ITT: unpopular opinions
>The Money Store is the best Death Grips album
>Angles is the only good Strokes album
>Revolver is the worst Beatles album
>ITAOTS is the worst album ever made
>Ys is the worst Joanna Newsom Album
>Slanted and Enchanted is a pile of crap
>Jamboree > Beat Happening
>Pharrell > Andre 3000
>The first La Roux album is terrible, Trouble in Paradise is much better
>HAIM's Days Are Gone album is fantastic
>emo is a horrible genre, every other genre it touches turns to crap
>the Bayonetta games have the worst soundtracks I've ever heard in my life
>While they're both classics Off The Wall is ever so slightly better than Thriller
>Mariah Carey is probably the most important and significant singer of the last 30 years
>Peace Sells But Who's Buying has the best production of any album in any genre
>Ocarina of Time > Majora's Mask
>Florence + The Machine is garbage
>Kill 'em All has excellent production
>The Chronic > 2001
>Guns 'N Roses is an excellent band
>AC/DC is a great band
>Loud City Song > Have You In My Wilderness (and Sea Calls Me Home is the worst track off of HYIMW)
>Pantera is a great band
>Hey Ya is the most overrated song of the 00s
>The Smiths are the most overrated band of the 80s
>Vocaloid is awesome, 90% of the people who are popular for using Vocaloid suck