Esoteric Edition
>clicked 10 pictures of rivers to post this
Peace fom
Let bygones be bygones.
the first 30 seconds is a terrifying microcosm of american culture that comes off as an onion produced video but is actually true
>Already in Politics
>born in 1997
feel like the club scene is dead desu
electronic music is passe
>tfw suicidal tendencies coming back
Is this the Canada thread?
fuck Muslims
lads brooklyn 99 is literally really good
Lads it's nearly 1 am and I just opened a bottle of coke lol haha guess I have to drink it now
>born in 1988 and have accomplished exactly nothing with my life
haha you madman you!!
Sounds like a runt
fuck off abo
may as well be The Onion desu
tfw to stupid to understand /brit/
>ywn live in sweden surrounded by perfect looking blonde girls all the time
why even live?
>his anthem is STILL just one big circlejerk over the monarchy
get with the times
>The national anthem isn't Jerusalem
why??? just why???
>nobody knows what his national anthem is
how memorable
lads in the olden times when the only weapons around were swords and arrows, how did any killing get done when armour made you literally invincible
All Canada has is the Monarchy
honestly if that went I think we'd implode.
>his anthem is literally just one big pro immigration circlejerk
*bashes you over the head with a hammer*
chinks in the armour
Ask Lindybeige
Just bashed each other until you found a hole
Is that why the eyes are so slanty looking?
Reporting you to the police, that sort of racism isn't welcome here sweetie
Only knights wore that shit. Most soldiers were plebs in rags getting hacked to pieces
they shot the arrows through the eye slits of the helmets
had to be a decent shot otherwise the knight would run up to you and chop your bow in half
cloth armour was pretty solid
woah, it's like you were actually there.
1. Knock metal man off his horse
2. Surround metal man
3. Commence bashing the armour off metal man's stupid knightly face
4. Cut metal man's throat
Also by almost sheer coincidence that style of all-body armour only became commonplace at around the same time as cannon began being used
blunt weapons to bash you up since the armour didn't stop it really
also powerful bows and stabbing in weap spots
Knights with high quality armour were pretty hardcore though and rarely died, mostly they fought other knights since the plebs could barely scratch them usually.
Imagine being the sort of cuck who supports the monarchy
>Most soldiers were plebs in rags getting hacked to pieces
Lords did not use peasant levies to fight because if all your peasants die then whoops! you have no more food
They had armies composed of professional soldiers and the smaller manors would retain the services of mercenaries as they could not afford to maintain a standing army
Infantry during that time was usually armed with a spear and a shield and would wear a helmet and chain mail and leather armour
disgustingly beautiful, made worse by the two blobs on each side
having a think
Mount & Blade > historical facts
Not budging on this one
go get laid sven
nah she has a retarded face like all germanics
Imagine unironically thinking Cromwell was right
>not leveling your grappling skill
>go get laid sven
last was like 1 month ago :-(
>Cromwell was wrong
Leave the Royalists to me...
alri David Starkey lol
dats wrong tho
umm that's not armour so much as it is cold weather gear sweetie x
sent a cheeky message to the (as yet unaware) gf suggesting we should do something this weekend
jealous desu
hope she was proper buff
its actually dense as fuck with several layers of cloth and leather all knitted every tight
sounds warm
she wasnt even swedish, lad
had an ass of a pornstar, though
wish i was a warrior in the medieval times desu
reckon i would move to south the bronx if i was to move to nyc
reminder in the future human skin will be laced with spider-silk making humans hyper-durable and practically bulletproof without any armour
fuck this thread
good luck lad
what did you say?
"alright, what are you up to this weekend? we should do something"
calm, confident, clear
where was she from?
Sent her this
not great 2bh, I always prefer to start with a bit of chitchat
good banter, if she understands it you could be in
>we should do something"
alri rapist haha
its 7am lad
i have bedded around 20-25 women, most of them consensually
i will NOT be listening to your criticisms
good lord i am really quite ugly lads
by the time i save up enough money for cosmetic facial reconstruction i'll be too old to take advantage of it anyway
>i have bedded around 20-25 women
>most of them consensually
post pics of yourself
hey I don't have a retard face, take that back pikey
>army getting rekt
>charges straight to Henry VII
>kills several of his elite knight guards singlehandedly
>gets within a foot of the traitorous runt before being battered to death by a mob
Is Richie III the maddest of all madmen?
why did you format this like poleaboo
fuck off poleaboo
ah yes...just reviewed the messages I sent the gf last appears that I am lower life form of some kind, perhaps a plankton....
very good
shan't be doing that
got a banging pic of myself from when i shaved all my hair off and revealed my abnormally large head
won't be sharing them though
wow such a tease
I have an abnormally large head as well haha
Jolly good. What did you send her exactly?
i bet you're not as ugly as you think you are
better not go bald
he sent me this pic via msn messenger
>slightly overweight
>lose weight
>handsome face pops out
haha! so easy lads!
making a cappucino
a whole load of small dumb and cringey messages and like a billion smileys
>tfw too intelligent to be socialist
wish I was smooth with girls lads
I'm decent at sex I feel bad that they're all missing out
literally me in a couple of weeks, just gotta avoid food until then
Stop listening to godawefull commercial EDM.
literally howled irl at this image
gonna go blading today lads
first time in a while
i defo am lad trust me
you know how some people are just so good looking it boggles the mind?
well people exist opposite of that as well and i am one of the unfortunate few
maybe in another life i can be good looking
we're like opposites
I'm pretty good at talking to girls but when I get them to bed I'm a catastrophe
pretty sure most of them think I'm a virgin when we have sex
the roller blading bender is back LMAO