American churches

>American churches

do Americans even try ?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Israeli maternity wards
do Israelis even try ?

American ones are actual used though

used at shooting range doesn't count

Jesus would be happier with the low-key ones

t. Karim Benzema

The bottom one doesn't look very Christian

We've got plenty of nice Catholic cathedrals. Protestant churches are purposefully less extravagant, excluding those horrible mega churches.

Jamal deLaHarambe-Sanchez

Why is their a cross on top of that mosque?

Neither do ones that were converted to museums or mosques

They haven't got around to taking it down yet

>european churches

That kind of protestant heresy you're currently practicing in your country is not whole Christianity.


America and Russia need to invade T*rkey and reconquer Constantinople for the Greeks.

And can you compeed with our mosques?

You should see what we are gonna finish next year.

Better image

New Iraq?
2003-2011 never forget

There will be no Turks to fight an insurgency because they'll all be deported/gassed.


That's all it is, and it'll be gone soon because it offends Muslims.

Best church in russia desu

kill yourself you obese piece of shit yank

wtf i want to visit Kazan now!

The Russians almost had it done. But were hindered by the uk

really makes me think

Ave Maria

ليست متسامحة جدا.

Did a German made the Design?


reminder that it's the protestant infected churches that want to remove crosses, and are generally uber-politically correct.

>Der Baumeister Andrei Woronichin

Behold, anti-devil bunkers from Finland!

reminder that romania is a gypsy-turk-slavic mutt shithole which perfectly corresponds with the biblical description of hell

I'm not even surprised.

>Voronikhin Andrei Nikiforovich

Doesn't sound very German to me.

>That's all it is, and it'll be gone soon because it offends Muslims.
Erm that image is comparing North American McProtestantism with Catholocism, and as far as I know Catholocism is growing and isn't under threat from minute muslim diasporas, they can be as angry as they want like is, but they don't actually delet churches

Besides, clapboard McChurches will probably succumb to termites and land redevelopment for a bigger Mall before a medieval church is removed for muslims

silly mainlanders using all their money on churches.

Im atheist and find this gross as fuck

Looks like basically everything that Prussian built.

Martin Luther was a mistake.

Eh koekelberg basilic

is that Petrograd?

This copper-clad fortress was consecrated with the blood of a workman. RIP.

>building cathedrals that purposely mimic older ones
>building cathedrals at all in this day and age
it's gaudy as fuck, and will just end up looking like shit. spend the money on refurbishing the ones you have instead.

but Luuk, hell is protestant;)

Sup Forums collaborated to make this image

Is it good?

That city is called Leningrad.

A factory for making Good Obedient Christian Subj- um, Citizens.

Hey! You shalt not invoke the image of Belgian Trappist beer in vain

Nah, the cgi is just crappy.
It will look decent, though nothing special.
The only reason we've made is because unlike most european states, we don't have a national cathedral.

The entire project has been very controversial, regardless.

That's a big router, wifi for all of Finland :DD

Meme tier


Finland literally has the ugliest architecture of any country. Even African huts are more aesthetic. Disgusting brutalistic buildings.

eh the american one looks more homely

It's not americans, it's proddies. There are decent looking catholic churces in the US.

Considering the type of architecture that is built today, building something with vernacular design is a step up


There are 4 main problem religions in the US, muslims, jews, cults (FLDS, jehovas etc.) and fundie proddies

Oddly Sup Forums has been flooded with the lattermost group in the past years, often thinking that our mutual anti-islam slant means common ground, they also believe in a false dilemma that the alternative to their degenerate fundie McChristianity is Islam, when any real nationalist or traditionalist would want neither. Al Qaeda and Y'all-qaeda are both shit

The next VP of the US is a crazy fundie christian dominionist who wants christian sharia law shit. Thankfully religion is in sharp decline among the young in the US with even poorer church retention as people age (meaning it's more likely that young who go to church now will eventually go less or stop than it is for secular youth to start going)

In a couple decades, half the fundie degeneracy will have literally died of old age. It hit its peak in the 80's when faith healers packed stadiums, televangelists broadcasted on mainstream radio

>Americans in charge of religion

r8 my Cathedral


Let's be completely honest here, shit art is not a fundamentalist proddie issue, it's an all-proddie issue. The only kind of exception is anglicanism, but they're basically just autocephalous catholics anyway.

That said, I keep reading this theory that Pence was chosen as VP so that noone would dare think to murder Trump. Now, that would be both hilarious and wise, but surely there's an actual political reason behind it. Why is Pence VP? Was he needed for the hardcore republican vote? Is he supposed to liason with the anti-trump republicna establishment? Was there just nobody else presentable and available? Pence doesn't really seem to fit with Trump at all.



>Why is Pence VP? Was he needed for the hardcore republican vote?
Yes, he needed the Funddie vote and Pence was his best shot at getting it.

Makes me wish the US had wiped them out after the Mormon war, rather than just make them submit

Fun fact, there have been 3 religious wars in the US's history, all caused by Mormons


Autism : the picture

Trump came into being as a maverick alt-right kind of candidate and has a very irreligious past

, but come election time he needed the religious redneck vote, pence gave him the kind of credibility among people who think Jesus lived alongside dinosaurs

But being the theory of him as an insurance policy against impeachment is also quite believable. He has 0% approval outside the fundie bloc

This is why I don't list myself as religious or christian and never attend church. It's not Christianity that's an issue, it's American Chrisitianity really. If I were born in your country I would probably be fine being religious and attending decent, normal masses and rich christian culture. Here in North America it's sort of like having every restaurant be a McDonalds. I also like to think I help counter-balance out the crazy fundie fringe

>If I were born in your country I would probably be fine being religious and attending decent, normal masses and rich christian culture.
Actually the church is misbehaving here too. My mom used to go to church every sunday to the main service, but now she finds herself avoiding parochial masses (you know, those meant for the community) in favour of weekday and friar masses (those meant for pure worship) because she's sick and tired to hear leftie political activism in the homilies rather than spiritual messages. She feels going to church is pointless if afterwards all she wants to do is blaspheming the lord, mary and all the saints as soon as she's out of the church (some meaning might be lost in translation here).

>the town rapist

surely you could find some apostolic church near you that is decent.
>all she wants to do is blaspheming the lord, mary and all the saints as soon as she's out of the church (some meaning might be lost in translation here).
Oh, i totally understood that.

Btw, why do theology students make the best swearers?
They know all the saints.

Wasn't that Moldavia?

kek, Kazán in Hungarian means oven, meaning (youknowwhat)

isnt it more like boiling pot, though?

I love this image.


>""Mizrahi"" Judaism
>""Sephardic"" Judaism
>""""Ashkenazi"""" Judaism

meme tier image tbqhwymf