1. you're a cunt

1. you're a cunt
2. your honest opinion on Argentina and Argentines

first post is always true

argentina is an amerindian paradise for ONLY amerindian gentlemen.


>2010 WC
>Korea defeated by 4-1
fuck you football fag

poor country

2-Full of amerindians

Why do you keep making this threads you attention hoe

Worst posters on latino threads

el boliviANO

Best posters on latino threads


I hold no opinion on argentina and argentinians. However, I think they are better than brazil and brazilians. not because the former are so good (they might be, but I dont know), but because I know brazil isnt good

why do you keep making this thread

I hope you all die in your sleep.
1814 Never forget

Because canada is a shithole full of faggots, and this guy is well known on /lat/ and he said he lived in canada for years and he showed us pic of his time in canada and so he got infected with canadian shitholness and autism and canadian faggotry and so canada fucking sucks and this guy's posting is your fault because he lived in shitty canada

No frontier problems with them, thank god.
Einsten visited them, some people wanted to bring more jews to live there.
Great places to visit specially in the capital
Real good with meat and food.
Olympic gold medals, and nobel prizes, tfw we have none
Salty about Malvinas


1. America
2. I think Argentina and Argentines are a failure of a country and society. They had the potential to rival the United States economically and militarily and they squandered those chances.

They also cannot seem to manage an economy and many of them actually believe in socialism/communism

stop reading right there

they ruined /lat/, fuck them

/lat/ was never good one thread every five years

Reonel Mesi

ehhh maso meno

I kinda like argies. Luv their chicks and terrain, hate their food and futebol.

>Might move in to piss ppl off. S2

piss off who? brazilians are not rare here

The Falkland islands will never be part of Argentina.

Just bitching about the stuff I just said, but not mentioning the compliments. That might piss ppl off. ;3

Oh they will. Dei vil mah frend.

Just not for now. Bongs can maintain it for a while.

1. Poland (Argentina in future)
2. I love Argentina and Argentines

Bolivians roleplaying as italians that speak spanish

b-but i don giv a sht

IRL they're good people.
On Sup Forums they can be Canada tier most of the time with the occasional good poster.

son las piratas nuevas

i love my country

Cool flag