Only the dutch will know the glory of baseball

Only the dutch will know the glory of baseball.
why eurpe?

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Baseball is fucking shit senpai

oh but running back and forth with a oversized bat isnt?

Seriously, though: Why the fuck is baseball a thing in the Netherlands?


the biggest story of the season is some fight happening

theres a reason semenball is more popular in yurop than boreball

Cricket's shit too desu

Tbh I don't understand how most of mainland europe plays neither baseball nor cricket

What do they do for comfy?

you guys are basically a third world sporting country.

Why is baseball huge in the Dominican but virtually nonexistent in Haiti?

The world is a mystery my syrupy friend

europe just isn't a comfy place.

>netherlands are the best at both

Just forget about them f am. They'll all know regret sooner or later

Isn't Haiti a complete shithole? Like, more than your average 3rd world shithole?

Dominican = semi-darkie-Latinos

Haiti = AIDS ridden Africans

>MLB doesn't want to touch Haiti with a 20m pole.

The dutch should try and organise a baseball/cricket version of the Euros just so they'll know the feeling of winning an international trophy

And just not let england into the cricket one because they're leaving the EU

probably because haiti doesnt play sports altogether. poor kids there mostly do arts and music for fun

pretty sure there's a european baseball tournament, only two decent teams are them and italy.

they won the baseball world cup once
the final year it was played a few years ago. It was mostly amateurs in those though

they did make the semifinals of the WBC last time though, which is pretty impressive despite the lack of seriousness MLB players have for it

There's a baseball world cup?

there used to be one that was played mostly by amateurs (or local shit league professionals)
Cuba dominated that one since they had the best local shit league

now there's the WBC, which is put together by MLB, and has a lot of good MLB players go to it. But not all, and the pitchers are particularly lacking. Japan and Korea also send some pretty good teams from their leagues, but they didn't use any of their MLB players last time

World Basbell clascci

Pretty sure no one in the Netherlands gives a fuck about boreball and their team is only """decent""" because of their Caribbean territories which do care about it and produce all their players

Do the Dutch really care about baseball though?

It seems their reputation as a "baseball country," at least among other Euro nations, comes from the Caribbean dutch colonies. Their national team is made up primarily of Latin American born players and the sole reason why they perform well at national tournaments.

they dont. no one watches baseball. its fading in taiwan its fading in venezuela its fading in murica

>le baseball is dying maymay


They're about as much of a baseball country as their ex-pat South African community makes them a cricket country

they care more than other european countries, at least

they have a few minor/foreign leaguers

also I know cruyff played baseball as a youngster

>the baseball isnt dying everythings fine meme

ever check the ratings?

yes I have checked the local ratings

better ratings than furpuck lmao

Also Japan vs Korea games are pretty good rivalry

what makes you think im a hockey fan. hockey is boring as fuck its the same fucking shit every night dump the puck into open space and 10 men chase after it. its a sport for the mindless. im a baseball fan and i can admit that baseball is fading in popularity why cant you

Ratings are dying for every sport. The only thing immune is the Superbowl because it's practically a national holiday in this country.

Also, Baseball is bringing in more revenue than ever these days. And if I'm correct, it's only 2nd behind football.

>thread devolves into muh baseball is dying muh ratings muh revenues
sasuga desu

so what, let baseball be the third sport... it's not like furpuck or divegrass will ever take it over

Why are sports viewership dying

It's popular in the Dutch Caribbean (Curacao, Aruba, etc.)

you guys actually think that the white dutch people from the netherlands proper play and care about baseball?

top kek


They'd literally be repeating Easter Island's disaster if it wasn't for cucks worldwide giving them free shit. Free shit they then squander, forcing them to try and sneak over into the DR or brave shark infested waters to be an illegal in Florida.

Because TV is becoming obsolete.

Why would you pay to watch commercial riddled shit when you can get an app that let's you watch what you want cheaper and often times commercial free?


This tttt (to tell the truth)

Because it's boring. I get why americans love it because it's basically an excuse to socialize for hours while eating junk, and it reminds them of their youth when they used to throw balls with daddy.

Understand though that we europeans don't share at all the same interest for that '' '''''''sport'''''''''

What is this shit? Why are there people standing right in front of those peg things? Isn't that what the 'bowlers' are aiming for?why aren't they standing to the side? Do the balls have to be bounced a certain height? Explain somebody

>What is this shit?
>Why are there people standing right in front of those peg things?
Because otherwise the bowlers can hit them
>Isn't that what the 'bowlers' are aiming for?
Yes but that's only a part of the game
>why aren't they standing to the side?
Because then the bowlers have an easy target at the wickets
>Do the balls have to be bounced a certain height?
No as long as it bounces only once or if it doesn't bounce it is below waist
>Explain somebody
Please watch out sport.

This. It's not that big over here although we had a lot of exposure to it after we won the classic. Only a few baseballers are from here the only non carribean one I know is van der Hurk.

baseball fucking sucks

Is it bigger or smaller than cricket there? I always though the dutch cricket team was 100% south africans but apparently there are actual dutch people in the team now

They also eat literal dirt cookies

Oh it's bigger, a lot bigger. Hell I even used to play baseball when I was young (go panthers). Cricket gets no exposure but baseball is just below handball (big in Europe) in terms of exposure. Biggest club in this country is Neptunus from Rotterdam. The only problem with the sport is it isn't really a spectator sport for us. People like playing it but not watching.

Thanks, I knew it was cricket, it just looks so odd and unnatural when you see somebody just stand right in front of a ball coming straight at them lol. I know the general idea of cricket I just don't remember the exact specific rules. Sure is an odd sport though

What's in that video is just a single tactic, generally used to scare the fuck out of the batsman or force them to use their bat to defend themselves and therefore hit the ball in the air to get caught. It's moderately common but becomes very easy to play if you know it's coming. It looks really unfair when you see all those examples with them getting hit but most good batsmen can hit those really well, and really far. The reason they're getting hit is mostly because of the element of surprise due to the fact that there isn't one single place you can bowl to. But again, all good batsmen should be prepared for anything.

Understand that nobody really gives a shit if you're interested except this Canadian OP who pretends to like baseball for some reason

>Europeans aren't big on baseball

Wow you don't say, how enlightening big smart sophisticated European. Please, teach me more

I didn't know we had a cricket team until you said it.
That answers your question I think

I'm aware of that you cunt

I would have thought there would be some coverage given that the dutch team have beat england twice now at seperate world cup events, but the ICC is notoriously shit at giving small countries any money to spread the game so it didn't really add up to much. I'd like to see more Euro teams play cricket but I think there's too much negative stigma against it to properly grow

.>You don't really. It's basically just full of South Africans and Australians with a Dutch grandmother or something. A guy who I played cricket with in school is literally on it.

Please watch our sport

Sounds like field hockey here. Cool to play but no one actually cares about it professionally


Seriously fuck off Daniel. The ICC gives plenty of money to developing countries, look how far Afghanistan have come in less than a decade.

Dutch people just don't care about cricket, there's nothing else to it

Over here field hockey is pretty big actually

That's a funny way of spelling Pakistan

Fun fact field hockey is probably the most watched sport (visitor wise) after football over here.

That's crazy I had no idea baseball was that popular in Netherlands.

>field hockey
Now that's a bit strange, I must say.

Think about it you bandwagoning memespouter, there just isn't the money in cricket that there is say soccer where they just pour billions in trying to get niggers and rice farmers to play their sport.

There are 10 full ICC members. Of those, only 3/10 (India, England, Australia) are actually profitable. The other 7 basically survive off the markets of the Big 3. Of those Big 3, India basically needs as much money for itself as possible.

have you ever actually been to South Asia or the Caribbean? There cricket facilities are fucking abysmal. So yeah I'd rather see the money that the ICC is given put into safeguarding the existing cricket country rather than wasting it on shit like Kenya and the USA.

Kind of heartbreaking to be completely honest, but it's better than starving I guess. That dirt also looks like complete shit by the way, it doesn't even look like it has a lot of vitamins and nutrients. That's fucked up how much they get charged for bulk bags of dirt when they would pretty much be starving without it

It's pretty much what rugby is to football in England here. The sport for the middle/upper class.

Classic 4chansman contrarianism strikes again

>Australia are the best in the world at Field Hockey despite it not being in the top10 sports here

How are >we so good?

Thanks for proving my point you fucking memespouter.

I gave you well reasoned arguement, that existing cricket countries (ie yours) need the money more, and you retorted with a meme.

Yeah I guess the top nations are Australia, New Zealand, Argentinia, England, Germany and the Netherlands

Tbh I understand all your arguments and you are "objectively" right, I'm just a dreamer. I'd rather a world with 15 good cricket teams than 10, even if it takes 70 years and is at the cost of countries like us being ignored. You can tell me that I'm being unrealistic and assuming the world leaders aren't money hungry and you'd be right, but I'd like to believe. Sometimes I feel like you just hate happiness and optimism, man.

theres no better sound than being at a baseball game and hearing the crack of the bat

are we good at baseball? Wtf i learn new things everyday, thank you sensei

Yanks will say any bollocks to make their 'sports' sound more relevant than they actually are.

Didn't really see any Americans say anything untrue about baseball or the Netherlands. That Dutch guy was the one saying it is played there though. I don't think most Americans care if it's played elsewhere. It's big in the northwest hemisphere which is where we live so who cares? Life would be boring if everyone liked the same thing

We have a cricket team? Are we good?

>We have a cricket team?
Not really
>Are we good
Not really

please watch our sport

Who can convince me that baseball is a worth- playing and watching game? Is it dynamic? Fuck no.

That dude who was murdered by his brother was real dutch

Based Rick Vandenhurk and the holland hammer curve.

Baseball is close to futbol interms of entertainment factor. Lot of technical aspects as opposed to apehoop and american football.

Yeah we do
We have a wide variety of sports that theres almost anything for anyone

Like football? We got your football. Like baseball? We got that too. How about swimming? Yup. Autosport? Covered. Tennis? Absolutely. Dart? Hell yeah. Volleyball? Yeah nigga. Hockey? We fucking got it.

We got almost everything despite being a tiny ass country.

I didn't even mention ice skating
god thats embarressing

I don't know. I wish it was more popular here. We do have a league and they even stream the first league games online, but of course the filming quality is utter shit when advertising and tv money are missing.

Baseball is fucking shit and dying. Don't let the geriatric boomers in here convince you otherwise.

you're not very good at that though
even considering you a top 10 nation is stretching it a bit

You forgot korfbal, you filthy infidel.

het spijt me.

Im actually eligible to get dual citizenship in the Netherlands I've always wondered if I did if I could make the national ice hockey team lel

Give it a try. Shit you might be the next miller.

>The dutch should try and organise a baseball/cricket version of the Euros just so they'll know the feeling of winning an international trophy

We don't need to, we already invented Korfbal for this very reason. Look up the International winners for Korfbal in the history of the sport.

1991 fuck yeah. What a year.

>being cucks in the cuckiest sport of all sports
I'm quite impressed

Vandenhurk is elite
3 for 3 in winning Asian worlds eries and no losses in 2 years in Japan

Baaed netherlands, truly our greatest ally