Best language

>best language
>best history
>best food
>best women
>best architecture
>best art

Pic unrelated. That's right, I'm talking about you France

anglo extermination fucking when?

phew. had me worried there bud

language women architecture food and art is absolutely subjective, history is relevant but there are lots of cuntrees with a great past too, but okay, thank you Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande

Good on you Kiwi, I was about to wring your fucking neck for saying any of that related to that piece of shit flag.

Italy I guess.

Maybe it's a bit egotistic for an Italian to say that but you're right.

Plastic Paddy's OUT

>>best language
>>best history
>>best women

no, just no

t. italian neet in london

t. Palestinian rapist in Germany

this is getting old really fast.

>>best women

Very beautiful French women for sure.

So there is such a thing as the female neckbeard. How disgusting.

Whats a better language than french?

french sounds gay, (euro)spanish is the better roman language

t. Viking's leftovers

fight me

Isn't euro spanish the one with the lisp?

depens on the region


have you ever been to france?
I live 5-10km away from it

lmao, classics

all us desu

burger flg is shit paddy