How long are canacucks tears going to flow now that this image is becoming the most Iconic photo in baseball?
How long are canacucks tears going to flow now that this image is becoming the most Iconic photo in baseball?
About tree fiddy.
Canada deserves better than Bautista to be honest. No one deserves that effeminate self congratulatory jackass who hits .200 on their team
Why are there wraps around their wrists?
do canadian people even know that baseball exists?
>yfw it was planned all along
Look at position of his thumb, he doesn't know how to throw a punch
So they don't fuck their wrists up? Have you ever played sports before?
To stop sweat from getting on their hands and messing up their throws
>get BTFO so hard you turn into a cartoon character
I dunno. It's funny as fuck though. Mods should just sticky that picture for a bit. And I hope that when I come to Sup Forums I find that picture in the catalogue for the next 20 years.
This is truth.
I smell burned toast.
The worst part is knowing that Bautista is mouthy and that this is fully karma for acting like an ass all the time. Yeah the bat flip was also cool as fuck but so was watching him get punched in the face. But I have to pretend some great injustice was done. He was probably gonna leave at the end of the season anyways, but now they will probably over pay him to stay because muh hometown hero.
Tell that to Jose Bautista's jaw
Oh hey its an americuck posting
Learn to prep the canadian bull or we will burn the white house down again
kiss our feet and enjoy being forever a mediocre and obese piece of shit
>all this asspain
I smell burnt leaf.
remember who is boss around here ameritard
I'm sorry your team's biggest star is a fucking pussy
Man, you must be close to 200 years old AND british!
>still being cucked by britbongs
>in charge of anything
sorry what championships have canadian teams won recently?
The grey cup
Odor's punch looked weak as fuck and now I know why from looking at this image. He used the last three knuckles to make contact instead of the first two. Dude needs to learn to throw a punch.
Take that, Americans!
what's the grey cup?
the canadian lombardi.
ok, and america wins the super bowl every year
Yeah, that's the joke
Reminder that the grey cup is over 100 years old and the Lombardi trophy is only 49.
>leaf talking about football
reminder you didnt make the ploffs in hockey this year and havent won a cup since early 90's
reminder that the grey cup is a recycled amateur hockey trophy
>being so poor you have to reuse old trophies
there's nothing wrong with the position of his thumb, only thing that's 'wrong' about his form is what said
and that he cocked back (though if you're going to cock back he did it as best you could)
all that said, bautista still got fucking ROCKED... motherfucker would be dead if Odor had thrown it any better than he did
This is like the first exciting thing to happen in baseball in the past 20+ years.
What a shitty, irrelevant "sport" if it has to do this to make headlines.
if you don't find home runs or double plays exciting then you are not a real american and should leave the country asap.
The true most iconic photo in baseball history
fights like this happen literally every year
try harder faggot
>"Wow, he hit it hard enough to wake everyone up!"
By comparison Gridiron is breakneck speed
This is the first time a punch actually landed. Normally it's the whole "HOLD ME BACK NIGGAS" do-si-do routine.
Meme harder faggot.
not all sports are about speed, the country that invented cricket should know that.
Cricket is shit
irrelevant, it's still a sport.
Nah, 13 years ago but I guess that's closer to 20 than today
T20 and Big Bash are goat
>5v1 sucker punch
>then immediately runs and hides behind his teammates while another teammate drags that guy you sucker punched away
lol iconic for what, being an enormous pussy?
bautista was going to punch him, it wasn't a sucker punch. he just needs to be faster, he needs to add a jab to his arsenal.
>h-he was going to punch him!
nice sucker punch justification
work harder on your trolling
is that how you bunch? im sure it is when you have an extra chromosome you fucking retarded sperg. kys now
lol, what are you even doing
desperation is a stinky cologne
You do realize America is the main character of the world right? We're the protagonist, you're the fucking useless side character
> bawtista gets a straight right to the face
> gets gently taken away
> acts like hes a madman when restrained and wants to fight
lol what a cuck. i hope no one even attempts to sign him and he sits in cuckland and rots in eternal shame
hahahahaha faggot
The push was warning. You get shoved like that and you have to expect a punch is coming if you don't back off. Bautista was too slow or too cocky.
Not only that but you can see him gear up to punch at Odor immediately after the push, he knew what was up but went for a ridiculous haymaker instead of a nice compact hook like Odor
Is the Jays/Rangers rivalry legit?
>2nd baseman tries to concuss Bautista with a direct throw to the head
>instead of apologizing for such reckless behavior he doubles down with a sucker punch
>he then hides behind his teammates and barks like a little bitch that he is
Steers, Queers and Cowards
how do you get sucker punched when you're marching up to someone getting ready to punch them?
> runner intentionally slides late trying to takeout 2nd baseman which is now illegal play
> gets face beat in
hahahaha kys faggot. oh yea, enjoys the cavs taking a big fat creamy shit on your little podunk city. kys hahahahaha fucking owned
>sucker punch
Are all leaffags this retarded or just you?
He was looking right at him when he threw the punch. That's not a sucker punch.
rewriting history usually works better when more than a day has passed and there is a lack of slow motion video evidence
Did you watch the full video? Immediately after Beltre helped pull Bautista's wobbly ass away Odor landed a just as bad if not worse punch to Donaldson. The only reason Odor ended up outside the scrum is because his team piled up in front to keep him from one-punching your entire nation into oblivion
He'll need his entire team to hide him next time he's in Toronto. Not a threat just a guarantee.
Can you please not be so angry?
What a cringe.
kek yeah i bet some third worlder from venezuela is real worried about what the mean streets of tronno have in store for him
Why? i legitimately am. The best player on our team just got punched in the face. I fully support the right for the team to retaliate. And they will. Rags are gonna get theirs next time.
Podunk? Suck a dick and cuck yourself. Enjoy trying to take down a city and country consistently thought of around the world as better than yours.
Oh fuck off. You're going to sit at home putting maple syrup on the sliced ham that you call bacon and then cream your pantaloons when Odor takes a fastball to the ribs in the eighth while a French speaking nancy plows your wife's son in the next room. Then you'll wipe a tear away as something has finally broken up the monotony of digging your car out of thirteen feet of snow everyday. Then it's back to the syrup mines until America decides to bring freedom to another mid-east shithole, and we let our little brother to the north come along for the ride.
Calm down you're americas bitch boy
podunk shit little city. youre probably the sperg that included the neighboring counties as torontos population a couple months ago. hahahahaha fucking kys. i dont need to look at city population im in the best one of them all.
Im guessing you never played baseball. Second baseman are told to do that if the runner gets close. Throw it right between his eyes.
>north american cities by population
literally what
Lol no they're not
...can you not read or something?
its the same cuck who tried adding an extra 700k to toronto population last month claiming the bordering counties counted towards its population. even other canacucks destroyed him. hes a bonafied faggot, dont mind him
They absolutely are. If a runner comes in high, with cleats up like Bautisa did the 2B is taught to throw low to force the runner low and protect themselves. It's baseball 101
what are you going to do, apologize profusely?
no need to explain. remember youre on 4chans Sup Forums where one 1/500 users actually played organized sports
Hmm, I was never taught that and played baseball most of my life. I was just told not to worry about too much about the runner if he's close to the bag and doesn't slide to be a cunt to get in the way of the ball. If he doesn't want to get drilled with the ball he'll slide or get out of the way. What you said doesn't really make that much sense and wouldn't really accomplish anything at that point. You can't really think that quick when you're focused on trying to get the guy at first, at least I couldn't
What about just doing a kicking motion so the base runner will run face first in the 2nd basemen's foot?
Odor is a manlet with a napoleon complex
Except I did play up until I didn't make grades in high school. I played from 5 years old up until I was 14 and started playing year round traveling baseball when I was 11 and playing as far as neighboring states in tournaments. I doubt you played though
A ground ball to second base side after Bautista got drilled in the ribs, Odor had to know a dirty slide was coming,so he had a bit more warning than if it was out of the blue. The situation doesn't come up often. The throw low to force the runner low on a dirty slide is just one of those things. I'm probably quite a bit older than most of you guys, though, so maybe it's a generational thing.
>batting average
I'll be honest, I only played minor league stuff as a kid 20 years ago and never really learned the nuances of baseball for things like this since I stopped watched after the Expos got fucked out of their best chance to win a Worlds Eries because of the 94' Strike.
>Liking the Expos
Yeah I haven't figured out how that happened myself.
"If you kill your enemies they win"
Nobody gives a shit about baseball in Canada