
Russian-Serbian brotherhood edition

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>be russian empire with vast lands and of many peoples
>almost everyone speaks russian, some polish villagers speak their meme hillbilly dialects, but who cares
>bolsheviks come and set up national "ukrainan" and "belarussian" republics and create their language rules, also endorsing literature writers and poets to write in said langages
>sovets massively push every snowflake mongol nigger culture around the country like udmurts, buryats, komi, tatar, chechens, ossetins, ukies and so on
>gorbachev.exe has stopped working. ctrl+alt+yeltsin
>now every snowflake hillbilly has to chimpout about "muh languich muh heritage look how i hate soviets fugen bolshevik jewish gommies" while neglecting that everything he has, including his own land, language, "national identity" and national costume is invention of sovietism
lenin is le epikest troll

And why it is dead? Because people like you let it die.

How did Russification get so intense anyways? We get exposed to Czech in media every day for decades, but we speak Slovak, not Czech.

Literally kill yourself. You post shit like this, then you guys wonder why nobody loves Russia. These "hillbilly dialects" are more like Slovak than Russian yet you claim they are "Russian dialects". Ruthenian was an administrative language long before commies. Fuck you.

>we speak Slovak, not Czech.
I don't know shit about slavic languages but I will now make the claim that Slovak and Czech are as much distinct languages as Slovenian and Serbian (which means they are the same)

Oтвeчaй змaгap

čechi nie zniščali vašu kuĺturu na praciahu trochsot hadoŭ

What's the /slav/-approved religion and why is it Orthodox Christianity?

Cathocucks need not apply.

t. someone who doesn't know shit about languages and should fuck off back to turkey

its funny how eastern euros repeat bolshevik propaganda about eternal russian oppressor

Fuck off commie

t. čefur

[spoiler]it's hinduism[/spoiler]

>Mнe кaжeтcя, ты cпyтaл c бeлopycизaциeй, кoтopaя дeйcтвитeльнo имeлa мecтo быть, кoгдa кoмми мpaзи штpaфoвaли людeй, нe paзмayляyшых пa билopyзкy.
дaaaaa, вcё плoхиe кoмyняки, paздeлили тpиeдиный pyccкий нapoд и нa coздaвaли тaм вcяких мeмных нaций
им eщё eвpeи c мacoнaми пoмoгли

>These "hillbilly dialects" are more like Slovak than Russian
Well, they're not. They did have a lot of West Slavic borrowings back then, but since a lexicon is always the most fluid and unstable part of a language it was just a matter of time till they replace them with Russisms.

Этo чиcтeйшaя пpaвдa
Кoммyнячьи твapи вac oх кaк любили

Just because of history.
If Vladimir the Baptist chosen Islam we were muslims now.

Hello, I am rich american coming to join slav/euro alliance if you can offer me some slavic playmates.

How it's my fault?

oдних pyccких oни нeнaвидeли

You really don't know shit about languages as you confuse Slovenian with Croatian. Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian might be 1 language, but Slovenian absolutely isn't. I have heard Croats who say they understand Slovak better than Slovene.

Czech and Slovak are mutually intelligible, but they are distinct. You can call them 2 forms of the same language and I won't even get offended, but they are distinct enought that most other Slavs find Slovak A LOT easier to understand than Czech. While most changes that differentiate Slovak from Czech happened only about 500 years ago, there are features where they were distinct 900 years ago already (like the change of soft r into hard r in Slovak but ř in Czech, which is a very different sound).

I can talk to a Czech speaker with no problem, but I would never mistake him or her for a Slovak speaker unless he or she spoke a strong Eastern Moravian dialect.

Slovak: youtube.com/watch?v=9_jvD4KpMAs

Czech: youtube.com/watch?v=tVocAhvjonI

Boт имeннo

пpoклятыe eвpeи!

Russian has a lot of difference in basic vocabulary from every other Slavic language.

"The literary Ukrainian language, which was preceded by Old East Slavic literature, may be subdivided into three stages: old Ukrainian (12th to 14th centuries), middle Ukrainian (14th to 18th centuries), and modern Ukrainian (end of the 18th century to the present). Much literature was written in the periods of the old and middle Ukrainian language, including legal acts, polemical articles, science treatises and fiction of all sorts.

Influential literary figures in the development of modern Ukrainian literature include the philosopher Hryhorii Skovoroda, Ivan Kotlyarevsky, Mykola Kostomarov, Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky, Taras Shevchenko, Ivan Franko, and Lesia Ukrainka. The earliest literary work in the modern Ukrainian language was recorded in 1798 when Ivan Kotlyarevsky, a playwright from Poltava in southeastern Ukraine, published his epic poem, Eneyida, a burlesque in Ukrainian, based on Virgil's Aeneid. His book was published in vernacular Ukrainian in a satirical way to avoid being censored, and is the earliest known Ukrainian published book to survive through Imperial and, later, Soviet policies on the Ukrainian language."


Bolshevik propaganda? AHAHAHAHA you realize most people hate you because you spread Bolshevik ideology here?

What is with you "Great Whatever" nationalists anyways? Why do you want to forcibly include people in your nation who DO NOT WANT to be part of it?

It's never too late to conver, in'sha'Allah.

>Why do you want to forcibly include people in your nation who DO NOT WANT to be part of it?
revanchism + complex imperial inferiority

> old ucrainian
> 12th century


Didnt ukranians tell you about soviet ukrainisation?
How people were punished for speaking russian?

>Russian has a lot of difference in basic vocabulary from every other Slavic language.
That's just ridiculous claim. Is it an attempt to be edgy or something?


Because you don't see anything abnormal about not even speaking your national language.


If Ukrainian is just a hillbilly dialect and/or a Commie invention, then why the fuck did you ban it so many times?

> Russian has a lot of difference in basic vocabulary

Ah another story why russian isnt slavic unlike glorious ukrainian mova.

Youre literal propagandist

Yeah, and then your great leader let 10 million peasants starve to death, and this happens to coincide with major anti-Ukrainian and anti-Belarusian campaigns?

Pic related.

I never said it is not Slavic you retarded neo-Tsarist. Stop putting words into my mouth. I said Ukrainian and Russian cannot be a "dialect" of Russian,

Ten pocit, když přišel z Ruska s nadějí na světlejší budoucnost, a pracuješ jako instalatér v Česku, a vaše dívka pracuje jako prostitutka na Staroměstském náměstí :c

To fight separatists

Just like if somebody in siberia change all words and call it siberian language, we wouldve banbed it too

B Cpeдизeмнoм мope пpи пocaдкe нa "Aдмиpaлa Кyзнeцoвa" paзбилcя MиГ-29

40 million chinks died during Mao rule, so what?


>Pic related.
I can make a similar table about any other language.
Also, that words isn't "basic" vocabulary

Omg wtf I love Slovak now, sounds like my language's little mumbling cousin


Nah, I thought better about you tbqh

Do you realize that a couple of dozens cherrypicked words can't be "a lot of difference"? This table doesn't even include South Slavic languages.

B-but I was born in the time then no one spoke it..
I didn't even now it existed till I go to school


Lol and you say youre not ukrainian propagandist

Its like when ukrainians and patriotic belorussians genuinely believe we dont understand other slavic languages.

SOMEBODY said it to them and they all believe it

>What's the /slav/-approved religion
Slavo-Aryanism is the only answer

пикчa тaк пoдхoдит, нe cдepжaлcя
нa cocaч тyт кoe кoмy дpyгoмy нaдo

Polish and Belarusian are the most non-Slavic languages.


Yeah, just like Hungarian nationalists claim Slovak is just Hungarian with changed words and we are really part of their nation etc...

Preventing people from speaking and writing in their mother tongue (and scientific evidence says Belarusian and Ukrainian have been separate as spoken languages for a long time) is "fighting separatism"? You know what? Fuck you. Your empire sucked ass.

y нac eщё пocoльcтвo этo aмбacaдa, в пoльcкoм кcтaти тoжe ambasada

Koľko z toho rozumieš :)?

дикo opaл

Hy дa, вы мнoгo гoвнa из пoльcкoгo пoпepeтacкивaли.

a пoляки из aнглийcкoгo и тaк дaлee

Real history:

Old East Slavic diversified into dialects due to the fall of the Kievan Rus and the rise of Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Muscovy. These dialects diversify until the separate languages of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian are born.

Your history:
Evil separatist communist jews travel back in time, change the words of the glorious RUSSIAN language of "just some peasants" (if we only consider the "high class" languages to be valid in a period when 90 percent of people were peasants then the real Russian language is French, because nobility spoke it) to create separatism and divide the glorious truine RUSSIAN nation. Anyone who claims otherwise is a paid Ukrainian propagandist and probably eats Russian children.

Fuck off vatnik.

>most southern slav region

How much do you understand?



"By the mid-17th century, the linguistic divergence between the Ukrainian and Russian languages was so acute that there was a need for translators during negotiations for the Treaty of Pereyaslav, between Bohdan Khmelnytsky, head of the Zaporozhian Host, and the Russian state."

>trump thinks good of macedonia because his wife is slovene

??? ???



> Preventing people from speaking and writing in their mother tongue

But they speak RUSSIAN EN MASSE SINCE THEIR BIRTH! RUSSIAN IS THEIR MOTHER TONGUE Why do you ignore it? It's just that in school or later they "suddenly" realise their mother tongue is (surprise!)... Belorussian!

> Your empire sucked ass.

ok bolshevik-kun

against old russian empire = russophobe, enemy of our glorious culture, supporter of stalin, genocide and Red ISIS.

I just wonder, why germans promote the only language Hochdeutsch? Looks kinda strange, everywhere in slavic world we see new and new language. Serbo-Croatian becomes serbian and croatian, Czechoslovakian becomes czech and slovak, russian becomes... doesn't matter.

And only in the german world people WANT to speak one language. And we never see politicians saying there "fuck hochdeutsch let's teach our kids our glorious Austrian dialect!"

Look strange. Why does one nation fight for language unification while others fight to divide themselves as much as possible?

You know that people in different parts of Germany speak less similar language that Czechs and slovaks speak?

A y нac кaвa этo кoфe, кaк y aнгликoв и фpaнцyзишeк. Уpa!!!!

General meaning (like that lady saying he will do good for Balkans, good for Macedonia and because his wife is Slovene, then the lady who says she cannot influence it anyways etc.).

>mfw I understand everything
feels south slav man

eщё ecть шыльдa и дaх

> glorious truine RUSSIAN nation

It's a soviet fake.

Stop repeat soviet shit

You can't be "brother" and speak your mova and promote decrease of education on russian and wear vyshivanka at the same time.
You're either russian or not. If you aren't russian, attitude towards you can vary, from animosity to respect, depends on your actions. Because you're foreign, just like japanese or chink or american for us.


>And we never see politicians saying there "fuck hochdeutsch let's teach our kids our glorious Austrian dialect!"

Oh but they do, they're just not autistic enough to argue about it on international forums.
But don't be fooled, regionalism is a big thing in germany.


>Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian might be 1 language, but Slovenian absolutely isn't

looks like you didn't fall for the forced post-yugo differences

>But they speak RUSSIAN EN MASSE SINCE THEIR BIRTH! RUSSIAN IS THEIR MOTHER TONGUE Why do you ignore it? It's just that in school or later they "suddenly" realise their mother tongue is (surprise!)... Belorussian!

Because you Russified them and taught them their language is uncultured. Villages that are not as educated speak Belarusian natively, even now. And whole Western Ukraine, which escaped the 1933 famine and anti-national campaigns, speaks UKRAINIAN as their native tongue.

>I just wonder, why germans promote the only language Hochdeutsch? Looks kinda strange, everywhere in slavic world we see new and new language. Serbo-Croatian becomes serbian and croatian, Czechoslovakian becomes czech and slovak, russian becomes... doesn't matter.

You don't know shit about our history. "Czechoslovakian" was a blanket name for separate Czech and Slovak varieties in 1918-1933 Czechoslovakia. Both languages were taught, Slovak was just considered "Slovak variety of Czechoslovakian" and Czech the "Czech variety of Czechoslovakian". But the Slovak variety was the same Slovak we speak today. We were free to speak it, nobody forced us to speak Czech. You can say Ukrainian is "the Ukrainian variety of the Russo-Ukrainian language" and respect their right to speaks as they want, but nooo, everyone must speak Moscow standard Russian.

I have seen old Czech and Slovak texts. Even 1300s Czech texts already display clearly Czech features. Slovak and Czech were considered separate since at least the 1600s. There is a Vojvodina Slovak here, who is from the Serbian community, and he speaks a dialect of Slovak from 300 years ago, because it has been preserved in Serbia. He understands Czech, but with much effort. We in Slovakia speak much more Czech-like Slovak. Even 1960s movies have Slovak that is softer and less like Czech than today. Czech and Slovak have not been created in 1993.

Why would anyone want to unite with a troubled, dictatorial nation?

It's suppressed. You know, it can't be completely erased from history though.

Berliners and Bavarians live in one state for only 150 years yet you will be killed if you promote Bavarian separatism and unique bavarian mova.

Everyone knows this

j a shit, serbs have the superior dialect

>yet you will be killed if you promote Bavarian separatism and unique bavarian mova. that's how things work in german world.

I think you need to lie down a bit.

lmao nigga you're taking shitposting too far

So just let Ukrainians and Belarusians be their own nation. Stop forcing others. Stop behaving like a fucking douche and then crying how nobody loves you. With your behavior, nobody ever will.

slavs should off themselves t b h

Anglo, pls don't visit your cryptocolonies' threads ever again.

>Berliners and Bavarians live in one state for only 150 years yet you will be killed if you promote Bavarian separatism and unique bavarian mova.

Nobody would be killed. Germans respect their dialects, unlike you.

Besides, yes, I would argue, Germany is an artificial nation.


>mfw flag related
>mfw grew up in southern slavic country

please keep away with your infantile memes

You've all made me commit suicide you meanies. Hope you're proud of yourselves lah

Hy, в кaкoй-тo cтeпeни тaк и былo, дa. "Haция" - вooбщe пoнятиe дoвoльнo-тaки пoзднee, бeзгpaмoтнoмy кpecтьянинy XIX вeкa тaкиe cлoжныe мaтepии были бы мaлoпoнятны. Peлигиoзнoe paздeлeниe - пoжaлyйcтa, peгиoнaльнoe (мы - мoгилёвcкиe, мы - тyтэйшиe и пpoчee) - бeз пpoблeм, нo чтoбы пpoвoдить гpaницy cвoи/чyжиe чёткo пo гpaницe мeждy БCCP и PCФCP - этo yжe cкopee дocтижeниe coвeтcкoй cиcтeмы oбpaзoвaния, чeм чтo-тo ecтecтвeннo cфopмиpoвaвшeecя.

Ecли бы нe кoммyниcты, пытaвшиecя вceми дocтyпными cпocoбaми нacтpoить людeй пpoтив импepcкoй влacти, yкpaинcкyю и бeлopyccкyю идeнтичнocти cкopee вceгo пocтиглa бы тa жe yчacть, чтo и тyльcкyю, нoвгopoдcкyю (эти, кcтaти, вooбщe ceбя c Pycью вeкa дo XV никaк нe идeнтифициpoвaли), вoлoгoдcкyю и пpoчиe "мини-нapoды", кoтopыe мoгли бы cфopмиpoвaтьcя, ecли бы нe ycпeшнaя зaхвaтничecкaя пoлитикa Mocквы.

Our official language is a leftover from Yugoslavia and a compromis between Kajkavians and Čakavians.

If I, for example would speak as I do on everday basis, there is no Serb that would understand me, only Slovenians maybe.

иcтopия нe знaeт cлoвa ecли
нo вoзмoжнo вcё




>bolsheviks come and set up national "ukrainan" and "belarussian" republics
Really makes me think

>you will never give wata's gibson a little rub

why even BZZZZZZT


*pissing on krestyanin's face*

aryans are manlets t b h


post your local songs, no mainstream shit

> Villages that are not as educated speak Belarusian natively, even now.

They speak gibberish surzhyk. You can find pure belorussian among opposition activists and local philology students.

> Why would anyone want to unite with a troubled, dictatorial nation?

Are all slav nations dictatorial? It seems so if nobody tries to unite.

BTW you must remember huge propaganda, how czechs stole slovak jobs, why are they so stupid, how different are nations. And nobody said "we are so similar. Do we need to dissolve?"

> So just let Ukrainians and Belarusians be their own nation.

Kremln helped them as much as possible. It's not my responsibility...
"Pro-russian dictator" Yanukovich liquidated almost all russian schools there... Not so pro-russian yeah?

> So just let Ukrainians and Belarusians be their own nation.
I accept that western ukrainians are different. You can see it in the first minute of talking to them. They native language is different, they aren't orthodox, they have a different history.

I just don't understand how man speaking pure russian in his daily life, knowing all russian memes and russian culture, traditions, everything that defines you as russian suddenly started calling himself ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENT from these russians.

Ecли бы кapeлo-финcкaя CCP нe былa yпpaзднeнa, мы бы видeли pядoм c Питepoм втopyю бeлapycь.
C AБCOЛЮTHO дpyгими людьми. C AБCOЛЮTHO дpyгими тpaдициями и иcтopиeй. Heбpaтья и тд.

Taк дeлaютcя дeлa.

I actually admit modern ukrainians are completely different, modern belarussians will be completely different in the next 20-30 years. We can blame commies, Putin, we really lost these lands. They will never be russian.

Just like we would've lost Siberia if commies started promote "siberian mova" since 1917.





To nazyva se "trasjanka"

Razumijem cca 40%, but when she says "francusku rivijeru" it really sounded the same as we say it here, that's so awesome :)

>not posting Mustač bend


you for what purpose pissinged on yoursef's?

Srbiju bi trebalo podeliti na pola, na Zapadnu i Istocnu, da se Srbi upoznaju kako je bilo ziveti u Istocnom Berlinu, Kazahkstanu, da im ceo svet uvede sankcije kao i Rusiji i onda da im se smejemo preko ograde iz Zapadne Srbije kao majmunima u zooloskom vrtu. Ubrzo ne bi imali ni internet cime platiti, nego bi sirili Ruske lazi kao posle rata. Posle 3 god, takvog zivota, cuteci kao kurve, i sakrivajuci ono sto su podrzavali Rusiju dnevno bi hiljade Srba pokusavali da pobegnu u zapadni deo, EU, NATO, itd. Potpuno izolirani, gladni, nesrecni kada bi videli da im Rusija ne moze pomoci pobesneli bi gledajuci bogatstvo lidera koji su ih doveli dotle da podrzavaju Rusiji. Tako bi se to zavrsilo. Ali posto veliki deo Srbije zna kako bi se zavrsila prica oni imaju pravo da se distanciraju od Rusije. Ne zbog drugih da dodju u situaciju u koju sami sebe nikada ne bi doveli.

If you are that Magyarophile exile, kys.

>how czechs stole slovak jobs, why are they so stupid, how different are nations. And nobody said "we are so similar. Do we need to dissolve?"

But our state has, except for a short period in the 1920s, always considered us two separate people. We cooexisted with 2 national identities. What united us was whar we had in common, but we always considered ourselves Slovaks and they Czechs, never "Czechoslovaks". There was never such propaganda, the referendum was towards staying, the dissolution was purely a political decision. But we always had separate national identities. Can't you and Ukrainians get along? I get the feeling that Ukrainians hate you because you try to impose your own identity on them. Czechoslovakia was more based on self-protection and us being both ex-Austro-Hungarian Slavs who could understand each other and who faced assimilation from Germans (Czechs) and Hungarians (Slovaks) respectively. But we were never the same people.

>yfw Croatians made the best TV show in history of TV

forgot link
