Tea or coffee, Sup Forums?

Tea or coffee, Sup Forums?

Coffee in the morning. Ice cold sweet tea any other time.

Tea! I don't like the taste of coffee.

Green tea

Tepid and bitter

gosh user you're such a loser

Tea, I have to drown coffee in sugar and milk in order to be able to stand it

>not drinking a cocktail of both

You mean Yuanyang ?


Tea of course, rate

i'd rape that bird while i drink some coffee


very obviously tea

Healthy green gunpowder tea please.


one teh tarik pls

coffee in the morning, tea to digest


Tea. Yorkshire Tea to be exact.

gween tee


Cuppa tea all day



Coffee makes my guts go nuclear.

Don't pour milk in coffee and you're set, I've had the same problem

I like my coffee like Sweden likes it's homosex.
Strong and black.

hello our mapple syrup friend

I have a crippling addiction to coffee.

this usagi + her gween pee



I feel you. My body doesn't care if it's energy drinks or cups. It needs it. I have enough cans to make 15€ but I don't want to return them. I have become emotionally attached to my cafeine.

We those addiction bros.



I like both but I have coffee every day




Where'd you get that proxy Cyka Blyatnikov?

I was a tea person, but army and my job transformed me into a coffee one.

Hot chocolate

Tea Team


I'm white, so I obviously prefer tea.


Coffee, black. I need it strong to survive the darkness.

Tea is for NEETs that don't have a busy schedule to attend to

i want your

What the fuck Japan?

Tea, coffee is gross.

Maybe it's tea really. you should try to lick it before judging

Warm tea if you want to feel comfy while drinking a shitty drink
Warm milk+coffee+something sweet if you want to feel comfy while drinking something good
coffee if you want to feel refreshed while drinking a shitty drink
cold tea if you want to feel refreshed while drinking something good

The exact contrary for me, add milk and it's not as bad

I hate modern day and its "busy" culture.
As if its something to brag about that you spend all your time running around from place to place like cheetah on crack doing things.
Then they even brag about it, one of my acquaintances was like that.
>yea I woke up at 4am, couldnt sleep because I was so busy last night
>have only had one 10 minute lunch break today grabbed something from store and went back to work
>but I gotta go grab some groceries and then go to *whatevet sport hobby it was* then I have to clean the house
>lol probably wont make it to bed until midnight :)
Bitch at that rate you are just digging yourself to early grave.

2d pee is delicious