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The Germans aren't stupid enough to choose her again, right?

>there are no term limits in Germany

I have bad news for you

very interesting that this coincides with her importing millions of third worlders who see her as a mother-like savior figure

surely just a coincidence, though :^)

What's her end game?

what about the afd meme

Germans people are genetically slaves

She's a Jew puppet
Her only purpose in life has only ever been to destroy Germany once and for all


Lel, she probably lost way more votes from anti immigration crowd than gained from immigrants, that she wanted to spread all over the Europe anyway.

Merkel is most probably just too idealistic.

And she will definitely get elected. That means she will have been a chancellor for 16 years, let that sink in. Hitler has only been president for 12 years.

AfD is the blue trend line, CDU (Merkel) the black one

ta SHANK ya

what is the red one

what electoral system does the german parliament use?

Not him, but I guess it's SPD.

Social Democrats, Merkels coalition partners

Old left party currently in coalition with Merkel.

If we had elections we would probably have the coalition again with Merkel again even though no one not even the parties want it.

>12 years in power
lmaoing at your """"""""""""""democracy"""""""""""""" germany

rip, are you gonna move out of germany?

>literally commit an irreversible ethnic cleansing against your own people
>get re-elected

there's no such thing as "white genocide". it's actually "white suicide".

didn't you guys implement it to Germany?

>lose popular vote
nice "democracy"

nah too lazy

We don't want the same bullshit that happened to you this election, two completely useless candidates.

Your own people not making enough children because they are lazy isn't ethnic cleansing.

The other people having more children because they want to fuck isn't ethnic cleansing.

Can we say it's genocide when there are actual people being killed institutionally?

she won the popular vote in an electoral election, which means nothing. it being an electoral election changes voter turnout, ie if you're a republican in california, new york, Massachusetts, etc then you don't bother voting and if you're a democrat in texas then you don't bother voting.

if it were an actual popular vote election, the vote would be very different. which is why winning the popular vote in an electoral election means nothing.

america is a republic not a democracy, kid

Why do Germans always want to destroy Europe?

The alternatives are even worse unfortunately.

>call yourself a democracy
>do not respect democracy
*sips tea*

you can call it what you want, but we're talking about ethnic germans being holistically replaced by turks and niggers and syrians. that's genocide. ethnic replacement is genocide.

>The other people having more children because they want to fuck isn't ethnic cleansing.
"the other people" shouldn't be in germany in the first place.

"democracy" doesn't literally mean "direct democracy", it's an umbrella term. and you do realzie that canada isn't a direct democracy either? that your elections are also strange? a republic is a democratic institution.

im really tired of these 17 year old redditors who never took a civics class.

>you can call it what you want, but we're talking about ethnic germans being holistically replaced by turks and niggers and syrians. that's genocide. ethnic replacement is genocide.
The problem with white people is that they don't have children while other people have them. Nobody wants you not to breed no matter how many Jewish conspiracies you invoke. Nobody is taking German women and then dispersing them to niggers. Middle Class families think they have enough problems with 2 children already and many opt for 1. Lower class families instead love having tens of them meanwhile. It holds true even here.
>"the other people" shouldn't be in germany in the first place.
Whether they should or shouldn't it's not that easy to judge. Even if they were in Africa they would still multiply while Germans would still become fewer and fewer.

You're confused. Having a low birthrate doesn't mean the borders need to be open and your people replaced by foreign nationals.

You're falling for the "capitalism is the most important thing in the universe" meme.

The internet is serious business. Why dont you go with you stellar looks and go breed for the germans?

I'll vote for her. Most competent we have.

Brexit will finally pay off.

I suppose she just wants to finish what she started, that being the total eradication and replacement of the German people with a race of subhuman mutts.

>You're confused. Having a low birthrate doesn't mean the borders need to be open and your people replaced by foreign nationals.
You don't need to open your borders, but rather face the fact that there won't be less Germans just because you let niggers into your country.

I have my own codex of ethics I like to keep close to the heart and money really isn't of importance for me.

>money really isn't of importance for me.

Probably because you get paid 1 euro an hour for cleaning toilets

>Go back to tumblr and reddit

I am not some plebs immigrating to other countries.

never been there, never will go there.
how about trying to get your country into the 2nd world?

This is the best that can happen to us.

Let me explain.
We have following options:
>CDU (Merkel's party, used to be conservative, but is a cuck-party now)
>SPD (oldest party in Germany, socialdemocrats, used to be the worker's party, but is a cuck-party now)
>Greens (used to be a hippy-party, but is a cuck-party now)
>Left (Always was a cuck-party)
>FDP (liberal and cuck-party)
>AfD (Alternative for Germany, conservative, slightly nationalistic)
>NPD (Neo-Nazis in disguise, only subhumans vote them)

A lot of Germans actually woke up and realised that there is no difference between CDU, SPD, Greens, Left and FDP. They all suck on Merkel's fat tit. So, right now it's AfD against the rest.
The AfD was the party which gained the most votes in past few elections, which makes the other parties shake. A lot of their politicians will be unemployed after the federal election. AfD-politicians will sit on their seat.

The thing about Merkel's politicial union is that they also have a Bavarian conservative sister-party called CSU. At most points they are just like the AfD. Some of them actually try to resist against Merkel, but they only bark and don't bite.
There was one way to save Merkel's CDU + CSU union by actually choosing on of those conservative CSU-member to be the candidate for 2017. Votes for the union would recover and stabilise while the AfD would lose votes because of the other conservative candidate. But having Merkel as the candidate will have the opposite effect. It will make the people vote AfD, because there is still no alternative to the Merkel regime, which includes the other parties aswell.

So all we have to do is watching the AfD gaining more and more votes. Nothing can stop them now. AfD-politicians already spoke out the idea of shooting refugees at the border and they still gain votes.

>the Left
>sucking Merkels dick
They're the only anti-establishment party in our current parliament and criticize Merkel 24/7, I wouldn't really call them cucks

>Members of the Left supporting Volkstod
>not cucks

America plz nuke

Who else are they going to vote for? Even at her lowest point she has 40% approval ratings (that's literally 10 times higher than Hollande's). Given that the German electoral system doesn't have direct presidential elections but a parliamentary system, she'll have more than one opponent. None of them will get more than 40%.

The German Constitution is pretty retarded
>"Let's make rules to prevent another dictator from rising!"
>Make sure a party needs at least 5% of all votes to get a seat in parliament
>Don't put a limit on the number of turns a chancelor can have

>there's no such thing as "white genocide". it's actually "white suicide".
This is correct.

>Given that the German electoral system doesn't have direct presidential elections but a parliamentary system, she'll have more than one opponent.

What a load of crap. Do you know what country has direct presidential elections? Brazil. Look at their legislature (pic related).

The reason Merkel has an eternal coalition in the German parliament is because the Germans have a type of proportional voting. Proportional voting makes it really hard to dislodge the establishment, look at Sweden where all the less popular parties join forces to deny the Sweden Democrats.

The only way to have few parties and also give the electorate the ability to really punish the establishment is FPTP, which isn't proportional

So just dive off the deep end like us.
The water is fine.

Don't you have a FPTP system too?

There's none in the UK either?

Term limits are stupid anyway.

>Look at their legislature
Now tell me how that relates to the presidential elections. In non-parliamentary systems, the legislature and the executive are separate, and presidential elections usually end in a one-on-one final round. There, 40% popularity won't do jack shit. In a parliamentary system (where a victory in parliament guarantees your party primacy or at least membership of the government) 40% is enough. Conversely, look at France: everyone is already speculating about the second round: Le Pen vs ????.

Educate yourself rather than calling things you don't understand a "load of crap".

>And in their desperation they turned to a man they didn't fully understand.


>Now tell me how that relates to the presidential elections
It's directly relevant for what the President is able to do in a presidential system of government

>presidential elections usually end in a one-on-one final round
Can you quantify that? I know they don't in the USA.

Anyway I wouldn't be sure about Merkel's 40%. There's a long time to go until the election. Trump was supposed to have a ceiling, he didn't, how can we know if Merkel has a floor?

so theres actually a chance AfD will win?

>Don't you have a FPTP system too?
FPTP of constituencies, like us. They're much smaller than the electoral college states and each one is only worth 1 MP so it's pretty different.


thought not

So unlike the US system they're prone to gerrymandering and as useless as the US midterm elections. Got it

How are they prone to gerrymandering? I don't know about Canada but it's impossible in the UK as we have an independent electoral commission that decides boundaries based on maths (keeping a roughly equal number of people in each constituency)

Gerrymandering is what happens in the US, where politicians can change the boundaries of constituencies

They will be part of the parliament 2017. They will probably get a lot of votes and will surpass Greens and Leftists and maybe the SPD too.
But they will not get the majority 2017. Maybe next time. But I am not sure if Merkel will really be able to rule full 4 years. If she keeps fucking things up, those 4 years will be a very very hard time for her.

>If she keeps fucking things up, those 4 years will be a very very hard time for her

Having high approval ratings and she is fucking up?

Seems to me nobody wants to ally with afd and they stay in irrelevance.

Also it's not good for the Prime Minister/Chancellor to stay in power for so long, Merkel or not. It drives them mad in the end. They make bad decisions. Just look how Thatcher ended up.

>anglo bloods screaming in pain
all is right with the world

We can only speculate. We will see what happens.
The AfD is a new party. Of course the old parties don't want to share their power with another guy in the boat.
But the AfD getting into parliament with a lot of seats will be a huge success and it will change our country. And don't forget the regional elections. The AfD is on its way to become a mainstream party and they make other politicians shit their pants. A lot of parties already copied ideas and slogans from the AfD.

I absolutely agree.

Sup Forums
Help germany too please.