Music for this feel
Music for this feel
Blur - s/t
when's the wedding pham
Young Thug - Harambe
>has a degree in music production
>doesn't contribute but camwhores instead
>has a degree in gender studies
>doesn't contribute to the workforce
average Sup Forums user
>doesn't contribute
bro do you even Humble Cannons my dude?
>defends camwhoring
Who actually has a degree in that and can join the workforce
and DALE
and Benis
and Aldean
and Mike Love
and 21 Pilots
and Bez
and Hopsin
and JUST
and Fishmans
and KPOP general
Getting the notoriety of being permabanned to shill your music is more social than audio and I doubt camwhore's ever made any mention on his techniques or research.
what've you contributed?
Only like 3 of those were him and they weren't even good memes
>KPOP general
Nothing honestly
I'll work on my WIP clyp on /prod/ soon enough :^)
Not even those 3 were his.
Benis was Sup Forums and everyone fucking knows that
Mike Love was Montie
JUST was /s4s/ and Sup Forums
Hopsin was a meme before Aaron posted, and he's shitty enough to have been a meme regardless of Aaron's involvement (which is probably none)
Kpop has been here forever
He probably did Aldean, Fishmans and DALE. Dunno bout the others
atta boy
>Mike Love was Montie
Zacharieh Holte microbenis, not the spurdo meme
Still not his.