
ZOG edition

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First for thank god i wasnt born in the balkans


third for thank god I was

Tulai mo e la ardeleni. Moldoveni-s cu UAAAAI

>Formerly one of the four largest lakes in the world with an area of 68,000 km2, the Aral Sea has been steadily shrinking since the 1960s after the rivers that fed it were diverted
>by Soviet irrigation projects.

I think you knew who did it but just wanted it pointed out.

why u live here then




Why WHY Bulgarians always choose the losers


but i want to born and live in the balkans

i dundu nufing

Dumb albo forgot the old link, here is your You for effort

our countries are friends now u r allowed to annex whatever u want. half of these guys want to be russia anyway.

Can you provide a translation?

she's diaspora tho

wow urat

I am a tourist who has come to sample your dishes and fuck your women.

Today I was in walking in Skopje I saw graffiti "Death to Shiptars" replaced with "Death to hatred"

i wonder who's behind that correction

Provincials are like niggers. The live on welfare given by Bucharest and come to Bucharest to work and steal, but they still hate it and say bad things about it like it makes them look smart.

t. provincial who shits on provincials who shit on bucharest because he thinks it makes him look smart


I have seen that too.
I don't remember where though.

Do romanians think they can develop moldova to romanian level?

it will bankrupt your country

they are like 5 times poorer or smth

I'm thinking of spraying Бългapия around

he fell for the go to NYC meme

no, but loldovans know that we don't condone this type of behavior

wrong coast, nigger

asta sfs
bwei coaie e un clasic, uăăăi nu am folosit niciodată

he went to california

can someone redpill me on the balkans?

who are the good guys and who are the bad guys?

Speaking of Skopje graffiti, who's Dragan Nachevski and why is his name all over town?

mia venit alt cuvânt în minte
la Brăila spunem "păpușoi" în loc de porumb

basically we're all gommunist scum (as seen by our leaders)


Da?Noi kukuruz in Galati.


reported to ur 1 police officer

Why can't we be friends?

Do Bulgarians unnironicaly think Fyrom is Bulgaria? :/


Macedonians: White, civilized, high-cultured, educated, prosperous, western.

Everyone else: Slightly less white, semi-civilized, medium-cultured, less-educated, less prosperous and more eastern.

> This leads to some complications when signing treaties between these countries—they are signed with this long phrase in the end: "done in the official languages of the two states—Bulgarian language, according to the Constitution of Bulgaria and Macedonian language, according to the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia".

>Constitution of the FORMER YUGOSLAV Republic of Macedonia

ftfy ;)

So is it bulgarian or maedonian?For what we know, macedonians are recorded way earlier than bulgarians, so probably macedonians spoke first this language??

>easy to do business
>can't get electricity

Yes, macedonians spoke a slavic language before bulgarians.

>Bulgaria has however refused to recognise the existence of a separate Macedonian nation and a separate Macedonian language. It argues that the Macedonians are a subgroup of the Bulgarian nation, and that the Macedonian language is a dialect of Bulgarian

wew, e din rusă?

Am glumit cap sec, si noi tot porumb ii spunem...

>Macedonia and Greece have excellent economic and business relations, with Greece being the largest investor in the country.

We're Greek.

Хaхaхaхa...дoбpe дoбpe


Except united kingdom is the largest investor these past 5 years

ce scop au?

Sunt din Bucuresti si parinti si bunici spuneau papusoi.


no doubt

vazroditelen proces to gas the people with -slav in their names and send them to russia when?

Ah, io-s mai greu cu căpățâna
Vin în țară doar vara o săptămână și nu știu regionalisme
Noi am fost pescari și căcat
Dute acasă omule al Dunării

>not beating your wife to love you more and make her disciplined
is this not the norm elsewhere

straight is the new gay

Sunt deja acasa. In doua ore pot sa ajung la Giurgiu si sa ma scald in ea.

Except pic related ofc

>Bulgaria maintains an embassy in Pyongyang North Korea.
>North Korea maintains an embassy in Sofia Bulgaria.

that is actually normal and does not imply anything


for bulgarians you can take this land for free as a gift

He was OK before he suddenly decided to get into politics and become a BSP puppet. Most ironic thing is that he'll live off of a nice NATO general pension while shilling for Russia.

what's your point

What's the catch

tu esti serbposterul din galati?

I actually work in a building right next to it.
It's technically part of the embassy but they rent it to our firm.
PS: dox me

ayyy lmao am un prieten din Oltenita, dar nu l-am intrebat vreodata daca a furat sau daca a fost furat de bulgari

If they remove the pension ceiling then it would be a really nice pension.


>We best buddies nao

just please take

How does it feel to know you will never live in a god tier country?


do the balkans still get to deal with the refugee hordes?

Why was I born in Galati and not Brasov?



>macedonians spoke first this language

probabil amandoua

Fuck off Ros

vrei sa spui Braila?
>fata mea cand commieblocuri
>fata mea cand nava aia esuata la intrarea orasului
macar scenele cu catedrala sunt misto

>Pro-Moscow figure Igor Dodon claims Moldova presidency

Why is everyone who isn't outright anti-Russian described as pro-Moscow these days...
Afaik this guy wanted to put the question of whether Moldova should go with the EU on a referendum. Why is this bad..

deci stai asa

desu I'm surprised how fast moldova went back on the pro-russian course after its independence, like back in 1994 or something. you would think that having a part of the country taken by seppos supported by russia would make them take some other route.

nu ai vazut harta de mai sus?
deci sa moara familia mea daca io si toti brailenii nu suntem direct iesiti din pula lu traian

what is this guy checking

Because half the west is afraid Trump will be buds with Putin and together they will become the unstoppable US-Russia warcrime machine.

my glorious roman ancestry

>Штo caкa мaќeдoнчeтo:
>-Пoгoлeмa плaтa
>-Пoдoбap живoт
>-Дa мy yмpe кoзaтa нa кoмшијaтa

explica asta atunci

>tfw comuna din care sunt nici nu e pe harta

furnizori de pizza si senvisuri

Man,some albanians got really memetasteful names

I-is Melania secretly a Serb?

Every balkanite is secretly a serb