How was your today, Sup Forums?

How was your today, Sup Forums?

cold, humid, tiresome but happy because I'll se my sister this weekend.
And you?

Wrapped in a blanket almost all day long

un día aciago pero tranquilo

First day off in awhile, started a new job, getting 200 bucks a day

Drinking at a pub about to eat calimari and meet up with friends to play DND (they are all libtards, gonna rub trumps win in anywhere I can. Haven't seen them sense he got elected)

I'm also wrapped in a blanket right now, my apartment is 100m^2 but doesn't have any furniture but three beds and a desk so it's always cold in here.

work work work

I'm in the US and a dedicated business person..

First thing in the morning, my time zone I have a meeting with office in england, after that i have meeting with tokyo office, after that i take a break and than i get asked to do a training session for a remote office in our chicago dept, lol im over worked, underpaid and fucking tired of this job but i love it and thiings are going well

couple of questions though to the euros on here, why do europeans say cheers or cheerio after a meeting? i know it means good by, but it is odd to hear this as i live in the US...

I am tired and sweating, humid today. Otherwise it's alright

i need to keep track of a couple of time zones for my job, kind of interesting when i think about it, its nearly 8pm in my time zone and in the countries which i work with it is 2-3 am and what are the anons on Sup Forums doing at 2am? don't you have a job, the people i work with only reason they would be awake this time is because something is wrong and we need to be on a meeting, hell sometimes i dont even get to sleep because they want to get a meeting going 8-9 am their time and its like 12-2am here... damn it Sup Forums

everyday is holiday

I had fried chicken

Coffee and cigarettes are pretty good

Shitty , worked all day with a 2 hour nap between jobs, I'm dam tired

It was fucking shit, thanks for asking you snownigger homo


Not very good but it will get better :)

It's okay. I go to work every day thinking about all the foods I'll buy when I get out. Unless cash is running low, I generally buy some new snack or beverage I've never tried before so I can pretend I'm traveling the world. ;_;

Fucking depressing

Nothing new

I literally just woke up.


Banged a girl a few hours ago. Felt nice.

Broke my hand, but other than that it was alright

Made some music. About to see a friend I haven't seen in months for dinner. Life's good.

Shitty as always. I went to classes in the morning, put some gas in my car and then I tried to do some trips in Uber but I couldn't get a single one, so I came back home. Now I'll take a nap and try my luck again in the night.