Name one (1) bad thing about this album

name one (1) bad thing about this album

it's a meme

you can't


Seen and Not Seen

Also everything is 30+ seconds too long

the overload


this tbqhwy

First of all the cover

It just reminds me of better funk that I could be listening to. It's not bad, but it pales in comparison to it's influences

Ugly cover

The second half is not like the first one.

this was not meant to be a reply

>there's water at the bottom of the ocean

There's "no shit" at the tip of my tongue.

That's true. I still don't find it to be all that enjoyable




not this


the overload can be tiring sometimes
still a 9.9 album

The overload isn't as enjoyable to return to as the other tracks.

That's not because it's not as energetic, it's because it's a repetitive dirge that doesn't modulate enough to remain interesting for 8 minutes.

With that said, the overload isn't too bad.

it has music on it

cultural appropriation

Considering their last album had a fear of music, I can appreciate them facing their phobias.

why does he say the n word in the first track?

Cultral appropriation doesnt exist. The word you're looking for is "influence" which is an essential part of music.

Somebody has scribbled all over the faces

This is the only correct answer.