Sup Forums contrarians genuinely believe this album is shit

>Sup Forums contrarians genuinely believe this album is shit
>Sup Forums contrarians genuinely believe this album sounds the same throughout
>Sup Forums contrarians genuinely believe that Humbug and FWN are better albums

Explain this shit to me

It's not shit, it just isn't as good as their other albums

>because it is shit that all sounds the same

that wasn't very hard

90% likely this is bait but it's boring as sin. Their early stuff wasnt amazing but at least it was fun to listen to.

Listen to it enough times. You will realise how shallow and soulless it is

Mixing and mastering were all the same and really didn't place anything into the forefront of the mix

the vocal line were repetitive and the melodies were too repetitive and got me losing interest too easily

The mixing was too bass and drum heavy for a rock album

The song structure is too formulaic and the lyricism is just as cringy as suck it and see

The album was specifically catered to little 15 year old girls

but you don't understand, alex dresses like a 1950s greaser now, he's so cool!

I came here to say that this album sounds as generic as any other band that became out of inspiration.

I don't understand, this album sounds so suave with Alex's voice and focus on bass, smooth and confident in it's tone

Am I the only one who feels like this?

If you were a true 15 year old girl, you would know that he has a new hair style

Thats the worst part sonny jim. The bass isn't even smooth. The bass playing is actually pretty shit compared to what else was coming out

Why the fuck are you listening to tumblr-core?

you got me. though i do actually kinda like what he did with The Last Shadow Puppets desu.

Sup Forums hates anything that's critically acclaimed

that's not really true and you know it

you faggots would say anything to get some (you)'s damn

>critically acclaimed

it's not that shit, few really good tracks and a lot of really bad filler. Humbug era, along with it's b-sides is the peak of Arctic Monkeys, you can't really argue with that

>tfw you realize this is a popular music review site's actual opinion

doesn't that summarize the entire arctic monkeys discography?

I feel most people who come here defending this shit are just "discovering" music and they consider this the shit that got them into it, so they hold onto it with bias. There can be no other explanation why such a lame album by a lame band gets so much praise.

fucking fuck this is why journalism is dead