Hip-Hop Songs = Poetry?

What hip-hop songs will be remembered and analysed in the future like we do poetry at the moment?

If there aren't any, do you think at any point hip-hop in future will reach that kind of status?
Furthermore if there aren't any what currently comes closest to this status?

example: come up and get me - death grips genius.com/1102252

pic maybe related..

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>What hip-hop songs will be remembered and analysed in the future like we do poetry at the moment?
I don't think there will be any. There is some great metaphorical language used by Nas in songs like The World Is Yours though. Also the way he personifies a gun in I Gave You Power is brilliant.

>What hip-hop songs will be remembered and analysed in the future like we do poetry at the moment?
Absolutely none.
Hip hop and rap are jokes and there is not a single thing of worth that they have contributed to music.
Its a worthless genre of garbage.

ok dad

>loved by billions

>trolling this hard

Famous Dex, Young Thug, and Chief Keef are all prime examples of brilliant, forward-thinking artists.


literal prophecy of the 2pac hologram

>What hip-hop songs will be remembered and analysed in the future like we do poetry at the moment?

Literally Charles Hamilton's whole catalog. genius.com/Charles-hamilton-ghost-lyrics

>Any old human can write within the margin
>But an artist is a fallen tree heard by the forest (farthest)

I feel there might be a lot less than some people hope, but more than this thread seems to believe. A lot of super famous rappers arent really offering much in terms of deep meaningful poetry that can be analyzed much beyond surface level, but the people who have and are giving us writing we can read into for years to come, they aren't erased because the new thing is more about the feel than the message.

>Literally Charles Hamilton's whole catalog
all of it? doesn't this crazy man have about 1000 mixtapes that sound like they were recorded on the toilet