2016 sucks

This year in music have been depressingly bad.

You can't prove me wrong.

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I can't

get out, normie trash

I agree, user


Well you can always listen to old music

>implying music hasn't already been transcended this year with pic


Lumpy & The Dumpers released the punk AOTD this year

I listened to this album. It's not even music, it's just random noise.

This, Bowie, Radiohead and Dinosaur Jr are what I have liked so far.

last year was waaaaaaay fucking worse

>S U B J E C T I V E :^)

2014-2016 is a very bad period.


Wrong. 2014 was a very bad year for music, as was 2009, and to an extent, 2004 and 1999. Great music was released even in these years, just much less of it, and what was great was less great than in other years. Specifically, these were bad years for the Album. Very few, if any, masterpieces were produced, in any genre, whereas in the best of the non-fallow years many masterpieces came out in many genres. And this includes 1994- despite seeming like it would be in the fallow cycle due to a five year interval, '94 was perhaps the greatest musical year of all time (1989 and 1984 weren't fallow either- those started in '99). Every genre's top five albums are all time classics in that year. In 2014, not a single major genre of western music produced even one such album, and to be AOTY, all you needed to be was pretty decent.

All the years in between these "fallow years" however, have been good or great, especially lately. 2015-2016 can both make a strong case as the best musical period of all time in the era of recorded music. So can 2010-2013. The 2010s is the best musical decade since the '80s at the very least, and maybe the '70s or '60s or '50s, meaning ever.

>'94 was perhaps the greatest musical year of all time
not being 1967
>2009 not good
year of merriweather post pavilion
>2004 not good
year of funeral

Funeral is one of the best and most consistent of its year, and it's a 9.1 album at best. same for mpp and it's an 8.8. Those aren't masterpiece scores senpai.

1967 pales in comparison to '94, particularly since very little of the Smile material saw release until years later. 1967 is actually one of the weakest years of music in the '60s, maybe even the worst. No comparison to the brilliant singles era of 1960-1966, or the brilliant albums era of '68-69. The Beatles' best album in 1967 doesn't even count as a real album, it's a singles comp. And even the Beatles improved the next year.

this some meme pasta from somewhere?

like, if this cunt genuinely believes this, he has such a narrow understanding of music that it is full cringe.

what is this nonsense?

what kind of horse are you riding to come up with this?

has to be a troll, or someone gathering opinions from outside sources and pasting them as his own, in order to feel as if they are valid...

New American Football seems promising


cheetah ep
