Wtf this is actually good

wtf this is actually good

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No it isn't

yes, it is, It's wild

better late than never I guess



What's your favorite song? Are you going to check the rest of her stuff?

happy, can't pin me down, better than that

Froot and Better than that are really good, I might listen to The Family Jewels

yes, it is. All songs were written by ONE WOMAN. If that isn't wild then i don't know what is

Decent album, her debut was even better, but just by a little bit.

Thought she was a waifu meme, but she's a decent artist, not great but decent.
"your audience a lot of young girls and gay guys" hahahahaha

You have to listen to the family jewels

literally why

an accent is a different pronunciation not just adding completely random unrelated letters

wow what a cunt

Yeah idk but I'd marina her diamonds if you know what I mean

She's a trap now

already said it yesterday but search up sabrina suzuki

are you deaf? she said "Marina"

TFJ was better, plus marina was hot af then

she obvisously said Mahrinha


Why is this shit being spammed:

wow what a cunt

what about we get this thread going niggers?

do you think that Electra Heart has some similarities with the others albums ?

No, expect her voice where it wasn't autotuned


>"A lot of people find me intimidating"


are you fucking serious ?

alright explain me why this time not even half of the people listened to her album if it wasnt that diffenrent

i guess she's just a little to WILD for the average listener

i meant that there aren't many similarities. Her voice was autotuned and she had a lot of co-writers and producers. The american release was even more generic by adding How to be a Heartbreaker. Froot and The Family Jewels weren't generic enough for the Average Tumblrina/SJW/Faggot so that's why they abbandoned her

ma nigga
i was also talking about the sound of the songs yeah but youre totally right

fucking betas

she used to be such a qt, why did this have to happen to her?

Testosterone and getting fit was her goal.

Now look at her still hot but nowhere to compare her to her old style

this truly the wildest album

wth i love marianna now

she needs to loose some weight and become fit like Marina did

No shes fucking fit but nothing compared to marina in her 20

great post my friend



She looks horrendous in this pic and many other pics. Seems like every time I see her she gets less attractive


I would let her puke on my dick as I fuck her armpits

Why did Marina have to ruin their perfect Friendship?

Marina is dressed like a waitress, i wouldn't be suprised if she actually worked there


She probably tried to leave without paying and somebody caught her, and had to repay somehow.


makes sense