5x5 thread last 7 days
guess personalities
5x5 thread last 7 days
I don't know any of that so I don't have any fitted recs
this is really good and you should totally give it a listen: youtu.be
I guess that you party on the weekends, noisily, but you only do it to keep up appearances and don't actually enjoy it
you are probably more unkind than you would like to be, and wonder how you could change it
same as first guy, don't know any of that, but this is a good song anyways: youtu.be
Musk Ox - Woodfall
Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat - To Live Vicariously
you look a lot grumpier than you actually are
you like the smell of autumn
and a hot cuppa tea
you're the guy who wakes up in a different city missing one of your shoes after a night out
Oh shit I fucked this all kinds of up
>Musk Ox - Woodfall
Never heard of it. giving it a listen now. Thanks for the rec!
+++Woven Hand
Good shit. I doubt I have any recs you haven't heard, though.
Being fat it's kind of hard for me to look grumpy - I have a jolly fat man look going on like Curly Howard
I missde you~
how's life treating you
do you lsik the blues at all
I do, a little nayrb it's a lot and I just don't know it yet
I dont want to be alive anymore boku, everything hurts and nothing feels goodwhorrs.
>I missde you~
yeah it's been a while since I've been around, I stopped listening to music while working so I had no collages
I'm eh on the blues - I don't care for them much by themselves, except for a couple of isolated songs. I do love seeing the blues creep into other genres, especially bluegrass - that's why I like the steeldrivers so much.
same desu, I don't know what to say or do here