what are some essential punk rock core?
What are some essential punk rock core?
the new blink 182 at least started off solid
blink 182 is pop punk
california is a decent album. but yes, cynical is their best track.
>california is a decent album.
true I should've just said the new album at least started off punk
Ixnay on the Hombre
blink 182 is pure punk. fucking millennial, you weren't even around for the golden age of punk. you'll never know what it's like for your mom to freak when you die your hair blue for the first time, or what it feels like to fingerbang your first girlfriend to green day bootlegs. "pop punk" my ass.
a classic.
I think he's telling the truth
Ixnay On The Hombre
na. blink is pop punk. they admitted it several times.
i am telling the truth. fucking posers, anyone calling blink pop punk has got to be like 14 years old. i remember getting my first blink cd and immediately getting engrossed in punk, if blink-182 isn't the literal definition of punk than nothing is
really, get real.
no you kill yourself millenial. go put on your school uniform and conform with your shitty rap music while the real punks listen to blink
I tried a couple blink 182 albums
Still trying to figure out what the draw is its just a bunch of guys bitching about mediacre life problems and how their girl freinds hate them because they act like idiots towards them
Not listening to punk rock is the best decision you can make
poser faggot. get the fuck out of this thread.
honestly can't tell if bait
Blink 182 lyrics:
>Yeah, my girlfriend takes me home when I'm too drunk to drive
>And she doesn't get all jealous when I hang out with the guys
>She laughs at my dumb jokes when no one does
>She brings me mexican food from Sombrero's just because
Actual punk lyrics:
>It feels good to say what I want
>It feels good to knock things down
>It feels good to see the disgust in their eyes
>It feels good, and I'm gonna go wild
>Spray paint the walls
>I don't want to see the plan succeed
>There won't be room for people like me
>My life is their disease
>It feels good, and I'm gonna go wild
>Spray paint the walls
There seems to be a disconnect here.
>Blink 182
>not "actual punk"
>Black Flag
>good at all
fucking two-chord shit musician cringefest, with rollins easily being one of the worst lyricists of all time
>Black Flag
>outing yourself as a poser by posting the most entry level, poser-core "punk" ""band"" of all time
>touting Blink 182 as the literal definition of punk
>calls someone who listens to black flag a poser
I'm pretty sure Blink 182 is the most entry level shit of all time by the way.
blink 182 IS the definition of punk, poser. they don't give a fuck about a social norm or image, while black flag always tried to act so tough and posture and try to pretend to be something they're not
Blink 182:
>In the car I just can't wait,
to pick you up on our very first date
>Is it cool if I hold your hand?
>Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance?
>Do you like my stupid hair?
>Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear?
>I'm too scared of what you think
>You make me nervous so I really can't eat
Actual Punk:
>I'm vying now, eating gold off your crown
>Don't you try to make me think
>When I'm dead on the ground
>I said it nice to you
>I will wait
>I will wait in your home
>Lock me in
>Throw me down like a stone
'Enema of the State' is definitely pop-punk, leaning heavily on the pop side. They've returned to that form with 'California'.
I really enjoy their first few albums, and they were my favourite band when I was a teenager. I found the toilet humour in their live sets hilarious, but I related to their self-depreciating attitude. Knowing they didn't take themselves seriously while joking around and playing energetic, catchy pop-punk.
While their music isn't anything to rave about, and they can easily be dismissed in the sea of pop-punk acts of the late 90s/early 2000s, I still enjoy listening to them every now and again.
>blink 182
real thoughts, feelings, and emotions conveyed in an entertaining way
>"""actual punk"""
bullshit edgy posturing
keep getting triggered and googling song lyrics while i just keep literally baiting you and wasting your time, you tryhard poser faggot
is that way since you care so much about image and not individuality like blink 182
>And maybe
>I'll see you
>at a movie
>sneak preview
>You'll show up
>and walk by
>on the arm
>of that guy
>And I'll smile
>and you'll wave
>we'll pretend
>it's okay
>The charade
>it won't last
>when he's gone
>I won't come back
>London calling to the imitation zone
>Forget it, brother, you can go it alone
>London calling to the zombies of death
>Quit holding out and draw another breath
>London calling and I don't want to shout
>But when we were talking I saw you nodding out
Name one punk band that existed before 1990 that sang about "real thoughts, feelings and emotions conveyed in an entertaining way". Punk was pretty much always edgy-bullshit.
We're talking about music not prose
Sup Forums will never admit it, but 1039/Smooth, Kerplunk, Dookie, Insomniac and Nimrod were excellent punk albums.
Green Day lean closer to rock these days though
not this
>keep getting triggered and googling song lyrics while i just keep literally baiting you and wasting your time, you tryhard poser faggot
>while i just keep literally baiting you and wasting your time, you tryhard poser faggot
>tryhard poser faggot
you weren't even fucking alive in the nineties. i was born in 1997, i know what the fuck i'm talking about.
>liking blink 182
You have to go back
>go put on your school uniform and conform with your shitty rap music while the real punks listen to blink
fuck off, if you're just going to post transparent bullshit bait posts at least be clever about it
Jokes on you, I was born in 1996.
you just keep taking bait. you really are an idiot
actual punk lyrics:
>why can't you see you torture me
>you're already thinking about someone else
>when he comes home
>you'll be in his arms and i'll be gone
>but i know my day will come
>i know someday i'll be the only one
wow i can do this too
Well punk of old just outright said everything *cue slew of 'fuck society' songs*, but bands like blink is more between the lines- you can tell they are the same type of "outcasts" that first wave punkers were, its just that their lyrics arent so blatantly on the nose. And dont bring that heroic Rollins bullshit, he sold out just like everyone else did.
I've posted in this thread twice, both times with images calling it out as bait.
you weren't even fucking alive in the nineties. i was born in 1997
anyone who takes this serious deserves to die slowly
How did Rollins sell out?
Only posers fall in love
blink is actually one of gg's favorite bands
Blink 182
dont waste your time on me, you're already the voice inside my head I miss you
Dayglo abortions
really makes you think
>cue Rollins saying it's ok to be commercial
The man voice acted in a nickelodeon cartoon
while trying to refute the point
the point which is bait
regardless of picture, you're not only responding to bait, you're trying to prove bait wrong
by taking the bait
Honestly, what did I expect. I hate this board, I hate the internet.
you realize they're trolling (one better than the other), right?
>taking literal bait
the problem is, he's trolling but he's almost guarantee ACTUALLY born in 97'
if i get a bite, i consider my transparent bait post to be a success
t. kid born in 1995
have fun with your "real punk"
Selling out would be changing their music to be more commercially digestible. Yeah letting a company use a song might seem a little cheap but it doesn't change the integrity of the music overall. He also mentioned that fans of the music should be smart enough to see through the glitz and glam of a commercial to see whats really going on.
>appostraphe after the number
>not knowing what an apostrophe is used for in this context
>older than 16
Blink 182 IS real punk, you mongloid
you make me sick
jokes on you faggots i was born in 1910. *blasts post-punk ragtime*
>nit picking arbitraty things
lol ok?
>Be me, 4th grade
>Me: "Hey mom, id like to dye my hair"
>Mom: Ok sure why not
>Spend a few years perma dying it different colors, first blue, then red, then whatever else, sometimes just had it bleached, made me dfeel like a super sayan.
I was over it by 8th grade and then everyone else started dying theirs
that's what i've been saying for the entire thread, blink-182 is the definition of real punk
>lol ok?
confirmed 16, also mad
>having a dyke mom
Hopefully bait. Jesus, mu is just awful these days
yeah im actually surprised that this isn't bait accused and "blink is pop punk, not punk" posted everywhere.
because blink is real punk, fucking idiot
Well no matter what anyone says it comes down to your personal definition of what is punk. I'd call them a punk band, where almost everyone on Sup Forums will say they are definitely pop punk.
>you're not punk, and i'm telling everyone
>save your breath i never was one
>you don't know what i'm all about
>like killing cops and reading kerouac
>my enemies are all too familiar
>they're the ones who used to call me friend
>i'm coloring outside your guidelines
>i was passing out while you were passing out your rules
>one two three four
>who's punk, what's the score
I prefer there first two albums
Insomniac is my favourite Green Day album
T. 16 year old girls
Can't go wrong with this one!
Friendly reminder that hardcore punk is degenerate. The only reason why you can have your "storm in a teacup" is because of technological advancements the "system" has provided like the internet and electric guitars. You're more than welcome to live in an "anarchy" society like Somalia if you hate "the man" so much
No wave was more punk than punk was.
Long time punk, that said I wouldn't say there are essentials. If you want to get someone into it just do some old classics like the Sex Pistols or the Ramones, they are well known and have plenty of great music. If you are looking at some more recent third wave stuff The Descendants have some great material, oh and Bikini Kill's Reject All American comes to mind. But if you want to really get into it just find shows near you or local bands to listen to, you can also check out zines like MRR which have plenty of lesser known great bands
I've liked Blink-182 since I was a kid but their new album is a fucking disappointment, Tom being kicked out might have its influence, though Skiba's ok.
Where were any of you when this classic gem was released? Have any of you posers posting on Sup Forumsactually heard it? Don't talk to me about any form of punk rock tip you do. Your education in punk is sadly lacking!
Holy fuck what is going on in this thread?
haha what the fuck
i don't fink you have enough spaces in there m8
did you expect any thread with fucking blink as the starter image to be anything more than this?
these guys are all 40 and they still play songs geared at teenagers. pathetic