Why everybody hates him now?

Why everybody hates him now?

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idk but I saw some people bitching on facebook about the national debt increasing and low workforce participation or something like that


Obama was a mediocre president. Not bad but certainly not good either.

hilarious joe. hilarious

I wonder what the before and after numbers were for FDR

Shut up, racist.

Except not really, compare to the last guy Obama is a saint

>he fell for the gdp growth meme

Sorry drunk but this funny.

Doing better than GWB isn't much of an accomplishment.

Successful presidents don't end their administration with their own party suffering its biggest electoral crushing in decades.

How is Obama to blame for the DNC fucking up big time?

Remind me, who won popular vote?

Real question, how corrupt Obama was?


Stop with this non-argument. They would have campaigned very differently if the electoral college didn't exist.

He's had no big scandals. Perception created by certain section of partisan media outlets was different.

Trump once you subtract all the illegal immigrants voting, dead people voting, convicted felons voting, people voting multiple times, etc.

It's a legitimate argument. He's a deeply unpopular figure, most people don't see him as qualified and he lacks strong mandate.

He's had the single slowest recovery from any recession since Black Tuesday and that's entirely because of his meddling

He's doubled the national debt

He lost Iraq to AQI and he's currently giving Afghanistan back to the Taliban

He's responsible for the destabilization of Libya and Syria

He's supporting Al Qaeda and Al Nusra and has supplied weapons to ISIS

Despite campaigning as a healer of racial tensions, they're worse than ever and he's the one who has caused the tensions to escalate because he refuses to condemn the violence committed by BLM

Compared to the past republican admins; Reagan, Bush 1 & 2, Obama's administration was pretty squeaky clean

t Trumpster

He's not hated, his favorability numbers are a lot better than Trump's

GWB was dealt a bad hand
his presidency was going to be bad regardless of his actions after 9/11

ladies and gentlemen, the average white male voter. Uneducated and brainwashed

>t Trumpster
Not even

I'm a #SeppoForALeppo

Nice argument nigger


popular vote means jack shit. clinton has her 2 mil lead from cali alone so going by popular vote would mean letting california decide the president

I gotchu f.am

Anyone remember that film maker that he jailed for a year because Hillary didn't want to admit that she had fucked up in Benghazi?

>He's not hated, his favorability numbers are a lot better than Trump's

No they're not. Take away the media-inflated 53% approval rating he supposedly has and he's realistically more like 20-30%.

so the majority should be ruled by the minority?

I can't wait for Trump to fuck this country up bad.

The dumbfuckers who voted for him out of spite will be fucked the hardest. And they will still blame the libruls. Durrr.

Civil war cannot come soon enough.

Correct. The electoral college is there so that Los Angeles and New York City don't decide every election.

Hint: they don't.

People that don't like him are just talking louder and getting listened to more now.

A tiny majority should not decide the fate of the slightly smaller minority no.

>r-right-wing policy is good for economy!


Yeah, socialism worked so great when people in Eastern Europe were lining up for three days to buy the only sausage in the shop.

>I don't understand what federalism is or how it works
The United States is not a democracy

>1/2 of those Democrat presidencies took place with Republican majorities in Congress
REALLY made me think

>Doesn't want to commit to foreign wars.
>Wants to actually invest in infrastructure for a change
>Wants to make Obamacare somewhat tenable

How does he want to fuck shit up again?

Muh trade deals
Muh Paris Accords

the whole world supported the invasion of Afghanistan, but very few supported him when he invaded Iraq claiming they had weapons of mass destruction.

Al Gore probably would have invaded Afghanistan, since it was the first attack on American soil with Pearl Harvor, but not Iraq, that was Bush JR having daddy issues + neocons.

The defeat of Al Gore deprived us of having a progressive president focused on real stuff like renewable energies, instead of the modern progressives who are all about trigger warnings, micro aggressions, safe spaces and who discuss if trannies can go to the locker rooms for women.

Those are just campaign promises, he hasn't done any of those things yet. And it seems he's putting neoliberal establishment republicans in positions now.

>Muh trade deals
NAFTA was objectively a disaster for anyone that isn't a billionaire.
>Muh Paris Accords
That no one will follow, just like the Kyoto protocols.

>ebul moslem Obongo decided to shut the government down and let our infrastructure crumble ;_;
This will be the new narrative

The Saudis paid us to take Saddam out because they didn't trust him and he was a destabilizing influence on the region.

>muh gubmint shutdown
85% of federal spending is mandatory, the only things that were affected were museums, parks, and gibsmedats

Learn to read or stop posting

They don't end their terms losing key allies to global powers in flashpoint areas either

He doesn't have much of a choice in the matter. He needs to have the Republicans on his side to work with them.
US infrastructure objectively went to shit under Obama though.

>US infrastructure objectively went to shit under Obama though.
>muh 500 gorillion dollar infrastructure stimulus
Is there actually anything to show from that stimulus? As far as I'm aware, it all went to the black holes that are the unions and was never seen again

GWB inherited a bubble and a recession and Osama Bin Laden from Clinton.

Obama inherited a recovery.

I think that was more a problem of the Democratic Party than the Obama administration. The Democratic Party honchos were very fickle on wanting Hillary as the candidate with no other option. And she ended up being a terrible candidate who mobilized people to vote against her.

I know. GOP Congress wanted to do something about it, but that stupid nigger always vetoed them, right?

>US infrastructure objectively went to shit under Obama though.

It's been shit for awhile, he just didn't do anything about it.

Ohio governor refused to accept it. We have a major interchange rebuild project in Columbus. It was about 2/3 done when Kasich took over, then he cancelled it unfinished and it's still fucked up today. For politics.

Now he's proposing starting work on it again with Trump dollars. Fucking assholes.

Damn Saudis. I also never supported going into the Middle east in the first place. I knew something like that would happen.

>Is there actually anything to show from that stimulus? As far as I'm aware, it all went to the black holes that are the unions and was never seen again

Next he's going to surprise us with the revelation that the sky is blue and cats eat mice.

>Despite campaigning as a healer of racial tensions
When did he say that?

The Fertile Crescent has been fought over since the dawn of recorded history and no reason to think that's changing any time soon.

I think my state didn't accept the stimulus actually.

Pretty much
It wasn't this glaringly bad though.

This. Literally the only useful thing Obama did was kill Osama.

I'm not going back to find the specific article on his campaign, but he did it throughout 2012

>correlation= causation
>on politics, where temporal lags on policies are the rule
aah yes

You can thank your state government for that.

That's what you get when you insist on pursuing austerity. Crumbling infrastructure and weak growth. It doesn't work.

That's because it's a problem that gets worse over time. To be honest we should have done more about it before even Obongo. But no President Dumbocrat or Redumblican did.

This, the best thing to happen to Bill Clinton was to be president under the .com boom. Bush was going to inherit a bubble/recession.

Thanks to Bush putting the pieces in place for him to do it.

And all of the navy seals involved in the operation.

Bush should have done it himself.

Not an argument

Let those goddamn sandniggers handle their shit. You brought 9/11 to yourselves aswell as a mass flood of refugees to yurop. All the while bombing ME back to the middle-ages

>Bush was going to inherit a bubble/recession.
He fucked up by not killing the minority housing act that precipitated the bubble

Daily reminder that Libya was Europe's idea.

Not everything is suposed to be an argument, some are simple statements

Clinton didn't get a majority

This. As critical as I am of US policy in the Middle East, Europeans stand out as presiding over the most outstanding example of a fuckup despite having had the easiest job.

Actually it was Hillary's.

Look at the popular vote senpai

>what is war/government spending

presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=77042&st=joshua generation&st1=

>I don't understand what a majority is
She had a plurality

Almost all Democrats voted for the Iraq war. Only Obama and Bernie did not.

Bannon is establishment?

Trump can't just put some random KKK member in the White House. He is balancing Trumpism and Republicans.

When was the last time this happened? Obama with the Flips?

>The defeat of Al Gore deprived us of having a progressive president focused on real stuff like renewable energies
Have you actually read any of Al Gore's shit?

Daily reminder that it was an military intervention to stop the civil war but America went a step further.

Skittles and Ferguson

Obama had supermajorities 2009-2011.

[Citation needed]

France asked for intervention, Hillary crafted it.

>47.9% majority

I get that. I was simply shitposting back at shitposts

>>correlation= causation
did you learn that rebuttal on Sup Forums?

Reminder that Hillary was the one who orchestrated it and any attempt to shift the blame to the Yuros is misguided and wrong

Pretty much. Hillary was too old guard. Fuck if I remember correctly I'm not sure if she was completely on board at first after losing to Obongo last time. Well in the end it doesn't matter as the DNC fucked up big time choosing her as their Candidate hoping that just by being a woman she would do well. Maybe the would have gotten away with it if it was Elizabeth Warren but she didn't want to run.

Daily reminder that far less people would have died if you just let Qaddafi win the war, and there would still be a functioning country that could progress to something better over time.

>Almost all Democrats voted for the Iraq war
That's bullshit and you know it.

Obama mandated a 2 week no-fly zone. Hillary turned it into (with the French) a full-blown 6 month long war.

By the way, Libya has been in a civil war for 5 years now

Learned it in statistics. Most policies will take some time to effectively happen, there's also the fact that some things can be unrelated to the president's rule.


>Almost all Democrats voted for the Iraq war. Only Obama and Bernie did not.
Obama became a Senator in 2005 you massive sperg

Sarkozy was pushing for it just as hard, but everyone knows he couldn't say boo to a goose without the permission of the US, with Hillary pulling the strings in the background.

Meant the senate senpai

Should've said

So.... Obama didn't vote for the war
