Controversial Opinions Thread

I dont like The Velvet Underground at all. Their music is very plain and forgettable.

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I like most music to varying degrees, and tend not to think of an artist/genre very much if I don't like it/them.

Hip Hop is legitimately a meme genre in every sense of the phrase, as is Metal

I think people should be allowed to enjoy whatever they want to and that their background and education does not make a person's enjoyment any less real or profound.

dunno if that's controversial

On this board it absolutely is. To wit

Though I thoroughly enjoy both artists, I prefer Boards of Canada to Aphex Twin.

Mu is one of the best places to discuss music if you go beyond memes and irony.

Hip-Hop is on it's death bed. Once Earl Sweatshirt and Death Grips quit making music, it's gonna flatline.

I actually agree.

The opening track of The Unnatural World is literally the only good song Have a Nice Life have ever made.

I agree. Nothing is really new or exiting in hip hop right now. It's all recycled. Only hip hop album I'm still excited for is Danny Brown's.

I don't like Janis Joplin, Derek & the Dominoes, Bob Dylan, or really any white 60s blues-rock artists. They always sound like they're trying way too hard to revive a bygone era, and are extremely anarcronistic and dated nowadays (Bobby this, mama that, muh faded blue jeans, etc. the cliches get old). But I love Delta blues, early electric blues, Chicago blues, and Howlin Wolf so idk. The Stones are god-tier though

These aren't controversial

The Dear Hunter is really good. (I don't actually think this is controversial either, just wondering if anyone actually knows them.)

I dislike David bowie's music, he fucking butchered lou reeds "I'm so free" the rest of transformer is good though. Also Oh comely is the shittest song on ITAOTS.

Radiohead peaked at The Bends and only Kid A has been worthwhile since

I think Sup Forums is a great board and almost everyone has great taste

The Velvet Underground was Bob Dylan + La Monte Young and Dylan and Young both did their parts better.

Lemonade is not only AOTY so far, but it is also Beyonce's magnum opus.

Nujabes isn't overrated

The rock genre is dying

I completely agree senpai

That only applies to a small amount of Dylan songs from that era, and almost none of the songs he's well-known for.

I dismiss anyone that uses the word "meme" as some kind of justification or argument.

Feels good man.

It's not though. I'm on the slow path of quitting Sup Forums entirely. The arguing and meme spewing is just too much too handle after being on this website for nearly a decade. People are incapable of having a decent discussion. People would rather argue with one another and fight. They'd rather shit all over your favourite band, or your favourite album, or just straight up insult you for no reason at all.
What about Pusha T?

was clearly going for the "GTFO fag" roleplay bait. Kind of like if someone posted "I like music" in this thread and people would insult him.

it's already dead

i think the next biggest mainstream sound will be rewarded to whomever can make death grips' style more palatable.

i know this opinion is dumb as hell but i kinda wanna know what other bands have shown there to be more promise in their respective genre

I think they have a few others that are good, but overall I'm not a big fan of HaNL

Guggenheim Wax Museum is great though, you're right about that

1.Outside is some of Bowie's best work.
His use of electronica combined with that fluttery piano and his traditional guitar work is just so great. The fact that it's a concept album just weaves together such a wonderful narrative. When I listen to it, I feel like I'm in some dystopian 1990s, waiting for the twentieth century to finally conclude. It's a feeling I can't get with many albums.

Feel free to turn this into a copypasta.

But when memes and irony are 75% of the board, it becomes a drag. I mostly only come to Sup Forums for /bleep/, and /bleep/ becomes tiresome with the unfunny blemes and random, senseless posts. The tunes are good tho.

I used to think like this until i gave Illmatic a try.

Hip Hop is not music
Rap is not music
The only Country music that matters is old school Country Western which borders on folk as it is
All the real talented artists in music today are for the most part independent, obscure or complete unknowns
Radio and MTV ruined the potential for good music for possibly decades to come

I love first and second wave post rock, it may be my favorite genre, but I really didn't care for Soundtracks for the Blind. It had some great tracks (Helpless Child, The Sound, others I don't remember offhand) but just felt way too lengthy / a jumbled collection of field recordings and songs. Sounded more like a tiring compilation than a really cohesive album.

I want to revisit it on some level, because I almost always like music more on a second listen and find some of my favorite music that way, but it feels like it'll still be a chore because it's fucking two and a half hours.

Scary Monsters & Nice Sprites should be inducted to the library of congress' recording registry when eligible

I don't understand Post Punk. It's just rock but a bit darker and it sounds entirely soulless to me. With the exception of Iceage, I never found a post punk act that I actually enjoyed, or that even positively stood out from the rest of the genre.

Plus, there are so many black-and-white album covers, that the music ends up sounding black and white to me as well.

I actually agree in a way. The mainstream sound is developing more and more towards noisy and weird, with mellow drug culture pop on the opposite end of the spectrum.

What albums have you listened to?

Did Kanye not already do this with yeezus though?

You mean controversial opinions without any sort of basis, support, or discussion?

OR is a fucking skinhead, delet this

What's gonna follow it? Genuinely been interested in this

Not much, I admit. Prayers on Fire, that one Savages album, Unknown Pleasures, Most of what Viet Cong put out, Public Strain by Women, and a few songs here and there.

absolutely haram
I agree, there are pretentious fucks on every music discussion platform on the internet, Sup Forums is no different.
you are me user
>Radio and MTV ruined the potential for good music for possibly decades to come
care to explain why? MTV is shit, but why would that impact music besides top 40?

I agree, but I feel finding people irl to discuss the music you like is so much more beneficial

We all should go outside more often

Iron Maiden are better than Metallica

Yeah that is all pretty similar dark atmospheric post punk. I suggest listening to something like Gang of Four's Entertainment! for more dance based post punk. It's not all dark joy division type music.

Well, Metallica is absolute trash. Iron Maiden has some decent stuff. This opinion is objectively true.

if you wanna go down that road, the concept of genre is a meme

that's not woe unto us

so, Twenty One Pilots?

bloke in the pub won't accept it

I think that Vaporwave is nice

>What about Pusha T?
boring. the black j. cole

I disagree, but I understand why you think that.

Insane Clown Posse always had the aptitude to write really good raps
But they decided to take the ez route and make basic, repetitive gimmicky shit to appeal to money-vomiting JUGELOEZ

Pop music is pure shit but Grimes isn't

the beatles are incredibly overrated. Were they influencial? Yes, but I'm sure if they were not around a different band would have done something incredibly similar. They were not ground breaking by any means. There were so many other bands in 1963 that could have done what they did.

if Kurt Cobain hadn't died, Nirvana would not be nearly as popular as they are. Nirvana never had the time to pander to a different audience and release a series of crappy albums in the 2000's. Its some how a given rule that after you die, your body of work somehow becomes greater.

Captain Beefheart is overrated and a hack, the only good thing he's done was safe as milk, Frank Zappa is much better.

Yeah alright, I will check that out.

Nirvana were a household name in the 90s.

Megadeth went to shit after Gar Samuelson and Dave Poland left the band

How to recognise shitty opininon ? If some weeaboo add at the end "desu".

Nirvana wouldn't be as popular NOWADAYS, sure. But back then they were all the rage. They were by far the most popular act of that time even before Cobain killed himself. That just helped cement their fame until now.

Metal is actually one of the most diverse genres.

Fuck you that doesn't mean anything you fuck
Gotta agree with this, Skrillex pioneered a whole genre of music. Dunno about how good it is but he was very influential.

Hip hop isn't a bad genre, but it's extremely memey

fleetwood mac is a god-tier band

What, how the fuck? I agree on the La Monte young part, especially on a track like Venus in furs. But please show me the music Bob Dylan made that inspired Songs like Heroin or Sister Ray, cause I just think you are trolling desu

sometimes I type out desu instead of t b h because it makes me feel cute

>that doesn't mean anything you fuck
Yes it does, my friend.

Centipede Hz is actually Animal Collective's best album, and MPP is their worst.

I agree to some extent, but it's not AOTY for me.

You should listen to The Post punk that is actually from the 70s and 80s. Its super varied and there are so many groundbreaking and amazing bands

The Pop Group
This Heat

Just to name a few, cheers!

I enjoy Jerk City.

Rock is my favorite genre, but it is very nearly dead. It is simply too white for a rapidly negrifying world.

Wildflower is better than SILY


....that sounds stupid as shit, but thinking about it, you're actually right.
Fuck imagine that shit being held in the same artistic light as trout mask replica and the beach boys, what a world.

the fuck is /bleep/ at all? i always just scroll past the thread

it´s not like nobody knew nirvana before kurt off´d himself, they were huge back in the days. his death really hit a lot of people hard. i guess you were too young back than to remember the reactions to the news

>Hip hop isn't a bad genre
yes it is

>It is simply too white for a rapidly negrifying world
that´s astonishingly on point

True, but black metal is garbage

Black metal is great, why don't you like it?

anybody who listens to Sup Forumscore is a fucking degenerate.
anyone who listens to hip hop or rap is a degenerate.

what do you listen to then?

rarely black metal

>OF and DG are currently the only noteworthy names in hip-hop
This isn't a controversial opinion, this is just an ill-informed white person's opinion on a black genre lol

All degenerate.

>listens to nazi-core music
>calls people degenerate
we lad
how is defending fucking superior western civilisation going?

Anyone who calls people out for what they listen to is a degenerate

>implying i'm a nazi
fucking newfags. i'm a Tribalist, degenerate.
Civilisation isn't superior.

Everyone on Sup Forums is an opinionated fuck with shit taste

shoegaze is lazy, uninspired gloss-pop and should've died with loveless

emo revivalism is derivative, self-indulgent and whiny shit with which white people can amplify their problems into an pathetic melodrama

the last genuinely forward-thinking genre was krautrock

rock music is dead on its feet in the mainstream, but is experiencing a renaissance in the underground

If you use streaming services and think you're more ethical than someone who pirates everything, kill yourself

elitism is good for board culture and the music industry in general because it maintains a high level of quality in both discussion and the music being discussed, scaring away the uninformed/unwashed masses in the process

if you have an opinion about a piece of music but can't justify it with a substantial argument, you will be the first sent to the gulag

Nice quads

The Beatles did some amazing shit that while may not be groundbreaking did bring it to the mainstream. Sound Collages, Hindustani classical sounds, Influence from the avant-garde were just some of the stuff that they brought to the front stage.

The infatuation with Classical music in music schools is not just pointless its actually harmful since almost no one makes classical anymore

If you dismiss entire genres or refer to any type of music as a meme, you should be castrated.

Nah, not really

Death Grips removes the swing and groove from hip hop, it can't become big with the mainstream unless it's dance-floor-ready or at least danceable

The Beatles are astonishingly average, mundane, and generic.

pleb as fuck opinion

Zappa is a retarded tryhard and Beefheart is a genius

If you like metal past the age of 16, you are genuinely mentally deficient in some way.

Illmatic was and still is trash

Reed considered Dylan his biggest influence at that time. Listen to the demos of TVU&N if you don't believe me.

The fact about Dylan inspiring Reed isn't even controversial, it's in literally every biographical VU biography/article I've ever read.