Twenty One Pilots Match A Charting Feat That Only The Beatles And Elvis Have Managed

>Twenty One Pilots are having one of the best years of any act in music, and this week, things got just a bit better. The alternative duo currently has two singles in the top five on the Hot 100, which is a very rare feat. By managing to have two such massive hits at the same time, the up-and-coming pairing joins some of most beloved company in history. According to Billboard, only two other rock acts in history have managed to place a pair of singles in the top five on the Hot 100 in the same week: Elvis Presley, and The Beatles.

Sup Forums BTFO

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who cares about charts? charts are for nerds.

>pleb band sells music to pleb public
big surprise

>it's popular and on the radio so it's good
>other people like it so you should like it

Difference is everyone bought Elvis and Beatles singles while nobody buys singles anymore.

Selling enough songs to chart in the top 5 these days wouldn't have been enough in to go to top 40 in the 60s.

>being this much in denial
Just face it, TOP is this generation's beatles.

How is a manlet rapping and a drummer with parkinsons rock?

Are you implying that's a good thing

Not to mention blurryface has been top 3 for going on 50 weeks?

Best band ever

>it's another [insert current popular artist] tops some obscure billboard record only previously held by The Beatles/Michael Jackson/Mariah Carey etc. episode

>charts mattering in the age of the internet
lmaoing @ u grandpa

The Billboard 100 has always been based on AirPlay and sales and nowadays streaming is also counted to compensate for declining sales.

>21P haters are this dumb.


Streaming is included in calculating Billboard now.

They're literally the artists of our generation. Deal with it haters. Go jack off to your Young Lean, Mac Demarco, and Gaymes Ferraro hipster bullshit.

I think what he meant to say is that no one in their right mind should ever care about chart rankings, because they never have and never will be indicative of quality.

No, it's top 4
>Regional At Best

Get ur facts right nerd

Definitely bait

Read the article and weep buddy.
20 years from now kids will remember 21P, 21P is what people are actually listening to and buying. They're experiencing the same amount of popularity as The Beatles and Elvis. It's the music we listen to, drive to, chill to, fuck to, smoke to, the soundtrack to our generation. Nobody listens to Death Grips or any Sup Forumscore outside of basement dwelling internet autists. Quit being contrarian and accept these guys greatness. It's not a big deal if you like a popular band.

>Just face it, TOP is this generation's beatles.
There is and will be only one beatles you fucking moron. And when it comes down to popularity the two aren't really comparable because TOP is not really even a global thing.

>implying tons of pop acts haven't done the exact same thing
whoop de fucking doo

I don't listen to Death Grips, though.
>It's the music we listen to, drive to, chill to, fuck to, smoke to
>implying you're old enough to do any of these

why can't we just not like it

Because it's catchy and emotionally driven. Also they don't sound like any other artist on the radio or charts right now.

>I don't like popular music, I'm special!
Kill yourself you friendless hipster

Now I remember why I don't go to Sup Forums, often,
21P is better than any hipster shit you like no one has heard of

btw flannel is ugly

Why would you not like something that's popular?

It's uninteresting

ITT: pretentious hipsters

Because they're objectively good and critically acclaimed + commercially successful. It's like hating on Pet Sounds or a Beatles record. Everyone likes it so you're going to be that edgelord who doesn't look at me mom please love me

>implying the reverse isn't true for Sup Forums

can we talk about how there is someone here who is
a) defending twenty one pilots
b) continuously incorrectly referring to them as 21p and
c) liked blurryface.
we have found the true pleb among us.

what if i don't like catchy and emotionally driven music
i exclusively listen to drone and ambient

Multiple people, in fact.

Stay mad, pleb.


This thread

Cool, call me when they do it seventeen more times


Drop your autism and learn to appreciate catchy music instead of listening to your fridge and computer bullshit.

elvis and beatles were garbage though.
at least 21 pilots innovated

You must be a racist alt-right cuck who never leaves his basement fucking neckbeard virgin. 21P are the greatest band of the 21st century so far and caused a paradigm shift in pop music.

Having fun with your strawman?

but that's what i like
respect my opinion as i respect yours

Right watching people take OP's bait is boring. Instead let's play a game, can you encapsulate everything wrong with Twenty-one Pilots within 3 words?


Too commercially successful.

All this anti-TOP faggotry is quickly becoming cringe. Seriously they're not much worse than Drake or Swans.

Just don't enjoy

Never listened to them, so here's my educated assumption
"Probably gay shit"

There's nothing wrong with twenty one pilots besides their fanbase. Their music is solid and sounds good.

Your samefagging was cringe a while ago

I love vessel but TOP is only critically acclaimed by sites like Alternative Press

Genuinely can't tell if this is satire or not. Also some of the shittest rapping I've ever heard

t. 15 year old boy

>someone makes a valid point

Just admit it, your contempt for this band is no different than a special
snowflake middle school kid who listens only listens to 'real music'.

Your point wasn't valid and you were samefagging

I've never listened to anything they've made, so I've got no opinion on them.
I just know that you're being extremely defensive about people not liking a band. People are allowed to dislike things just as much as you like them. Strange concept, I know.

Judging by this, I think I was right
The rapping is so bad to listen to

Was my first post in this thread. Was my point not valid because you didn't agree?

No your point's not valid because it's not cringe for someone to dislike a band

No, your point wasn't valid because calling something cringe isn't a valid point.

>its popular, so its bad
>all popular music is bad
>pleb it, pleb that

holy shit, just admit they're talented and are experiencing what millions of artists only dream about

Listen to the album blurryface and come back to this thread and let's see if your opinion's changed at all. I don't care what any of the autists here say, there are some genuinely good tunes on that album.

Really? Because I dislike this band, but the constant shitposting about how 'this mainstream band sucks!!!!!! xD' is indeed quickly becoming pathetic and cringeworthy.

>>its popular, so its bad
But he didn't say that
>>all popular music is bad
Didn't say that either

There's been no shitposting against the band in this thread. Only shitposting toward people that dislike it


they literally wanted to make more money with their music and followed certain formulas and it worked well for them, thats it

bands like Panic at the disco fell off hard, trying to distancing of their roots

Eminem, Linkin Park and Twenty One share the same fans, thats nothing wrong with comercial success

>OP posts a bait thread about 21 pilots and the line "Sup Forums BTFO"
>Retards like you are surprised when Sup Forums expresses their dislike of the band

Ok. What point are you trying to make?

>not having an open mind on music
Probably the most pleb thing you can possibly do.

>Listening to every album people on Sup Forums tell you to
Sounds like you waste a lot of time wading through shit

I just listened to 4 whole Vaporwave albums today while playing shitty flash games
Not really feeling like doin it right now, especially considering you said there's only "some good tunes" on the album. Don't want to wade through shit to get to good stuff

What makes a band "alternative"? I've never understood that.

People who dye their hair listen to them

>rock acts
what about other genres?

Who cares about other genres?

They sound like Nirvana

He's right though, this place is infested with them

Lol what? I'm talking about is in the top 3 for almost a year

They have more potential than any other band out right now

So you don't know shit about them you fucking moron. Keep your uneducated opinion to yourself

It's a dumb buzzword that children use to write off criticism

Jesus dude at least pretend to be over 18


Why the fuck would you listen to 4 meme albums?? Seems like you don't give a fuck about your life so might as well listen to it

I needed background music for playing shitty flashgames, and I unironically enjoyed Floral Shoppe so I went for it
Still not listening to blurryface today

The fact that so many teens still name Twenty one pilots as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" pop band ever only tells you how far pop music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of this generation are Kamasi Washington and Flying Lotus, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Philip Glass over classical musicians who are highly popular in courts around Europe. Pop critics are still blinded by commercial success. Twenty one pilots sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, Classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Pop critics are often totally ignorant of the pop music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that Twenty one pilots did anything worthy of being saved.


You're missing out


Justin Bieber has had 3 in the top 5.

I just discovered twenty one pilots, and I am in love. I also found out its all made by one person!

Justin bieber's not rock though

Neither is 21 pilots

According to them they are

They're "pop rock". Like the Beatles.

>twenty one pilots

Ok. They're wrong

Listen to this and tell me you don't get some "rock" vibes to it. Sounds like something AJJ would have wrote.