Canadians are inviting the U.S. states of Washington, Oregon, and California to join Canada...

Canadians are inviting the U.S. states of Washington, Oregon, and California to join Canada. Not sure why on Earth anyone other than Mexico would want California, but alright.

Sorry Maine and New York, I guess Canadians forgot about you two.

Other urls found in this thread:

We'll take Cali, and you guys can take Alberta, and Saskatchewan.

Too bad they can't leave the union

Try and stop us, bitch.

>implying that isn't exactly what would happen
If Texas couldn't become independent, there is no way Canada is going to annex you guys

I don't understand why California doesn't choose mexico instead of Canada, its much more compatible with its system of government, location, ethnicity etc

>Canada gets a border with Mexico
>now that the wall is built, hordes of illegals start diverting towards Canada in massive waves.

I'd pay to see this happen DESU.

Because Mexico is a shithole and brown, which Yuppie Cali liberals get squeamish around

They'd still just end up in our rightful clay

Like the gov't is going to let you guys leave. The Obama administration wouldn't have allowed it and a Republican dominated gov't sure as shit won't let you secede.

>California joins Canada
>Murder rate is now triple what it once was
>Massive amounts of poverty and homeless people
>Canadian healthcare system is in shambles
>Canadian economy now solely dependent on providing California with water if it doesn't want it to be a net loss in revinue.
>Canada becomes 45% white overnight

Excellent plan, no way this could backfire

Texan here, try and stop us you yankie bastards.


abloobloobloobloo I didn't like who won so I'm leaving

*blockades your ports*

we literally did once, and you had a lot more backup then.

If California ever secedes, it's not joining another country. It'll become the Bear Flag Republic.

Not that it's going to. Even with Trump in office, I'd still say Texas would likely secede before California ever seriously attempts to.

You've been saying that for years. If you lot really could have left, you would have by now. Now stop your yapping and be a good little dog.

Stop pretending to be a country. The very brief window of time you actually were, we had to come and save your asses from Mexico, which we wouldn't have had to, if you people didn't insist on bringing your slaves to a Mexican territory. The only thing you're good for is oil, and you best believe we're not letting you keep it if you secede.

Come to think of it, you should secede. At least then we'll have an excuse to wipe you from the planet.

No thanks. I think we'll keep the more profitable territory.

Not a bad trade. I'd keep Alberta for the oil just in case.

But didn't Texas leave Mexico becoming an independent nation and then just giving up and joining the US?

>Canadians are inviting the U.S. states of Washington, Oregon, and California to join Canada.
>Canadians = a handful of nobodies on Twitter

>its a "people dont know shit about california" thread again

We offered them statehood just as they were going bankrupt

Chad Harris, a reporter from Kamloops, represents Canada?

Id expect to mexican to know more than that.

Bunch of Yankee settlers came into the area. They refused to assimilate and eventually became a majority. Seceded and than joined the US to take even more land they claimed but didn't have hope of taking without US support.

Texas is always talking about seceding. Actually, so does Hawaii, come to think of it. Kind of like how Quebec keeps talking about seceding. They talk shit but you know they never will.

Texas talks a big game, but they couldn't take on Mexico or the US without help. That's why they're not a country anymore.

Quebec came dangerously close to doing so.

lmao they're literally worse than Mexicans.

That's why it's funny

m8 he's probably in Alberta and wants to leave

I didn't see those fucks whining when we started pouring back money into their province after Fort mcmurray

I don't see why people hate on Alberta so much. They are a based culture of cowboy hat wearing, gun shooting, pickup truck driving, tims drinking, blue collar workers.

Well considering Trudeau let it burn because >muh nigger firefighters they probably need a little appeasement

Exactly what I thought. OPs article is clickbait bullshit. The west coast isn't doing a damn thing.

That's what they said about Texas. If Quebec leaves, who will support them?

Yep. Do you know why they did it? Because Mexico wouldn't let those entitled little crybabies keep their slaves.

>Taking these shitholes

Fuck off. If we steal from the US we take New England and maybe North Dakota and Montana.

Anything else can



Uncle what are you doing? Are you going about seceding from the Union, again?

Please let fucking Nevada to join to. Fuck Trump

Not really. They're a province of whiny weekend warriors our true blue collar heros are maritimers

Nobody's joining Canada you stupid cunt.

Texas has the only nuke manufacturing and dissembling plant.

Dont think you nuking it is gonna be a good idea

Nice bullshit post

>forgetting the Apache-Mexico wars
>forgetting the Comanche-Mexico wars
>forgetting you lost the Comanche Mexico war
>forgetting the Comanche pushing in Mexico's shit
>forgetting that mexico couldn't even pay their own people to go to Texas
>forgetting mexico gave Criminals a choice, go to jail or go to Texas
>forgetting they overwhelming chose jail
>forgetting the various revolts at the time
>forgetting the Zacatecas rebellions, the Republic of the Rio Grande and the Yucatan Republic
>forgetting that America is still bound by treaty to keep the Comanche out of mexico

>The Legislature of Chihuahua described the situation it faced in 1846. “We travel the roads…at their [i.e. the Comanches and Apaches] whim; we cultivate the land where they wish and in the amount they wish; we use sparingly things they have left to us until the moment that it strikes their appetite to take them for themselves.” The Comanche raids deep into Mexico created fear that the Comanche soon might even be seen "on the streets of Mexico City."Traveler Josiah Gregg said that “the whole country from New Mexico to the borders of Durango is almost entirely depopulated. The haciendas and ranchos have been mostly abandoned, and the people chiefly confined to the towns and cities.”When American troops invaded northern Mexico in 1846 they found a devastated landscape and a demoralized people. There was little resistance to the Americans. Some Mexicans in the north perhaps welcomed the US invasion with the hope that the U.S. would be more successful in fighting the “barbarians” than Mexican forces had been.


Fuck no, i don't want to be canadian.

>Canada actually goes through with this
>West Coast becomes Canadian clay
>US declares war on Canada
>All of Canada becomes US clay

Yankee here. I agree that these other anons really oversimplified historical facts. Can you tell me anymore about the wars that happened with the natives? Very interesting stuff.

Don't worry, they only people who want this to happen are a few smug cucks in some backwater. Besides, Canada knows what will happen if they accept any of our states.

But user it's the current year! For real tho new england can stay buncha yucky-ass doo-doo heads...

As a New Englander I'm quite happy with our current arrangement. Enjoy your nice strip of Mexicans and even more Asian enclaves as well.

why are North Americans so autistic

have them, they're pussies brah.

>Being this much of a fake liberal
Where was your rioting when the real liberal Bernie Sanders got fucked outta the nomination? Oh you guys only care when somebody who uses hate speech wins? Big fucking surprise.
Californians have always been trend following shits. They only do what they do for self-gratification, and because of social pressure.
Good luck getting water after you guys leave. Hope you like heavy rationing, while at war.

What the fuck are you then

we'll take oregon and washington but fuck off california

>literally have a higher GDP than all of Canada

fuck off

>Mexico got its shit pushed in by fucking SAVAGES

>Dear Canada,

>We, the fine people of Washington, Oregon, and California, wish to secede. We offer our people, our land, and our resources to you, Oh Canada. We promise not to fight this, but instead, to fight FOR this. Although, you being…you know…Canadians, we’re confident in a polite transition as we become your fourth territory, Washorefornia.

>Or Calorington.
>We’re fine with either.
>Just please take us.
>Pretty please?

>With Love and Great Respect,
>The Western Former US States

would literally open fire on mounties trying to claim my shit

you're also nearing bankruptcy, you'd be taking all our water, and you're not even white. Also, I don't want Canada to be touching Mexico

so I agree, fuck off

despite all of this we'd still be a stronger country

we would be annexing you

this isn't even our final form

great! go be your own country

only 38% of California is white, of which you probably include Jews and shit as "white" so good luck getting the spics to do anything

>leafs talk shit about the US
>one out of its fifty states, a liberal pussy one at that, could dominate them

go wallow in your own shit Jose, we're doing fine up here.

>Higher population and GDP than Canada

More like Canada is asking to join California

prepare your anus for the might of commiefornia

rrrreeee stop making me look like a samefag

who the fuck would be your ally California? Mexico? America wouldn't help you at all.

are you seriously deluded into thinking California could just go to war with Canada, and win? Just because you have a higher population due to illegals?

>are you seriously deluded into thinking California could just go to war with Canada, and win? Just because you have a higher population due to illegals?

You realize California has a shitload of military bases right?

This is a cuck

no, America has a shitload of military bases located in California.

We're not talking about California in America, we're talking about an independent California.

America doesn't like you, and Canada has allies. You'd be on your own. It'd never work, you depend on America. You'd collapse before you could even come up with a war plan, of which I still don't understand the motive.

>implying we wouldn't throw Trudeau in Alcatraz and send a handful of superior fighter jets

>implying the prime minister is the highest power in Canada

he's just the leader of a political party and could be replaced without an election even taking place

But I want Weedman RRRREEEEEE

and then yankees took the slaves from the texans anyway

Enough with this alberta needs to leave meme.

normal american