Be me

>be me
>be southern european
>live in a belgian shithole full of muslims/niggers
>white girls dont give a fuck about them because they think im one of them
>only attract muslim shitskin women from morroco, algeria, shitholes like that but i reject all of them because i despise them
>when i attract regular women (european women), im always scared that they're fetichizing me because they might think im like these shitskins
>tfw 22 years old KHV
>tfw seriously considering going back in southern europe

The "leftist sluts love (sand)niggers" is a complete lie, the only women that like them are literal white thrash living inside their ghettos. I am doomed.

Other urls found in this thread:,23.518719,3a,75y,176.54h,93.18t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-39Z70Bz6UDU/V8Hafuw28yI/AAAAAAAAAKA/7xndsYDZRf0yLXJLcp6b3jcL6373PSFkgCLIB!2e4!3e11!6s//!7i6144!8i3072

white girls dont give a fuck about ME because they think im one of them*

>>only attract muslim shitskin women from morroco, algeria, shitholes like that but i reject all of them because i despise them
Where do you live and how do you find them? You and I have a very similar background. I would actually like to date muslim girls.

I'm southern european and it's the opposite with me.

It's usually central\northern european women that like me instead of med women

people usually assume i'm actually portuguese, and i'm not

you're just a Greek aren't you?

Then please do everybody a favor and fuck off to your Southern European shithole. Nobody wants you here.

You do realize chicks are bluepilled and as long as your skin is WHITE they don't pay attention to your eyes/hair color? If you're not getting girls that means you're fucking ugly not that there's something wrong with your race.

Answer my question () please.

live in the mountains,23.518719,3a,75y,176.54h,93.18t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-39Z70Bz6UDU/V8Hafuw28yI/AAAAAAAAAKA/7xndsYDZRf0yLXJLcp6b3jcL6373PSFkgCLIB!2e4!3e11!6s//!7i6144!8i3072



Portuguese aren't the first largest, second largest, third largest or fourth largest immigrant group in Belgium.
And you don't make sense.
Which is it? Do they think you're Portuguese or from "morroco, algeria, shitholes like that"?
Because I very much doubt Belgian education teaches that Portugal is a muslim country.

Where do you really come from?

This thread smells of b8.

Also, Belgians smell bad as fuck because they only shower like once a week. Maybe you should try and smell like them to mingle better.

You are a proud Southern European, unlock the dormant Fernando Martinez in you and conquer the untilled white pussy

is this you?

he is typical southern italian, looks more greek than italian.


nah he isn't typical even in south Italy, he's got the woggiest genes around concentrated into him, assuming he is even fully Italian

Tough luck OP. I know several liberal university educated women (most of them blonde basic bitches) that like non-white men. One of them even goes so far as to post pics of her with black guys on her insta with the only comment being an ace of spades. Needless to say I only hang out with them because they're kinda fun but I wouldn't ever hook up.

i thought this phenotype common in south Italy, I saw a lot.

I thought you were me because of the flag, sorry. I am from fucking Liège.

When they don't think i'm a shitskin muslim, they usually think i am portuguese, that's what i meant. And i am actually half french.

It's not that bad, but kind of.

Why can't there be liberal beurettes in Ghent or Antwerp? How do you meet them?

>tfw south european and have the casper skin tone

>they only shower once a week
What the fuck? In all my life I've only ever known one kid who stinked because he didn't shower often enough and he got bullied for it. Several shitskins in my gym smell bad because they obviously have poor hygiene and everyone avoids them like the plague.

In my 23 years these are my only encounters with people that obviously didn't shower much.

kinda but it's not just about pigmentation, which is darker than normal, but his face overall looks foreign, those lips, the nose, the way the eyes are tilted
it's the whole combination of things all together

I would've thought Southern Europeans would do well with northerners. You're exotic and not durka like MENA people.

Perhaps it's just you being an autist

What the fuck is wrong with you man ? They are stupid, uneducated, ugly, gross, they speak french by including "wallah" and all kind of disgusting sandnigger words into it, they try to act like men, you cannot say anything bad about arabs otherwise "you're racist", etc. Literal filth to exterminate, 1000 times worse than black people.

Come to Canada, everyone will just assume you're French. They are often swarthy and dark featured. Then you can bang white American tourists and la fille du roi québécois qts all day long.

Pic related, l'homme de Québec

I just find them very beautiful. Please give me some tips.

what's the other half?

I visited Estonia and Finland during winter, met with some locals as well, my skin wasn't different from theirs, the whole woggy skin thing in s. Europe is exaggerated by our unmatched tanning capabilities.

>i thought this phenotype common in south Italy
I legitimately thought "sandnigger" when I saw the pic. Nevermind being common, that guy couldn't pass for italian at all.

you got used to the average Belgian smell

Act like an ape basically. Don't respect them, act tough, be mean but not too much. That's what they like.

actually this type is europid, not mena effect even little. lol

typical east med ;

Are you fucking kidding me, the guy you posted could pass for italian, but looks nothing like other one. What's the point in comparing them?

And where do you meet them?

only difference a pigmention. and its changed easily

You can't possibly be that blind, they look nothing alike.

Just to make sure, I'm comparing with , are you honestly calling them similar looking?

You need to go to the "chicha bars", like "D'or et de platine" at Brussels, near the Brussel-Zuid train station. Be ready to fight though, because there are apes everywhere ready to pick a fight for no reason.

Oh, never mind then.

Wear a cross around your neck so that they don't think you're a muslim.

Belgian girls are not like Swedish girls and tend to be much more conservative than Dutch girls, they usually stick to their own, but as a southerner you shouldn't have a problem as long as you signal that you're not a muzzie.

Who /atlanto-med/ here?

it should be "white women love handsome medniggers"

if you were sexy it would be no problem

i am pontid, therefore east atlanto med.
they are same phenotypes with different location.

I have had better opportunities in Brussels and in Antwerp though. 1 month ago i was in Brussels, i literally did nothing but being sit on a bench and there is a these two blonde girls that came to speak to me. I am a sperglord though, so i obviously failed, but still. It would have never happened where i live.

>only attract muslim shitskin women
>when i attract regular women
>tfw 22 years old KHV

Either you're trolling or you're doing something very wrong.

Nice false flag, Belgium

Lots of Italians look pretty woggy here
France if that counts

What ? I said i rejected every single shitskin women, and the few european women interested in me were a bunch of slutty race traitors. One of them was italian and i later found her profile on tinder. "I am attracted to "brown" guys from Italy, Greece, Turkey, Morocco, Algeria..." Absolutely disgusting. If a girl touches a MENA guy, she automatically becomes a repulsive slut from my point of view.

>Lots of Italians look pretty woggy here
Honestly after going on a trip across the american east coast, and eating mostly in pizzerias and italian restaurants because I'm picky about my food, I don't believe you new worlders about your heritage unless you bring me a genetic certificate.


Also, i've been in Greece one year go, and even though greek women are extremely pretentious, i could tell i had more possibilites than in here.

As if a guy would reject random pussy because of Sup Forums memes.

>implying it's just a meme
when your country will become like belgium, sweden or france you will understand

> become like belgium, sweden or france

Become what? Men don't have a sexual drive there?
Are you saying that you prefer virginity over some random girl that offers herself to you because of something vague like an online profile status?

You just fugly OP, my condolences

user believe me, you need to be absolutely starved to consider fucking the average sandnigger. Beside the fact that they're generally pudgy, hairy and ugly, they tend to be unkempt, vulgar and trashy.
Yes user, you will refuse them, unless you're the kind of guy who can fuck 40yo prostitutes picked up roadside.

>white girls dont give a fuck about ME

>generally pudgy, hairy and ugly, they tend to be unkempt, vulgar and trashy
There are hot MENA girls though. Why pass on sex with them or the so called "race traitors". Noone asked to marry her :^)

>Also, Belgians smell bad as fuck because they only shower like once a week. Maybe you should try and smell like them to mingle better.

lol what?

Hot girls don't need to hit up men, they're the one who get hit on.
He obviously got proposed by the average ones.

>Portuguese aren't the first largest, second largest, third largest or fourth largest immigrant group in Belgium.
>And you don't make sense.

Portuguese are the largest immigrant group in Luxemburg, which is very close as we are a small country.

We do have first-world tier showers and baths though and we use them every day, I don't know where you got that Belgophobic remark from.

el jorgito

Both like Indians :/. This is very confusing

True but he said he was getting hit on by white girls too. Not fucking a mediocre/trashy girl and preferring virgindom seems absurd to me. Let's not pretend we all have always had sex with perfect 10s. That being said i think op is either shitposting or having some serious social interaction issues.

I go from pale to wog tier in the summer

Just go to Scandinavia. The "Nordic girls love Mediterranean men" is not a meme, not for me at least.

Just be a little bit above average and you will get laid pretty easily.

out of curiosity, is this considered white by anglo standards ?
i mean in my opinion i clearly don't look like a mexican or an arab and neither does that guy but maybe anglos see things differently

He looks like the average castizo from Mexico or Central America, so American will probably think you're Mexican, although of course it's not that Europeans look like Mexican, it's more like there is Latino American that look like meds, and that's where the confusion comes from.

why are people seriously debating this autist troll? do you actually think this retarded waffle-fucking Belgian is a "southern European" and not a fat, pale virgin

>not willing to date a north african qt

Literally kek

OP is a faggot

Wow crazy much.

Lots of people don't shower everyday. You generally don't notice them because they are the type of folks that don't sweat a lot and/or change their clothes enough that they never accumulate much smell.

I only shower when I go out of the house, which is 1 day a week.

So the stereotype of Europeans not showering is true then


Honestly; its your attitude that is unattractive. Maybe you'll do better if you weren't such a bitter autist.

Why don't /r9k/ and Sup Forums ever stay in their ontainment boards?