Can someone explain to me why so many people love this album. Did I not get something?
Can someone explain to me why so many people love this album. Did I not get something?
Other urls found in this thread:
Have you ever felt loneliness, alienation, or anxiety ever in your life?
It took me 3 years and a couple listens to fully "get" it
Give it some time
Yeah, but while listening to this album all I could feel was boredom. In my opinion this album did nothing musically to keep my attention...
jesus christ
If you were bored during "I SAID GOODBYEEEEE TO THE GROOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUND" I don't know what to say.
Yeah, but while listening to this album all I could feel was boredom. In my opinion this album did nothing musically to keep my attention...
Hit the wrong button sorry for saying the same thing twice...
I was you once OP
Listen to more 90's indie rock and it'll make since
doon doon doon doon doon DOON doon doon
>Nod stepped inside
The thing that makes this album great is that it is very articulate. Dealing with a broad spectrum of emotions. From depression to anger, shyness to acceptance, fear and loneliness, and so on. The thing that made Spiderland is that the members looked at music differently than most. If you want more info about that, read the 33 1/3 about it or watch the documentary. Other than that, I feel that fantano summed up what makes this LP great pretty well.
But Fantano doesn't talk about the themes of the album at all in that review.
Literally the most plebeian form of criticism.
>incredible musicianship
>complex, intricate song structures
>wonderful sense of dissonance
>experts at building tension
>powerful catharsis
>vocals ranging from the modest and introspective to screaming until you puke
>brilliant lyricism
>sounded totally unique until everyone started copying them
I could go on. This album has so many positive qualities going for it. I rarely listen to it anymore but it has a special place in my heart
That is a legitimate criticism however, as the album is rife with them.
Meant to quote:
boring is never an acceptable criticism. some of the best things about this album are the subtlety and the minimalism.
>that silhouetted figure on the coast
>MFW i notice that
dude it's not even about that. it's a big part of it but honestly independent of the emotional stuff the music itself is perfect. i got it on the first listen
if you don't like it you don't like it (i legitimately don't understand but whatever)
Don't feel bad. I hate that fucking album too. It's a whole lot of do nothing go nowhere garbage for nu male cucks.
It is about that, an extremely large part is about that. Don't sit there and tell me Good Morning, Captain would have 1/10th the impact it does without the vocals/lyrics.
That said, I agree the music itself is great. It was the first thing I noticed. I only bothered to pay attention to the lyrics on my 4th or fifth time around.
i honestly don't get when people say that shit. even don aman is a riveting track imo
I don't think you'll really get it then. Sorry, but this album might not be for you. My very first listen I thought it was pretty boring too, but after listening to it again and again I found myself really liking it. It's a really somber and drawn out album, but there are moments like breadcrumb trail and Don, aman that can really get to you if you try imagining yourself in the story that the lyrics craft or hearing the drums and guitar creep along and occasionally explode out. It is a masterpiece that you have to analyze and let yourself drift into before appreciating it totally.
this desu
also honestly it still sounds super unique
not trying to sound super cliche but this album really floored me when i first listened to it (and still when i listen to it honestly). the last track gives me goosebumps and shit, the whole 9 yards
Yeah. Closest we got was June Of 44 but even that became its own beast.
Listening to it now, haven't in a long while. Nosferatu Man could've done the chugging a lot shorter.
Although you might be right, I can't imagine myself sitting through another 40 minutes of those vocals. And I think that might be where all my dislike for the album comes from, I can't stand the vocals. I do get why they are like that but i can't help but find myself being annoyed because they are like that.
What led you to Spiderland? What are your favorite albums right now?
I like Daft Punk and Nirvana.
yea nosferatu might be my second least favorite track. it's great but it could've been better imo
i literally don't understand this
Are you actually OP or what?
Yes, what's the problem?
No it wasn't.
Well you gave me a different answer to what I asked, I asked what your favorite albums were and what led you to Spiderland.
Anyway, try these:
June Of 44 - Four Great Points
Rodan - Rusty
Both were influenced by Spiderland in varying ways. Try 'em out. If you like them you might see what makes Spiderland great. But then again it's mostly the vocals you can't stand so I dunno.
My favorite band is Death Grips and my favorite genre happens to be hip hop.
But I didn't want to listen to that...and seeing that Spiderland is talked about frequently on this board I wanted to check it out. I went in with the blankest slate imaginable and ended up not liking it...
I recommend you listen to the room rehearsals of these songs if those vocals turn you off. They're instrumental and you might enjoy the live sound better. btw this band/album had a documentary on it a couple years back which really helps you understand it and hypes you into listening to right afterwards.
>Death Grips
Just listen to Rusty, then.
I love everything about this album except the vocals and sometimes the lyrics. Occasionally the lyrics are crazy good like Breadcrumb Trail, othertimes it sounds like the mumblings of a virgin autist betamale and makes me uncomfortable.
Holy fuckin shit, off yourself
This explains fucking everything lmao
Head back to /r/deathgrips, retard
>virgin autist betamale
Please get off Sup Forums for a while.
it's a meme album of Sup Forums
it's absolute shit, it's basically for people that think they know music while they don't understand shit
basically it's a way to rule out bullshitters and ignorants, if they like this COMMERCIAL SHIT than they are worthless, they haven't listened to a lot of music, the saw somewhere (probably here) that someone said this was cool, so in despair they try to look cool by liking this amateurish pastiche of shit
>mumblings of a virgin autist betamal
this sums up the album and why Sup Forums likes it so much
so he's right then?
that's why you're triggered
No. Virgin beta would've sufficed perfectly. You will never in real life hear some utter the words "virgin autist betamale." Say it out loud to yourself and realize how stupid that is.
This is how teenagers enjoy music, like you might remember. The "i listen to the coolest shit ever" enjoyment they get out of it.
What if somebody calls you this in real life? How do you recover?
I´ve felt like that and i still think this album is shit.
Nobody will. Because it's fucking stupid. What fucking adult would call another adult a "virgin autist betamale" in a verbal argument?
And that's fine to have that opinion, but
Is a stupid opinion. If you think feeling alone is "deep," I don't know what to tell you. It's simply a universal theme. Don't you have school tomorrow?
>getting this triggered over Sup Forums buzzwords
lol nice critique faggot. why should anyone listen to what you say if you can't even formulate your own thoughts?
can someone explain why people want music explained to them?
>album gets critically acclaimed all over Sup Forums
>someone listens to album
>doesn't enjoy it
>wants to know why people have praised so high so in turn it might help the listener enjoy the album more.
punani squatts new album out now