Why do so many musicans have shit taste when it comes to music?
Why do so many musicans have shit taste when it comes to music?
The same reason why celebrities only fuck celebrities.
Why wouldn't you?
All songs written by one man is pretty fuckin wild when you really think about it
isn't it weird? When artists list their favorite albums and shit that inspired them I'm always fucking confused.
>what is piper at the gates of dawn
What are you implying?
piper at the gates of dawn was all written by 1(one) guy, except for 1(one) song. it's not all that special
>except for 1(one) song
Pretty unremarkable imo. You gotta remember that all 21P songs are written by one man, without exception.
jesus christ, when will this old hag stop trying to be "trendy" and "cool"
nah not really
ariel pink,dean blunt,john maus,OPN,death grips
all have amazing taste in music that i've discovered thru them
pop musician like marina need to stay relevant by hyping whos ever hot in the industry atm .
AnCo put out really good mixtapes from time to time.
Who said I wouldn't. :^)
>"Hey fellow youngsters! Look at my favorite new band, they are sure WILD."
She's really desperate for attention and relevancy, she probably will start listening to death grips next
damn. really made me think.
I know, right? Why don't these people who make music for mass consumption listen to a billion microgenres which consist mainly of malfunctioning computers amplified only by natural acoustics like us patricians?
Fucking Type-0s get out REEEEEE
wow what a cunt
ah fuck
maybe she should care more about shaving her armpits
>Shit taste
>Implying 90% Sup Forums doesn't listen to the same 200 albums
If only she listened to MBV and DG like me ;_;
oh i thought you meant all songs
cos writing your own songs isn't that impressive tbqh
No its not
It is though. Think about it.
I did, its not even remotley "wild", its pretty fucking common and usually done way better
>elliot smith
>ty segall
>still trying to imply theres anything unique about solo writing
Besides that 21 pilots is still absolute shit, just because its written by one guy doesnt give it an excuse to be horrible
that's pretty sad
Popular musicians listen to popular musicians, get influenced by popular musicians, and produce popular music. It's like a never ending cycle. And starting somewhere in the 90s something went wrong where this cycle basically produced exponentially more shitty popular music.
Not trying to be /wronggeneration/ here, but that's pretty much the truth.
/wronggeneration/ cringemeisters are not wrong in general, it's just that the examples of good music they give are shit. le right generation are the ones who are wrong, besides being cringey, of course.
Try to look at it from a different point of view.
No it's not common in pop music you fucking idiot.
They're not pop. They don't count. Most of those nobody even knows.
Marina solo writes her songs aswell, atleast she did for Froot, so i don't know why she calls it "wild"
There's only a handful of pop acts that do, especially in the USA.
but she lives in and is from the UK
dylan and bowie were pretty much as pop as it gets.
>nobody even knows
Did she write the instrument parts or just the lyrics? A lot of pop acts get writing credit, but didn't write shit.
David Byrne has some pretty based tastes.
As do most of his guest curators.
Okay grandpa, next time list someone that is not from the dinosaur age.
she wrote all the songs and co-produced them with one guy
Maybe get out and meet people, instead of being here all day.
david bowie didn't write all of his songs himself
Bob dylan and neil perry were shut in autismos. My music theory professor worked with them on a recording session. They played together for 4 hours straight without saying a word to each other. The only time they talked was to tell each other that they liked their music...awkwardly.
The best musicians are pretty antisocial because music is all they know.
Not all of them, but hundreds of them
>That is wild.
Pretty sure Other Music was NOT the first record store to sell anal cunt albums.
> caring about fucking armpits
I hope the next girl you have a sliver of a chance with tells you to fuck off when she sees your hairy armpits.
Death Grips is fucking awful, though. Kill yourself you stupid moron lmao.
>And all the songs are written by ONE MAN
I suppose that idea would be alien to a pop star
>what is sarcasm
how is she surprised that all the songs are written by one guy. that's pretty standard
why is neo Sup Forums so disgustingly stupid
she writes her own songs aswell
Why is neo Sup Forums so easy to troll
>implying 21p are better than Nine Inch Nails or Frank Zappa
brb necking myself
because theyre a bunch of gay, retarded 16 yr olds
You do not belong here
i like Marina, but you gotta admit that this is fucking disgusting
sucking the producers dick doesn't mean she actually is a producer
What is good taste? What is bad taste? How do we distinguish between the two?
21 Pilots is bad
What is good?
I dont know here to ask. Is it normal i hear voices like people talking bells ringing and dogs barking when there is loud noise like a dishwasher or music from my headphones?
armpit hair is pretty hot t bh
Mozart is shit.
Wrong answer. Try again.
isn't she like 30? is she pulling some early midlife crisis bullshit?
because they are actual creators and don't need to have tryhard "obscure" tastes to get validation from internet message boards
>defending Marina
i just wanted to remind you that she did this
It's sad that this is considered impressive. Especially in Hip-Hop. What the fuck is a rapper who doesn't even write their own lyrics? What the hell even is that? Rhythmic reading?
Nigger my girlfriend's 12 year old cousin knows Bowie and Dylan.
Are you fucking retarded? Is it that hard to realize a joke/troll post
Hes saying every song in existence written by one man is wild.
Do you need it explained again?
wow what a cunt
wow what a cunt
>wants to make fan feel at least slightly appreciated
>can't abide by dumb frogposters
Truly based desu
the state of this thread baka desu
>that passive aggressive period after kinda
wow what a cunt
Marina is always pulling shit on Twitter. She hopes to one day write something so cringy that she will be a side story on Buzzfeed or something.
Marina truly thinks she's something special to give herself the privilege of saying shit like that.
Kill yourselves you fucking haters
"Kinda." is not mean or passive-aggressive at all. She liked it, but not enough for her to shit her pants. Got it?
AnCo has amazing influences but their music rubs me the wrong way. Glad to see they're friends with Sonic Boom though, Spacemen 3 are amazing (probably my favorite band)
>defending this senile cunt
her music might be great, but that doesn't make her a good person
This honestly makes me feel really upset :(
wow cunt a what
>old hag
yeah she aged badly, but 30 isn't old
what a selfish twat
i know she's not an old hag, but she sure does look like one which gives me the right to call her so
30 is old user, stop lying to yourself.
its a stupid meme i don't see how she is supposed to be a cunt for saying "kinda" while trying to be polite.
I'm going to use the buzzword "autistic" to describe someone who expected a different reaction.
very true
pop music in the 80s is fun as fuck to listen to but for the 90s and 2000s something went wrong and kept going wrong tbqh
Using proper punctuation isn't passive aggressive.
who does this bitch think she is? Her career has been an absolute failure so far, yet she thinks she's on the level of Rihanna or Lady Gaga
Define type of musicians. Rock, Jazz, Classical.....I'd say it's an arbitrary inquiry without defining type and skill level
this is probably just a meme I didn't know about