Why does everybody love him all of a sudden whereas just even last year he was public enemy number 1?

Why does everybody love him all of a sudden whereas just even last year he was public enemy number 1?

What are you talking about?

Literally nothing has changed outside of all the autist spergies shitposting about Curry. With the Warriors taking over the league, anyone that can legitimately threaten them is Sup Forums's favorite son.

This place hates success. Are you new here?

I'm not talking specifically about Sup Forums you autist. The world exists outside of Sup Forums

>The world exists outside of Sup Forums

And what would you know about that, user? Ever since he moved back to Cleveland everyone loves him again.

He's not the favorite anymore so all the contraians love him

>He's not the favorite anymore
I'm reminded again that people are fucking retarded.

What hate

I don't remember anyone hating him and I'm a huge lebran fan


plenty of people hate him and love to watch him fail

People hate the best.

That's why everyone hates Curry this year.

People thought Lebron was the epitome of refree favoritism until they got to watch Draymond Green and the Warriors get away with shit for a year and a half.

Anyone who takes 2-4 trolling seriously is a fucking clown ass pathetic nigga.

You're literally singing his praises as an all-time great every time it's posted. It's cringeworthy.


Other user's very valid point is that you're constantly pointing out 6 finals appearances you mong.

>would literally be 0-6 if he hadn't gone ring chasing


>finals appearances coming from the east

wow, it's fucking nothing, like the AFC back in the 80s/90s

Ill enjoy your posts years from now when they become "6-5" and you still embarrass yourself with your basketball ignorance.

Fucking clueless retard.

>He thinks getting to the Finals and losing makes you an all time great

he's our last hope to stop the memeiors

6-5 lol
Even if he did when 4 more rings, thats still some pretty laughable shit right there.
The goat went 6 and thats all that took him.
Bron will never when another championship hes got no heart, he had to go ring chasing just to be able to win.
To think lebron will go to 11 finals and come out with 4 straight championships.Good joke there, to bad he has better chance at making the finals for the next 5 years and getting swept every time. Playing in the memeast just gives lebron so sort of accomplishment that he did something good in the sport of BB. We all know if he was in the west he wouldnt be getting knocked it the first round every year.

Keep embarassing yourself with these meme opinions

>Charles Barkley isn't an all-time great
>Patrick Ewing isn't an all-time great
>Iverson isn't an all-time great
>stockton isn't an all-time great
>Malone isn't an all-time great
>Elgin Baylor isn't an all-time great

yeah I guess you're right