Maar om wilden aan te treffen hoeft men niet naar het verre Africa of America te reizen...

>Maar om wilden aan te treffen hoeft men niet naar het verre Africa of America te reizen, ook in onze contreien kan men ze nog aantreffen. Zoo leven diep in den uitgestrekte sparreboschen van het verre noorden wilde boschfinnen, die menschenvleesch eeten. Deze koppensnellers maken den buurt onveilig en hun Slavische en Baltische buuren, eenvoudige boeren, bibberen als een rietje als iemand luidop over den Tschoed (zoo heeten die door God verdoemde vreeselijke carnivooren bij hen) spreekt. Zelfsch hun bloedeigen kinderen en ouden van dagen zijn prooi voor den boschfin in barre tijden, niets is voor dezen goddeloozen aapmensch te wreedaardig.

> uit G. E. van den Berghe, "De volkeren van Europa" 1872

really makes you think

Other urls found in this thread:

wtf i hate finns now

de foto is ingekleurd, dit was het origineel uit het boek, uit 1872

zoals je ziet, zeer overtuigend bewijsmateriaal
We're not witches anymore, I promis

>de eeuwige boschfin
b...but we are bros now, right?

Shit, they are on to us!


How are you cannibals able to read old flemish? What kind of magic juju do you use for this, you devil spawn? You need to eat at least 9 human hearts in order to gain access to these powers and you know it. What nationality were your victims? Swedes? Russians?

Close to German that's why

Translate bls?

But wanted to take one need not travel far to Africa or America, even in our latitudes one can still find them. Zoo life deep in the vast sparreboschen of the far north wild forest finns which human flesh Eeten. These headhunters make the neighborhood unsafe and their Slavic and Baltic buuren, simple farmers, shivering like a leaf when someone loudly about the Tschoed (which are called so damned awful carnivooren by God to them) speak. Zelfsch their very own children and old people, are prey for the boschfin in hard times, nothing is for these wicked ape too cruel.

So some 19th century race-realist bantering Finns and their barbarism?

hello my Walloon friend. Let me do this instead of your shitty machine translation:

>But to encounter wild men one doesn't have to travel to the far lands of Africa or America, in our regions one can also still find them. Deep in the great conifer woods of the far north there live wild forest-finns, who eat human flesh. These head-hunters make for an unsafe neighbourhood and their Slavic and Baltic neighbours, simple peasants, they tremble (as reed) when someone mentions the Chud aloud (under that name are those terrible carnivores doomed by God Himself known to them). Even their own children and elderly people are prey to the forest-finn in hard times, nothing is too cruel for this godless ape-man.

G. E. of the Mountain, "The peoples of Europe" 1872

ik had geen zin om mijn tijd daaraan te verkloten

inderdaad, je tijd is heel kostbaar

Thanks. Some Roman explorer said something similar about Finns centuries ago. I don't think there was similar barbarism in 1872.

Maybe this man was just memed by some Finn and got asshurt or smth

Eigenlijk heb je je tijd al maximaal verkloot. Iedere boschfin die in deze draad reageert heeft al een google vertalen gedaan. En wat doe jij, jij neemt de tijd om nog eens een extra google vertaling in deze draad te plaatsen.

Ongeveer even veel tijd als een deftige vertaling met de hand kostte dit. Dus wat rendeert het best in functie van jouw tijd mijn beste?

De jeugd van tegenwoordig....

letterlijk autisme

Greek historians mentioned "androphagi" or man-eaters living in the Finnic-Baltic border region around the 1st century AD.

Ihmislihhoo, hmm!

Do you mean Tacitus's description of the Fenni? His perspective was the complete opposite, kind of noble savage-y:

> In wonderful savageness live the nation of the Fenni, and in beastly poverty, destitute of arms, of horses, and of homes; their food, the common herbs; their apparel, skins; their bed, the earth; their only hope in their arrows, which for want of iron they point with bones. Their common support they have from the chase, women as well as men; for with these the former wander up and down, and crave a portion of the prey. Nor other shelter have they even for their babes, against the violence of tempests and ravening beasts, than to cover them with the branches of trees twisted together; this a reception for the old men, and hither resort the young. Such a condition they judge more happy than the painful occupation of cultivating the ground, than the labour of rearing houses, than the agitations of hope and fear attending the defense of their own property or the seizing that of others. Secure against the designs of men, secure against the malignity of the Gods, they have accomplished a thing of infinite difficulty; that to them nothing remains even to be wished.