Is this the most pathetic country when it comes to warfare?

Is this the most pathetic country when it comes to warfare?
I think they are even worse than the italians

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Well, you couldn't even conquer a small, poor country like Portugal

to be honest spain is literally the honorary warfare country.
if we can be proud of something, is for the courage and bravure our soldiers shows all the history.
also spanish tercios are one of the best infantry of all times.

so shut up with your inferior complex, barbossa, and suck my spanish dick how you did all your pathetic and irrelevant history


Also, tordesilhas eheh

they were great in the 15th and 16th century.

>Is this the most pathetic country when it comes to warfare?
and you toweltugal, literally no country

How do we make Spain Great Again?

both spain and portugal are meme countries that cling to ancient shit nobody gives a fuck because today they're irrelevant shit that is worse than their conquered lands.

This black legend of Spain is nothing but anglos propaganda. Even if spaniards don't like French people, I would stand with them against anglo scum.


>literally Spanish rapebabby

>they're irrelevant shit that is worse than their conquered lands.
nice try cokeman,but Spain is full of sudacas like you,

nobody wants your indian 1,50 cm ass in spain

mexico is more important economically now that spain.

>mexico is more important economically now that spain.
no, our GDP is bigger tahn mexico´s GDP and they 120 millions with poverty,high crime and cartels.

nadie os quiere aquí putos indios de mierda, vivo en un pueblo cerca de madrid y esto esta plagado de gente del amazonas

>mexico more PIB that spain
>mexico 120 million of people
>spain 45 million of people

OH, great suceess , sudacas¡¡¡

they have*

españoles somos 40 millones , los demás son invasores

has jobs and factories

it's two main economic motors (tourism and cheap housing building) failed.
don't try to trick me faggot.

you don't even have money to pay off your pensiums.

>inferior complex

>you don't even have money to pay off your pensiums.
centrate en tu puto pais de mierda, esto esta lleno de sudacas , diles a ellos que se vuelvan a mexico,bolivia argentina o su puta madre, siguen aqui chupando del bote, hijo de puta .

>mexico have jobs and factories

kek. yes and he get 150 dollars for 10 hours of work. lol. i spend this in cocaine only in a weekend.
>even have money to pay pensions

yes he have.

Except when we literally did, of course.

Also history doesn't revolve around one's country, specially not if your country is fucking Portugal.

yo he visitado mexico, y eso es tercer mundo compañero, a millones de personas intentando saltar el muro a USA, asi que tan bueno no sera

Why would you even want to conquer a small, poor country like Portugal

Remember that time the Spanish army got scared by the sound of their own guns and ran away from the french who were about a mile out of range then started looting the baggage of the British and Portuguese armies while they were busy saving your country for you?

Rude desu

>these butthurt manolos making seem as if their failed state has a future

yo trabajo para telefonica una empresa la cual invierte en tu mierda de pais, que si no fuese por inversiones extranjeras seria somalia 2.0.. he tenido que viajar a tu mierda de pais... siempre he tenido que llevar gente de seguridad para ir a las reuniones.

ni si quiera en tu capital se esta seguro. un monton de secuestros cada dia.

peor que IRAQ

>spanish army
a bunch of farmers and women that literally kick the ass to the napoleon infantry in the independent war
our farmers were literally best infantry soldiers that brithis professional infantry.

also is better for a brit dont speak about coward episodies...maybe we had 1 of 2, but you literally hundreds of it.

bien que os gusta ver la prensa española a los panchos, nosotros no vemos vuestra prensa panchita y vuestros culebrones o telenovelas

The black legend is literally Sup Forums memes

>tiene a los politicos de su pais diciendole a niño becerra, pero es que esto no se le puede decir a la gente, a la gente no hay que alarmarla

As much as i dislike Spain i have to admit that it's a way better country than fuckin colombia.

Your country is literally 3rd world reggaeton

la hucha de las pensiones es una cuenta de ahorro, por asi decirlo, que se creo en el 2006 en la epoca de bonanza economica, y que ahora en la crisis se ha vaciado. pero eso no significa que no se vayan a pagar. antes de 2006 se pagaban igual via impuestos y no existia siquiera esa hucha. cuando ahora se agote se hara igual, se financiara via impuestos o otra via. nuestra economia crece al 3,5% asi que no hay problema.
simplemente cuando la economia mejore se podra volver a ahoorar y meter dinero en esa hucha, pero las pensiones no corren peligro. este es un pais rico del primer mundo, no una mierda selvatica subdesarrolada como el vuestro.

callate puto sudaca, y centrate en trabajar con tu sueldo de 150€ mes

>our farmers were literally best infantry soldiers that brithis professional infantry.

>they think being the shame of their region is worse than being a shining new star in a poorer region
>they don't know about regional powers
>comparing entire diferent regions
>they think colombia is bad when you have peru, bolivia, argentina, mexico, brazil, fucking venezuela as your neightbors
we're the best country here after argentina.

>but your region is shit
that's another issue

I have plenty of niño becerra videos talking about the other parts of your economy.

Well, the Criollo militias here defeated le redcoats meme.

Build a wall between spain and Gibraltar

Sorry for not being able to keep the empire forever

We were never great

un dia te invito por algunos barrios de madrid , eso parece colombia 2.0...obviamente vosotros sois la clase baja , pandilleros , delicuentes y la mayor basura de España junto con los marroquies.

espero que te enteras que tu pais no nos importa pedazo de mierda

>We were never great

>bandera española

Yes, in the 16th century and a few decades after that you were very impressive

if that invasion had succeeded, argentina and uruguay would be the Canada of the south

>we're talking about spain being shit (which you can't deny)
>but your country is worse
lmao this denial fag

still the delusions of being an empire when his country professionals leave his nation to clean toilets in germany and UK

Gracias a dios que no lo soy
Also Napoléon was 1.70m which was normal at that time.

Anglos are top-tier at propaganda.

>Anglos are top-tier at propaganda.

I agree. It must have something to do with their talent for story-telling. The US is the perfect example of that, they can pick up any subject and mold it to their own will and make the masses firmly believe it

>a country will be unpopular in the countries it goes to war against

Wow. No shit, Sherlock.

Also that shit started with the Dutch and Italians, not Anglos

>deluded faggots who still cling to their empire days to ignore their countries now are simply small states that are run by SJW, have no sovereign independency from brussells, are germany bitch and are overrun with niggers from africa
lmao these deluded idiots.

you're nothing more than UE states at this point.

Aquí los que fregais platos sois vosotros, además de la típica panchita que se casa con un viejo para dar un pelotazo.

Shut up mate your country is third world. Fix your problems

there's more spaniards moving to colombia to seek a job now than colombians going to spain.

update your memes faggots.

you were hot shit 400 years ago, time to let that rest.


Some spanish words just crackle me up

I know.

We lost in the end.

>speaking about france Spain and Portugal.

Ayyy lmao

But why is colombia the 2nd biggest nationality in our jails after morocco

That was because Whitelocke was an autist, not because Spanish peasants are super soldiers.

Son inmigrantes retornardos con pasaporte español.

Nadie en su sano juicio va a trabajar a un país tercer mundista. A no ser que sea ayuda humanitaria claro está

I dunno but everytime i think about south america this comes to my mind:

>but look mom, I was relevant in the 16 century
>now his mom prostitutes himself in london or berlin and send him his montly allowance

not unique to my country, all latinoamerican nations have one or more city at the top 50 most dangerous cities in the world.

latinoamerica is even more dangerous that africa.

>mfw I see a lot of spaniard restaurants being open lately in my city

Considering that Spain has succeed to conquest Portugal while Portugal has always failed to do the same...

>country literally ran by drug dealers

>he still think we're unique in this regard
give me something that isn't the norm among spic nations.

even donkeyfucking is not unique to us here.

Indians are savages

funny how bolivia and peru have very low crime.

Son criminales sanos shurmano

Because they are Incas and Congolombia nothing but a mix of niggers and sarbacaneros

Incas are based and better than the mexican ones.

generally the subhuman version of amerindians are the mexican brand.

Because we don't want to do it lol

hard to steal when there's nothing worth stealing

Is this a serious question, OP?

If you tried to banter Denmark or Pakistan, whose armies have actually been the butt of every joke for ages, I might buy that, but seriously, Spain?

generally the bolivians in argentina and chile never steal or any shit, I never see argentinians complaining about bolivians stealing or doing crime.

>this 3rd world shitskin with raging inferiority complex

Thanks, you were cool too

> Santiago Niño Becerra
> La Sexta


No puedes hablar en serio.

The Dagos are just as big of pussies as the French are, only we don't usually care enough about Spain to remind them like we do the Frogs. Spanish sissies.

>worse than their conquered lands
delusional tb h

sorry, but we're not competing with europeans, we're competing among failed states, filled with corruption, niggers, drugs, crime to see which one is the least failed state.

you can't compare us to europe.

>I can't refute his points
>better mock him.

brazil holds more power than portugal.
chile holds better quality of life than spain.
mexico is more important to world economy than spain.

At least our women has no mustache

>It's a "butthurt Venancio use proxies to try to give weight to his shittastic argument" episode.

That's why shouldn't talk shit about Portugal, Spain and France, cokenigger.
Get your shit together and then you'll be able to compete with people way above your league.

> sudacas culoheridos

Música para mis oídos.

>brazil holds more power than portugal.

Ok. That's why my brazilian friends keep telling me they prefer living in Portugal and that the quality of life here is incredibly better

sorry you're too stupid to understand they're diferent regions.

is like when I say faggots that nigeria holds more political power than something like holland or netherlands.

I said political and economical world power, not quality of life.

fucking iliterate faggots.

>Even if spaniards don't like French people

You're wrong about that, there is no hatred in Spain towards France, actually the generation of our parents was totally Francophile, and they still have a great cultural influence here..

Even nowadays Spanish is the second language of translation of French books (after Chinese) .

>mexico is more important to world economy than spain.
so is india, so what

>chile holds better quality of life than spain.


>Colombian intellectuals

>chile holds better quality of life than spain.

Ok you are a troll.

Spaniards are good at fighting but suck at warfare

Sort of how Spaniards are good at getting rich but suck at economics

>Spaniards are good at fighting

No they aren't, I could kick any Spanish ass

let me tell you something, you're a stereotypical dumb latino, arrogant as fuck and stupid as fuck.

for some reason you dont meet those in spain, maybe the ones living here are westernized. but on the internet... oh boy

i remember when i was like 13 wondering why all latinos on the internet were so fucking stupid, and how could countries full of people like that possibly function

>Sort of how Spaniards are good at getting rich but suck at economics

you may have summed up the story of our country kek

i just hope we get rich again within my lifetime

The problem of Spain was always the low demography compared to other European countries. Spain fought against France and England when they had twice the population.

Also Spain could not send enough people to colonize America as the British did, because here in Spain were not enough people.

>half of his young people are unemployed
>a third of his kids are at risk of malnutrition problems
>their women have no economic alternative than to sell their eggs to german couples
>his only economic motor now is cheap russians doing cheap tourism
>have to suck dick to multinationals to not take their factories to cheaper countries
>between 30-40 unemployment rate
>his milenial generation is considered now a lost generation
>have not an elected goverment right now
>all their young population have emigrated
>not even africans are emigrating there
I can keep going on.

at least chileans have jobs.
their HDI is similar to eastern europe.

>have no real counter arguments
good luck having a 10% muslim inmigration rate and being the top goal for muslim and african inmigration.

>call me stupid
>can't even counter my arguments

not even videogames longer comes with castillian translations, lmao.

No es un troll, simplemente es así de gilipollas, además de sudaca (y por tanto nos odia con toda su "alma").

This fucking thread.

No excuse. Sweden beat Germany, Poland and Russia several times despite having a quarter their population.