So JEFFERY is pretty much confirmed to be the worst album of the year right?

So JEFFERY is pretty much confirmed to be the worst album of the year right?

Other urls found in this thread:


its better than life of pablo so no

He's just a contrarian trying to gain attention by panning a good album because it's edgy

This isn't the cringe thread

>so beta he let himself get fucked in the ass for any form of human interaction
>wasn't even gay, got a girlfriend

what the fuck

it's the first time I actually agree with Marcel

this is terribly written.

Its obvious that marcel is projecting his own insecurities about his taste in music in this review

lmao is there actually a track called harambe?

yes and harambe isn't mentioned once

Young Thug is shit.

You're a contrarian for liking that garbage, OP




Is this seriously a profound concept to Sup Forums in the year 2016?

It's Young Thug. The only situation where his music is good or redeeming on any level is if it's a brilliant self aware parody

THIS is the average person that listens to Car Seat Headrest

i liked it

No it isn't

Carseat Headrest is super accessible normie music

Reminder that Marcel gave NOTM a 2/5 so his opinion is invalid

Where can I read Marcels reviews?

>taking Marcel reviews as fact

Right, any respectable critic would have given it a 1/5

What's good about Young Thug, Sup Forums? I've tried a bit and it wasn't even interesting. Just inoffensive, instantly forgettable, beige stuff. Kind of the Coldplay of rap.

>what is bisexual

A made up sexuality for the loneliest of people

This is actually the greatest song of all time

underrated post

>Supporting what this extra-mixtapes productivity is doing to music
No. Record is shit, like everything he released this year, because he's not willing to work more than a hour on a fucking song.

Creativity doesn't have to take time but I agree he over-stretches himself, if he took all the best songs from all his mixtapes over a year or two he'd have a really great album