what is the best song on this album?
What is the best song on this album?
All I Want > Dance Yrself Clean > You Wanted A Hit > Somebody's Calling Me > Home > Drunk Girls > I Can Change > One Touch > Pow Pow
In this case the obvious answer is the correct answer and it's Dnce Yrself Clean. Home and You Wanted A Hit are really good too, though.
all i want
is this the best lcd soundsytem album?
All My Friends
i can change is the only good song on it that i can remember. the only song i can even remember from it in fact
Congrats, you singled out the most plain/least interesting song on the entire album.
Dance Yrself Clean > I Can Change > All I want > Home > You wanted a hit > Somebody's calling me > Pow Pow> one touch > Drunk Girls
It took me a while to realize but it's pow pow
What's the best album then friendo?
Not him but the self titled
This is the correct answer
Sound of Silver
If you're including all the extra singles and shit, then yes, self titled. Otherwise, Sound of Silver
Welcome fellow patrician.
Dance Yrself Clean > You Wanted A Hit > All I Want > Home > Somebody's Calling Me > One Touch > I Can Change > Pow Pow > Drunk Girls
Sound Of Silver
You Wanted a Hit
Dance Yrself Clean > All I Want > Home > You Wanted a Hit > One Touch > Somebody's Calling Me > I Can Change > Drunk Girls > Pow Pow
SoS is one of my favorite albums of all time so I'm gonna have to go with that.
Dance Yrself Clean. Contrarians will say otherwise, but it's definitely Dance Yrself Clean
oh! cool
yes, their other albums kinda blow. lol!!!
swap drunk girls and pow pow
Every other song on the record, while very good, is an obvious homage with the influences made purposely easy to spot. The one song that steps away from all of this and is the most direct, the most like what the actual band was all about from the beginning is Pow Pow. It's clearly the most honest song on the record and likely the best.
it's his worse album