Tupac is alive!

Tupac is alive!




I'd rather have 3pac back than 2pac

god bro i've forgot about him now I miss him soooo fucking much son
Memes aside, I can't believe someone so young and funny died like that


I always suspected that Prince, Tupac, Biggie, and MJ all never really died

Holy shit! So many retardeds at this board as well...

What about Bowie?

No, he's dead


looks like you're the retart


That's clearly Kasanova


he was never funny, just a dumb fatty fuck that died playing a retard-tier sport

X pac was always better anyways.


nigga that's a selfie stick

Do a lot of people die playing water polo anyway?

With his China inflicted torn asshole?


Isnt that the actor playing as tupac?
