How hard is it to learn how to speak spanish if my first language is french ? And i know how to speak english...

How hard is it to learn how to speak spanish if my first language is french ? And i know how to speak english, dutch and greek as well.

Also, what is the best website to learn spanish. Thanks.

Other urls found in this thread:ón_de_Academias_de_la_Lengua_Española and butts out of beginner's spanish&sprefix=breaking out ,aps,196&crid=QLRBZWK7HFWF

Pretty easy.

why do you want to learn iberian arabic?

>Falling for the Spanish meme
don't do it

Why ?

It's useless and a waste of your time. Unless you want to talk to poor niggers and moors.

Why do you hate your country so much ? I want to visit it, and live there for a few months.

>and live there for a few months.
Enjoy getting kidnapped by a cartel.

>I want to visit it, and live there for a few months.

Bring a lot of monis because we are going to scam the shit out of you.

What has happened to the great Spain of Carlos V?

I visited Schaerbeek a few times, i'll be good.

I visited Greece a few times, i'll be good.

>the """""""""""""Great""""""""""""" Spain of Carlos V

>Carlos V

He destroyed Spain with his autism.

>not my king

I guess not too difficult since they're both Romance languages. And don't listen to the faggot who says it's useless, 400 million people speak Spanish.

>400 million """""people""""" speak Spanish

Indios, moors and niggs. And you don't even speak spanish at this point. You should quit the ASALE and found your own.

400 million people and not a single person worth talking to.

Spain was a mistake.

Hungary knows.

The mistake was to accept the Habsburgers in Spain. They ruined Spain forever.

i hate spejin

spanish is easy af :^)

it is if the only sentence you need to learn is "a cuánto compras el cobre, payoooooooooo?"

Pepe todavía tiene la resaca de la noche electorial?

fuck spain

eyy don't get butthurrt.There are like 1 mil romanians living in spain and most of them aren't gyppos.

Most of romanians are gypsies because most of your people are gypsies as well, or at least behave like them.

helo yes

I want to fuck a spain

Easy really but if you're not gonna work in spain or latin america or don't plan on vacationing spanish speaking countries i'd say it's a waste of time also all spanish speaking countries are on economic crisis, corrupt govs won't do shit to fix said crisis and mafias run them pretty much like the government is their bitch also politicians are fucking thieves at least in latin america and the spanish guise from above seem quite upset I'd say go to Spain and see if you like it just don't be a moron and be careful where you go and with who do you hang out

In Spain is the same shit. We don't have mafia like Italy because they already rule over everything.

lo merece, para ser honesto

>don't be a moron and be careful where you go and with who do you hang out
ya fuera de memes lo peor que le puede pasar es que un gitano le robe la cartera

A mi me asaltaron en Alemania hace 3 años, y los asaltos en Europa son easy mode en Mexico simplemente das la espalda y avientas todo lo que traigas por miedo a que te disparen aun asi un asalto en un pais que no es el tuyo siempre te deja un poco mas estresado pues si te quitan tus papeles y tu dinero se acabaron las vacaciones

Oh cool, tambien tenemos nuestra propia Academia.ón_de_Academias_de_la_Lengua_Española

>whose mission is to support and promote the study and correct usage of Spanish in the United States of America, including Puerto Rico

top kek

>to support and promote the study and correct usage of Spanish
>pero todos creen que su propio Español es la forma correcta.

De verdad.


Fácil, yo lo hablo desde que nací

yo me follo a tu madre desde 9 meses antes de nacer tu

French and Anglo are pretty bad speaking Spanish, a least in terms of accent/pronunciation. Russians, Romanians, Greeks and Italians are pretty good though.

shut the fuck up moor piece of shit.



This. They speak fuking good Spanish.

Fucking slavshits


Learn south american Spanish unless you want to sound like a complete retard. Duolingo is a good place to start.



come back to the jungle, wilson

Don't listen to these self hating cucks, spanish is hard but a nice language and with a rich culture to explore with it. If you come to Spain, just stay away from the big cities, the mediterranean coast and the south and you'll be fine (unless you find people from these places)

Can a Spaniard do a vocaroo?

Yes, we can.

Do I sound like I have an accent or do you sound like you have an accent?

a full sentence here from spain news, can you easily understand me?

that sounds poetic

Yep, it is clear that you are not from Spain or speak spanish from Spain but it is perfectly pronounced.

Wow I can understand her much better than native speakers since she speaks kinda slowly and distinctly.

Well you could be not from Spain and speak the Castilian dialect.

You mean as a second language? Where else do they speak Castilian as a first language?

It's possible but very rare outside Spain. The large population from Latin America makes more difficult to hear castilian spanish in America or Asia, in Europe is easier.

Para Vocaroo..

¿Qué es un sudaca? --dices mientras clavas
en mi azulada pupila tu negra pupila.
¿Qué es un sudaca? ¿Y tú me lo preguntas?
Sudaca... eres tú.

first attempt at speaking with a castillian accent.

post more vocaroo.

Terrible. You're not supposed to /th/ your s.

Me he pegado un pedo más o menos por la mitad, creo que se escucha bien. Perdón, acabo de cenar.

Relatively easy, grammar and conjugation use the same structure as French.
All you'll need is to learn them but you should understand how things work easily.

No idea for ressources though and as some said it won't be very useful.


Ours is more exclusive. and butts out of beginner's spanish&sprefix=breaking out ,aps,196&crid=QLRBZWK7HFWF

This should help quite a bit. The former even draws comparisons between French, Spanish, Italian, and English.

To address the OP, if you are a French person, perhaps learning Spanish from Spain will be a bit more challenging because of the "th" sound. In Spain's Spanish, all z's and soft c's are pronounced "th" like in the english word "think", and I notice a lot of french people have problems pronouncing this sound.

I'm learning Spanish from Argentina (more or less B2 at this point) and I found that pronounciation easier, also because of how they slur their words at times and blur them together when speaking fast - as a Dane, I feel right at home

Que tengas buena suerte mon ami


>how they slur their words at times and blur them together when speaking fast - as a Dane, I feel right at home
That's not a good thing. Fix your damn language. It gives me a headache.

>how they slur their words at times and blur them together when speaking fast - as a Dane, I feel right at home
Meh this is much proper to caribbean/andalusian/chilean/mexican, whereas Spanish of Argentina is more likely to spell every single syllable.

Which is awful actually.

Decirle al guiri que España es un hellhole para que no vengan por dios.

OS enviamos a todos los guiris, vuestros carteles ya se hacen cargo de ellos.

Madre mía tu no sabes lo que es vivir en España, odio el maldito turismo.

80% are gypos

how come?


Duolingo is great for languages you can learn mostly by intuiton. After finishing the tree go and play skyrim in spanish and read harry potter or another easy book.
Spanish is already easy by romance language standards, if you already know french, two months of studying 1 hour a day will put you in B1.
You might as well learn all major romance languages, its doable in a year if you are determined