What is this, a pic of a bridge made for ant sudoku?
>make the call
>no phone available
uh, thanks I guess
lmao no number either
This desu.
>city full of Godless degenerates
>have to beg people not to kill themselves
Poor bastards. This is what comes of atheism.
>Push degeneracy
>Suicide capital of the world
If I had to pay 3k a month for a shit apartment next to aids hobos I would want to kill myself too
>next to aids hobos
>not inviting the aids hobos in to live with you
check your housing privilege scum
they just can't fathom living in a world that isn't as progressive as SF
this, Amercians don't really care, do they?
one less person dragging down the system
One less hungry mouth on the welfare as mah nigga Tupac once said
The consequences of living in a progressive cuck shithole
The government probably paid a team of "mental health professionals" $400,000 to make this campaign
Their rent prices would drive me into suicide as well.
The problem is a whole bunch of people from out of town think jumping off the golden gate is some big romantic gesture. It's a huge fucking problem and so much so that they're trying to build a multi million dollar net under the bridge using taxpayer money.
>not going to work and killing yourself in front of all your coworkers
Why do people even jump in a country with accessible guns...
they didnt think this through
Maybe it's not about efficiency Klaus.
Isn't that Omsk?
Suicide in itself is an irrational act so trying to find logic in methods is a Sisyphean task.
It's not irrational. You did not exist for an eternity, you cease to exist for an eternity. Does it really matter if you lived a second or a hundred years or not at all inbetween?
he just said why, the notion of jumping off of the GG is romanticized in a way. I also feel people who jump off the bridge don't make proper research on how to die instantly. There's a chance of survival when jumping off the GG...
Thanks for the support lad
you're welcome, don't give up on hope!
I'm not even going to lie. I took a greyhound and connected to BART to San Francisco from the northern Central Valley with a couple hundred dollars I made to do a bunch of drugs on the streets and kill myself either by overdose or some other way and I really wanted to jump off a bridge. This dude gave me some life talk though because I was sitting in front of his restaurant looking all fucked up and let me use his phone and gave me some money to get back "home" though. He probably wanted some succy succy in return, but nah, I'm good pham. I probably wouldn't have jumped off the bridge though because I'm a pussy
Anyways, blog post over
>you cease to exist for an eternity
*tips fedora*
>I took a greyhound bus
Well there's the explanation man, a couple of hours on a greyhound will make anyone want to kill themselves.
this thread is making me depressed
where's the FUCKING number?
The Golden Gate bridge? Who throws themselves off the Golden Gate bridge? You throw yourself off the Brooklyn bridge, traditionally...
>Who throws themselves off the Golden Gate bridge?
Approximately one person every 5 days. Less now that the hipsters started jumping from the Bay Bridge.
> fun fact
most people die bc they fuck their shit up and drown.. its not an instakill
Are there walkways on the bay bridge? I don't think there are
Why would you jump off a bridge? The water won't kill you
Doesn't sound very fun desu
Nevemind, I guess there are, it's just a long ass bridge
They're brand new, which is why the hipsters love them. They'll start jumping off the GGB for nostalgia points in a few years when the trend wears off.
There's a documentary called The Bridge that caught plenty of people jumping on video
Shit happens in a flash
This is what living in California does to people.
most a bitches who dont want to blow their faces off with a shotgun
In case this isn't bait, the g force you experience from the change in speed combined with the surface tension of water is enough to kill you once you reach certain speeds.
im pretty sure you the altitude isn't as bad as that of the GG... You can survive without fucking your shit up and drowning like you would in the GG... lel
It's unlikely, you'll just break your legs, ribs, puncture your lung, dislodge your organs, the slowly and very painfully drown.
Suicidal faggots in charge of rational decisions.
>They'll start jumping off the GGB for nostalgia points in a few years when the trend wears off.
Only in faggot filled California would suicide become trendy.
California doesn't have anywhere near the highest suicide rates by state.
>and very painfully drown
You'll be dead when you hit the water.
there's a probability that you won't. It depends how you land on the water. If you land feet first, you'll probably just fuck your shit up and survive.
Always jump head first to raise the mortality chances!
>almost lost his ability to walk
>saved by 14 hours of surgery on his back
Imagine if the sea lion wasn't there to help the faggot. Drown to death...
No, diving head first gives you a good chance of surviving. Olympic divers do it from 80ft. It's landing horizontally that fucks your shit up
What percentage change their mind on the way down?
Probably quite a few.
Christ, just leave your car running in a closed garage like a normal fucking person
do it for the Warriors!
Right because if you're suicidal you're supposed to think rationally
>should I jump onto concrete
>should I jump into water
It's not a difficult decision.
Personally I'd go with a bang. Cut a gas wire and light a match.
That's just natural instinct kicking in
I remember watching a couple of vids of people hanging themselves on webcam using things like Ethernet cables
As soon as the oxygen starts getting cut off you see their arms scrambling to try to fix the situation but eventually fail and fall limp
It's haunting stuff desu
christ, when did Sup Forums get this infested with meme spamming kiddie fedoralords? this place is pathetic
>should I affect other people by leaving a bloody heap on the ground that my family might see or should I hope that my body disappears and gets washed away
It comes down to stuff like that. But of course you still get people who want the quick way out AND affect others by jumping into the subway tracks
That's pretty nihilistic, nigga.
This sounds fine in theory but is demonstrably false.
80 ft =/= 500 ft. From that height, at any angle, hitting the surface is like hitting concrete.
Mythbusters did a thing on it. Even if you throw something to break the surface tension it doesn't work because ultimately it'its the density of water that does the trick
Well, he's German.
Depressed people give no fucks, but as a not-depressed person I always thought, hey, if you hate yourself, be someone else. Give all your money to charity and donate your body to science.
You time your jump so that you land on a boat.
I'd want to do it with drugs so that it was a nice or peaceful experience.
What kind of drugs?
You can't donate yourself while alive (un?)fortunately due to assisted suicide laws. You'd have to kill yourself in a way that leaves transplantable organs intact
My mate did that. Smoked a bunch of weed and slowly passed away. Weed is scary man.
I've drank and used drugs for 15 years now, I'm sure I'm going to have dementia. Anyone else gonna kill themselves in their late 60s when they're diagnosed?
>fuck this I'm gonna kill myself
>looking for some pills to OD
>forget what you were gonna do
>stuck in a loop
sounds like hell
Surely not from just smoking weed
I'm certain my brain will disintegrate by then. I can't even concentrate at work for 2 minutes.
He was memeing
not suiciding yourself before the end of time shit storm
>smoked a bunch of weed
Not gonna off myself, not gonna do the fucking Sup Forums thing and go on a shooting rampage, both would be fucking retarded as fuck.
I'd find ACTUAL bad people and take 'em with me. TMZ reporters or something.
/mpl/ meetup
Wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend.
Yes it does man
my brother OD'd on Weed Needles
>me today
thats why Robin Williams got out as soon as he found out
one can only hope.
>people just walking by and not interfering when the guy is clearly stepping over
>not leaving your sweet shades and pleather jacket behind for someone else to use
>american man utd fans
my uni was pretty notorious for suicides since it has some high bridges so they installed nets a few years ago. No one's tried to jump off the bridges since, so I guess it's working. Though a couple people have jumped from other edges of the gorges.
nowhere near the size of the golden gate of course
"The impact is tremendous. The body goes from roughly 75 to 80 mph to nearly zero in a nanosecond. The physics of inertia being what they are, internal organs tend to keep going. The force of impact causes them to tear loose. Autopsy reports typically indicate that the jumpers have lacerated aortas, livers, spleens and hearts. Ribs are often broken, and the impact shoves them into the heart or lungs. Jumpers have broken sternums, clavicles, pelvises and necks. Skull fractures are common."
why cant they just let people kill themselves
Nobody's stopping them
they're trying to stop them though
As if Christianity is better
>Everyone of all races are equal
>Turn the other cheek
>Rich people can't get into heaven
>Give all your money to the poor
And so on
This bullshit makes white people meek. So fuck off Cristcucks. Paganism is the best.
the search and recovery operations must cost too much
What's Doctor Doom's solution to preventing suicide?
>the consequences of jumping from this bridge are fatal and tragic
Kek, really? That's the idea of suicide