
Ireland edition

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first for cornetto

VERY good edition

just had a disappointing wank

How do we improve the British genetic stock?

stupid fucking yank edition

taking a girl's virginity is shit but every so often I get the urge to do it
too old for that malarkey now though

>Steven Gerrard to manage MK Dons


literally don't live in the city

I was commenting on the fact that yanks, albertans and aussies have cringy as fuck cowboy culture in their rural areas.

*cums on you*

going to the cornetto shop. anyone want anything?

milton keynes is so horrible to look at

looks like a bizarro yank town

best house parties have dub rooms desu

>tfw never got to experience Sasha and Digweed at their prime in the early 1990s up north

all these SJW types need to be exposed to the real world, preferably via warfare

>too old for that malarkey now though
because every girl over 16 has already had theirs taken so you'd have to be a turbononce to even consider it

never post here again you disgusting animal

by getting me a qt brit gf


someone's just come into the toilets at work so I'm sucking in the poo that was already half out until they turn the hand dryer on

don't want them to hear the splosh

>circle the invader in each family

Romania NO

just remembered a video I saw on /brit/ of a terminally ill child dying in bed, next to her family. Really got the ol' feels going.

by giving me a british gf

known attractive girls that were still virgins at 20 tbqh
>but they were lying

yh get us a chip butty m8 cheers

thought that was maisie and sophie haha

which one would you prefer to get pregnant?

they literally printed and shipped out thousands of these to stores and then she lost. they never bothered to print out a single trump magazine or ship a single one to a store


That's exactly what it is. This is a satellite town of Toronto.

"The city built around a mall"

Women are 47% more likely to be injured in car crashes b/c for decades only male crash dummies were used

why are people still saying mean things about trump

he's the president after all

is it the one where they carry her to the car aferwards and put her in? that one made do a very long and sad think. not very glad you reminded me of it 2bh

Think of it like this, what would you rather hear?

>Yeah I'm a kissless, handholdless virgin
>I've been fucked so many times it's going to feel ike riding a bike through the channel tunnel.

Imagine genuinly picking this ugly pig as the celeb you obsess over

Every SINGLE time this nasty hog of a """""woman""""" is posted I throw up a bit in my miuth


fuck that illuminati whore

no he's not


Is there ever problems with parking in these places? Wouldn't it be practically free?

"I've had an appropriate amount of sexual partners for my age" tbqh

Is this the memest meme city in Britain?

so you won't mind me having her then, not sure how it works in england but i think i'm supposed to offer 3 goats lol x

Milton Keynes aint a city

>tfw i'm a fucking manlet
>caralad is dutch, and they're all tall as fuck
>could move to britain and woo qts using his elongated stature


gonna have to go with left

Did a new:

the SJWfu

>fuck that illuminati whore

yes he is

these are girls I've known for years and they told me when they did eventually lose it

That is actually tragic

me on the left

Looks so sterile


absolutely disgusting, I'm sure she loves h*llary cl*nton
>this is the only "hot woman in the UK

it's layed out like a video game

Something out of sim city.

>get home after a long day and see this in your bedroom
what do?

do they even have goats in netherlands

>tfw never got to go to Orbital raves around the M25 in the mid-1990s

most of the condos are built with underground parking

everybody hates it, don't worry. its just a landing pad for poo-in-loos that want to immigrate to canada but can't afford to live in toronto

would leave her in a wheelchair tbqh

ye quite possibly

just filtered the yanks


no he's not. he's president elect

why don't they have nipples

fuck sake been in the old thread for ages

caralad is the GOAT

She's French

>womens vaginas get looser the more sex they have

ah yes

because they themselves are nips

wonder who the fuck has been printing off noncey anime shite

then i'd find htem

then they'd be in for the heeming of a life time

kys cuck

but he will be the president in a few months so it really makes no sense to pretend like he isn't

the nipples are covered by umi's torso or arm

>start new salaried job at the end of the month
>wont get paid before christmas



doing a draw x


the janny deleted the old thread

i'm a bit worried he'll delete this one soon

President Trump will not last a year. He'll retire early or be impeached. Pence will be president for the remainder

>doesn't have at least 10k stashed at all times

>tfw never got to experience underground soviet synthwave parties

wow beautiful xx

turns out it was her

you wouldn't hit such a cute girl now would you

Mike 'Suck cock get a shock' Pence will be a great President.

going to dox and then chin any cunt who posts anime below me

>have 50k in savings
>have never worked a full time job in my life

feels good man

>Isis: London and Portsmouth among Europe's most notorious recruitment hubs for foreign fighters, report reveals



He sounds like any other typical neocon runt desu





you sound just like trump supporters who were saying hillary will be impeached if she wins which to be fair to them was far more likely than trump resigning from the presidency

Poll time:



hit cuter desu

t. gay fag

>tfw never got the feeling of coming up on a penger just as Sasha was dropping this


>wake up
>still no Finnish gf

fucking state of belgium

Give me Umi any day.