Why are Brazilians only proud of the South of Brazil?

Why are Brazilians only proud of the South of Brazil?

Those are only the Autists on Sup Forums. In real life Brazilians don't care much for the outside world outside of luxuries.

The red region is what actually Brazilians are proud of.


I'm German and I've yet to meet one Brazilian who hasn't mentioned the "Germanic" south of Brazil at least once within the first 5 minutes of conversation.

SP is the best state

the capital is not good, but the interior is very industrialized

My father is married to a foreigner and lives abroad. The foreigner came to my house and my aunt spoke in exactly 5 minutes of conversation about the south of Brazil. lol

Since the 32' revolution, SP was taken off from the South Region. So, the South is not the South without São Paulo.

nowadays you'll need even Mato Grosso do Sul to a comfy South State.

Brazil has too many things to be proud of. But, somethings need to change, imo

Closer to equator=dumber population.
I am genius!

What the fuck? Please, Sup Forums is not real life.

For Sup Forums every shithole with white majority is nice just because it's white.

Southern Minas and the """rural""" areas of Rio and SP are the best parts of Brazil you deluded little shit.

The memes are goint to far? Please, don't project world views on autists from Sup Forums

For fucks sake. Just leave us alone already.

Here's what Brazil should look like.

what's there to be proud about this shit pic related


Northeastern girls are way above average in South America

Rural poverty like this exist in the whole South America.

>tfw have a fetish for northeastern girls


You're not Brazilians anymore, you're Paraguayans. Assimilate to the Paraguayan culture already.

exactly, and nothing to be proud about it

cala a boca burro

You're talking like is there anything to be proud in Latin America.

para de ser vira-lata

não somos o melhor lugar do mundo, mas me diga quantos países são ótimos? 5? 3? E ainda assim possuem problemas

todo país tem problemas '-'

"para de ser vira-lata"

para de ser chato, pessoas tem o direito de reclamar e de não gostar de algo, porra. Se o cara não gosta que ele faça algo para mudar isso ou se muda para outro lugar que goste.

só para de ser chato e chamar as pessoas de nomes que elas não são! Lixos que nem você fizeram o EUA eleger o Trump, e se continuar assim, Bolsonaro vem aí! Seja menos babaca.

there's this guy in Argentina that invented coronary bypass, and another one that is collecting Best Soundtrack Oscars like he's John Williams
there's this country that has many earthquakes and volcano eruptions and 0 to 3 deads everytime because even the poorest person has an earthquake-proof house that won't drop on his/her head
there's 5 generations of brazilians who are known to be best football players of the world, but what most people don't know is that there's like 2 generations of brazilian being champions at volleyball
a peruvian invented rocket engines. a colombian won Tour de France
those are things to be proud of, even if they're too tiny things
so what's wrong with flaunting "Brazil has a whole city of white twins and triplets"?
ps: Floripa has best beaches. eat your heart out Rio de Janegro

O que o Trump tem a ver com isso?

América Latina está no meio termo entre o desenvolvimento do mundo. Não é péssimo nem ótimo (com dados)

E se ele tem o direito de dar a opinião dele sobre América Latina eu tenho o direito de chamar ele de vira-lata, não tenho?

God bless the Acre state.

Bom Jair se preparando.

Ele saiu do PSC recentemente. Agora ele está cogitando entrar para o DEM, PR e PRB. A candidatura dele para presidente em 2018 pode estar em risco.