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Spending my lunch break in the car because I'm an anti social cunt

Post the Alex video of him on the British politics show

>apply for random jobs to keep JC+ off my back
>meanwhile apply for jobs in my actual career, writing cover letters, do practice numericals etc
>get a ring today
>it's a job interview offer for one of the random ones
>look it up
>it's some sort of brand new marketing firm, the job itself is 'sales advisor' which means going to different businesses and trying to get them to buy this firm's services.
>look up the company fully
>it's CEO is an 18 year old black kid
>look on his fb
>pics of him in a suit smoking a cigar with money in his hand

not really sure what to expect with this one, or why they're willing to hire someone with an economics masters degree.

have to just give it a go really.

*becomes the CEO of Sup Forums*

feeling a bit suicidal lads haha

Suicide is the thinking man's murder

I can't belive that Pete Burns is dead.

trapped in my own life
just want to cry but taught myself not to

>>asian country for asians
>>ok acceptable
>>latin american countries for latin americans only
>>ok acceptable
>>black countries for blacks only
>>ok acceptable
>>arab countries for arabs only
>>only acceptable
>>white countries for whites only


Anti-Trump protester just ran into the motorway and got fukt

Does he not have nipples?

the globalists, lads...

45% of Londoners are white British

bit too high methinks

The chemicals in the water gives you nipples, it proves that his filters are working.

gf keeps sending me videos of husky puppies
think she's hinting at something desu

just a light lunch for today lads

absolute state of you

What the fuck, I love nipples now.

love how InfoWars, Breitbart and Rebel Media spout all these useless buzzwords but never say "Jews"

controlled opposition

Don't they count the Irish in that statistic though

doctor prescribed me finasteride lads

Probably because the GLOBALISTS they like to shout about aren't all Jews.

what countries are you talking about? apart from Israel, I can't think of any other country that only accepts their ethnicity and people are OK with it

Rebel Media is owned by a Jewish caricature

light lunch for me too

There are 400 thousands frogs in London, so I believe there also are many Europeans foreigners. Civilized people are still a majority.

Post any music. ANY.


>veggie sausages
An abomination unto the Lord desu.

waitrose store finder shows the true north/south divide

>London is one of the least white cities
>also the most successful

really makes me think in a positive way about immigration

>Get prescribed anti depressants
>People tell me "haha user, you don't need them! You just need to changed your lifestyle!"
>Decide that's a good idea, come off them
>2 years later in the exact same position i was then

>100 muslim countries for muslims only
>no one gives a shit
>1 jewish country for jewish only
>evil zionists like nazis!!

A lot of those 'french' in London aren't white though

That's the problem with the EU, the shitskins from all over Europe congregate in London

Can't Arabs become Israelis too?

I've been saying for years the north begins at york

Need a new needle

unironically really like zizek

Red or Black

the jewish country should be located in north america, not in the middle east.

why? because jews been getting kicked about for millenia and the only place which has ever been fond of thme has been america. muslims certainly havent and so you have neighbours who wanna destroy you.

if you were given a slice of america, you could live in peace.

(((They))) want to destroy the very idea of Israel and leave the Jewish people without a nation state of their own

And you'd be wrong, Rasheed.

>Psychology student implied her degree was a STEM today
huh? Do they all think this? Confused desu

Is there any western coubtry where niggers are not dumber than the national average and dont commit more violent crime and murders than the national average.

This is Canada.

No lol

>0 anglo countries for anglos only
>still not diverse enough
I'll fucking bounce your head off the pavement

booked my car in to get the near-side front inner CV boot replaced.

No lol

ironically whites colonised all of these cunts.

thats because they didnt create those muslim countries through violence in 1948 you braindead kike

so the midlands DOES exist after all

it becomes M if they use that to become a clinical psychologist.

>watch some of tim's latest videos
>turns out his piano was actually kinda broke but now it's fixed he can play it pretty decently with only a couple of mistakes

Trump is a civic nationalist. He is much closer to Sturgeon than Duterte

That's what he's been saying forever!


new walking dead ep is pretty good

*swipes you off your feets and laugh as you fall in a pond of water*


ah yes

Definitive proof

isn't there an autonomous Jewish republic in Russia you can go to

and its off in the far east as well so no christian or muslim neighbours to have to worry about, only a bunch of autistic gooks who probably don't even know what a Jew is


good redpilled lad

as opposed to a pond of air?

the problem with the French is they don't have a word for entrepreneur

It's not really autonomous

honestly want nicola sturgeon dead

don't think there's anyone else on this planet I hate more

wonder what it was like sailing your house across the atlantic. sounds comfy desu

faxed this to GCHQ

remember when people thought trump was controlled opposition

would pay good money for a Nigel Farage/Marine Le Pen sex tape

how ignorant can you get. off course my sociology degree is a science. it's in the name, social SCIENCE

he's got good ideas and I dislike chompsky for supporting clinton.

I also like this term: Mainstream right-wing liberals.

Im gonna use it to describe the democratic party establishment from now on

Spilled some hot chocolate on my jeans and the stain is still there even though i washed them

absolutely NEED an English gf

you want nudes of marine le pen mother?

remember when people thought trump wasn't going to win and ridiculed people who did.

I wouldnt.

t. citizen of rationalia


yeah there's something i like about older women like her

she seems experienced but has a youthful cheekiness about her

why is he constantly touching his nose? bit annoying

yeah but its off in the back arse of nowhere in the east with fuckall people living there so I doubt Putin/The Kremlin even gives a fuck what happens there

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Neegan Still Alive Hahahaha Nigga Just Shoot Him Already Like Nigga Just Kill Him Haha

le trash man defending aspies, he truly is our guy


there's nips so I can't post that here but

her mum was quite fit honestly

love cleaning out my ears with a paper clip fashioned into a hook

By the time I have my BSc I'll be 24. How fucked am I lads?

anyone seen jacob's ladder?

put a stew in me slow cooker lads

there are french men in MY thread

yes it's next to schindler's list


Kid pls

probably not desu
the windows would get smashed in pretty quickly, it's remarkable the boat didnt sink actuallly

Aurais-tu un problème avec cela ?

nah where did he have it last?

nothing wrong with the french mate

they're good eggs