Poppy Thread

Poppy Thread.

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Can someone explain this meme to me?

waifu fags. None of the women posted here are any good, 15 year olds just find them attractive.


My favorite Poppy pic.

She's the embodiement of a redditor

So is it like ASMR or are you cunts jacking off to this shit? I'm even more confused now.

I love The Bubblebath EP


a ton of us browse reddit

This looks like it was shot in log and left ungraded because some idiot decided it looked better that way. Some fucker probably got a BMCC on sale and, being so enticed by raw, didn't bother to learn how to handle the footage and then left it flat because they thought it would look artsy.


That was so generic

i love how people make this comparison even though poppy is 50,000 times more talented, creative, and beautiful. melanie is a skank

Does she have something against encoding colors properly


So randum XD

Preach.. Poppy is the real shit.


your videos probably get millions of views too, mr. art school. i bet you have a huge audience with your perfectly "graded" videos. make me a latte, you talentless bitch



The best one youtube.com/watch?v=I0EWEbItLp0

That's the point tho, it's an art piece on the shallowness of the pop music industry

Oh wow, Night Mind did a video on her youtube.com/watch?v=NmXQKMjEC8E

desu i really think this is poppy, she seems the sort to browse b. huge fan btw.


this is a new level of shilling jesus christ

>implying she isn't one of us

don't be silly!

I'll pop her poppy if you know what i mean lmao.


hands down my favorite youtube "thing" happening right now. i dont care what anyone says, this is better than anything out there right now.


wait, her butt? do you think she is into that kind of stuff?

what butt means?

Lowlife sounds like a Fishmans song sung by alanis morrisette. its actually pd

This board gets worse by the day. I don't want to think about where it'll be in a year.

Jesus. This entire fucking site needs to be deleted until the normies have left and found another meme to fawn and infest, or at very least be relocated.

>one bland paper towel is better than the other bland paper towel
Jesus, listen to yourself, how old are you if you take either seriously?

>I don't want to think about where it'll be in a year

go look at /asp/

every board is going to become that at some point

all you need is one tripfag with nothing to lose....

this fucking board i swear to god

Ive been here longer than you and I am more than ok with the acceptance of pop

she's clearly a lot more intelligent than any retard on this board. jesus fucking christ you In the Aeroplane Over the Sea-loving losers can't take a pop project for what it's worth: a pop project. it's meant to be exactly what it is. this board is so dead. not because of cancer, but because of boring anons who have to shit on everything that comes along that is moderately interesting.

both are kinda bad but at least poppy has like 3 fun, well-written pop songs. melanie on the other hand... yeah no.

>go look at /asp/
im dying senpai

if you think this shitty """"""art project"""""" is moderately interesting you're what makes this board so shit

nice pseudo ad verecundiam argument

Night Mind explains it

Melanie panders to DDLG and grunge teens but Poppy is a lot more creative then that.

I like her old cover songs:


Mods please delete this board.

Ask yourselves this question: What would your opinion of Poppy be if she looked like Leslie Jones?

Titanic wouldn't chosen an actress who looks like Leslie. He's not stupid. Plus Poppy is really average looking. She isn't drop dead gorgeous. She's just average.

Yes obviously, I just wanted to point that out to any waifu-fag itt who defends her as some sort of 'art-project' as opposed to a make money-project
Most people on this board lack self awareness and are shallow as fuck

his name is fucking corey you numbnuts


r.i.p. in peace hambe

Ask yourself this question: What would your opinion of your beloved pet cat be if she looked like a giant cockroach?

What would your opinion of your girlfriend be if she looked like the dude from Mask?

I wouldn't have gotten them in the first place, just like you people wouldn't have liked poppy in the first place if you didn't find her attractive
so sorry your argument doesn't work

You didn't deconstruct my argument at all, faggot.

she has a crazy sounding voice desu

i know generic pop music is her thing. but she could be doing way more interesting shit with her look/singing.

can she be grouped with the pc music artists?

H i d d e n

Noone here has any reason to feel sentimental or have any strong feelings towards poppy like a beloved cat or girlfriend, they simply choose to like her because they think she's cute
Just like i wouldn't get a cat that looked like a cockroach in the first place you people wouldn't defend or like poppy if she was ugly

Same waifufag bullshit, but now with added ARG Web mystery and satirical critiques on pop. Basically PC Music if they went overboard with the aesthetic

What if she gradually made her way into doing more intense shit, like her side videos seem to be doing?

idk man better do it while shes still young and cute. no one cares about musicians after youre old :(

What if, now here me out here... what if her next release is a concept album of sorts where all the promotional singles are really safe and generic, placed within the first couple tracks, but the tracks of the complete album get more and more batshit insane as it progresses. It might not even be career suicide because she's already made it clear to her fanbase that her character is a nutcase and the people who would be turned off by experimentation are the type of people who only listen to singles anyways.

Nobody cares or even ask about you opinion.

>even ask about you opinion
>being this ESL

i dont see that happening

even if it's ironic, she's still doing exactly what everyone else is doing; that's not a talent or special, that's just being self-aware

If I ever see Titanic Faggot Corey on the street I'm going to knock his fucking teeth out the spamming cunt. He even shills this shit on Sup Forums Sup Forums! Keep it to your hipster fags here you Jewish cunt. *

*Trust Fund video was pretty amusing though.

Everybody Wants To Be Poppy

My nigga

fukken KEK

i bet she will deliver lines just as horribly in the porn she'll end up doing when her career flops

ayyy lmao

Bad pop music is her thing. She had just appropriated the pc music aesthetic without assimilating the stylistic influences in her music; it's just like when Beyonce tried to appropriate seapunk.

wtf I love Poppy now


its just satirizing pop music by making shitty pop music, its basic and has been done more than enough

this is just yout shit opinion. LOL.

>I'll pop her poppy if you know what i mean lmao.

What did he mean by this /mu??

How about a Moriah thread instead


she's not even cute though wtf


>t. a faggot

she's incredibly average, plain and boring. Actually she's kind of repulsive I wouldn't even hug her

Yes, because you're a faggot. We've already established this.


/asp/ used to be a great board when it was slow and only had 30 active posters
Then wrestling came

lol fgt
