Why are the Japanese so opposed to immigration from SE Asia? SE Asians are bro tier...

Why are the Japanese so opposed to immigration from SE Asia? SE Asians are bro tier, in the US at least most of them have higher incomes than native born white Americans. And they don't commit crimes either. Japan needs medical workers and shit to take care of their elderly since there aren't enough young Japanese to do it, plus it'll be good for their economy.

they are very paranoid

>Why are the Japanese so opposed to immigration from SE Asia?
they are opposed to immigration from anyplace due to


Go back to Korea a fucking zainichi.


Even if Asians have more people in their household, they still have 1-2 income earners per household, they just have more children. And I highly doubt Indian American could make it to $100,00+ a year without earning more individually than white people.


I think he was being ironic.





>SE Asians are bro tier,


>richer than average

There's a reason why.



Do you have any idea how these people live? They often have entire families under the same roof - brothers, uncles, cousins, grandparents etc.

Yes, I grew up in an upper middle class neighborhood with a ton of Asians. I noticed the Indians and such had more siblings than whites, but that's it.

>they just have more children.

Asians have the lowest fertility of any major ethnic group in the United States by a large amegin.

no, he's just a retarded netouyo

>not wanting your country to be flooded by foreigners

Whites and Asians are on par with each other, although I admit I was wrong.

Well, it seems like you answered your own question as to why it would be all the most justified.

But what can you expect from an inherently racist shithole?

That shows consistently lower Asian fertility compared to white since 1991

1.68 vs 1.75 is not a huge gap.

You do understand cumulative change, right?

They prefer occupying SEA

They're ugly, they're smelly, they're petty thieves and some I assume are good people.



>SE Asians are bro tier

I really hate the "x is Bro- tier" meme.

The thing is, Japan has recognized something that Europe hasn't - demographic change leads to permanent and irreversible change in the host culture. There's a regression to the mean towards the immigrating culture.

Basically, if more philipinos come here, Japan will be more like the phillipines come 50 years. Who wants that?!

There are many people from Philippine and Vietnam. I prefer SE Asians to " Korean&Chinese"

Crime rates of Chinese and Korean are very high, but also immigrants/visitors from Vietnam have committed as many crimes.
According to police data, Korean/Chinese/Vietnamese are currently worst foreign nationals in Japan.

I rabu Japan


I wish we could replace all the sand people with young, good looking SEA qts.

>importing different races

Because Zainici-Korean made baaaaad image on immigrants in Japan

You have a good president



That make no fucking sense.