat saurez pic
Why are they all Liverpool fans?
Those fucking shoes.
Yeah, all of them.
Fucking kek
Oh shit it's Frieza
>aston villa
this is on a cosplay level
Me on the left
Obviously lost a bet
>Those legs
The dog looks so dissapointed.
pssshh... nothing personnel.... kid....
Tell me about Villa, why does he finish last?
I know it's not really a full kit wanker but that guy is a wanker nonetheless.
What would compel a person to do this?
Cosplay innit senpai
>latinas with a hint of asian
uh oh
Does anyone have the one of the guy getting off the flight complete with full shin guards and a captain's armband?
got you covered famdingo
how do you get legs like that?
Is it elephantiasis or something
>British """"""""genetics"""""""""
At least he can walk senpai
I wish a had a pic,but there is this guy at my gym who trains in FULL german national team gear. He comes in the tracksuit and changes into a fucking jersey and shorts. He even has the socks. The best part is that he also has an away uniform.
It's probably more of a waddle desu
I wonder if once in a while some random idiot or a clueless broad actually think these guys are pro footballers and ask them for pictures or autographs
hahaha odakle si?
What the fuck is that on his head
an attempt
Brate,necu da se inkriminiram hahah
Pored svih problema ne treba mi da me trazi taj lik po teretani hah
Tacno, nisam o tome razmisljao, samo sam cuo istu pricu za teretanu iz Trebinja
close enough
That's just Liam Gallagher
Nije trebinje,ali bit ce da je epidemija haha,ja prvi put kad sam ga vidio,nisam mogao vjerovati ali se covjek na svasta navikne
The voice of Buzz Lightyear is a full kit wanker.
dumb frogposter
>cosplaying as one of the Gallagher brothers
That's taking the wanker part too seriously
But for what purpose?
Lik postao poznat jbt hahah samo cekam kad ce da izadje na nekoj FB grupi
Beats me
Is that actually him?
Musta been during his coked out days
>Man U
wew lad
>laced untied
This guy is getting stabbed 10 times out of ten
any link to her IG/FB/Twitter anything
Doesn't he get tortured enough?
The fuck is going wrong in England?
Which makes it even worse, considering that there is nothing more pathetic and useless than cosplay.
Cosplayers can be either
>kinda impressive if they made their own costume
>sexy half naked sluts
There are no redeeming qualities for full kit wankers
>dem fucking ankles
How does one achieve ogre mode?
great file name, Glad a guy like Vardy is now on the map, seems like a top lad.
Small Island, small gene pool