Does Sup Forums like any normalfag music?

Does Sup Forums like any normalfag music?

Pic related

Sublime is my favorite normalfag shit, grew up listening to it and still enjoy it to this day.

skrillex is actually respectable as fuck.

I only like normal fag music. Most of the music that gets recommended here I can't stand.


I nearly have an aneurysm whenever my mom turns on the radio.

I like a portion of top 40, and really enjoy Foster The People's first album

That's pretty much always how it goes, no matter how shit something is if it's something you grew up with you always keep a special place for it. pic related

rumours is a guilty pleasure of mine

let's be honest, it's impossible to hate this song

Blackhawks are winning the cup this year again.

I like kpop but that's not exactly normal

Don't delude yourself. 99% of this board listens to " normal" shit. Radiohead, Bowie, MBV, Kanye, AC. None of these are abnormal.

I like anything with a predictable sidechained sinewave synth chord progression and a four on the floor beat at around 120 BPM written around a basic tension and release structure

Why bother using Sup Forums?

Guns N' Roses is my all time favorite band.

Sharks hype

every other year bruv, gotta give non-teams a chance too lol

Also, some top 40 hits are not as horrible as the collective opinion of Sup Forums would like to think

throw some reverb on that and paulstretch it and you got me xD

Frank Ocean is the only normie hip-hop/r&b artist I like

My test is that if you ask 10 random soccer moms or 10 dudebros/stacies if they know/listen to it and the majority says yes then it's normal.

Most popular video on YT having more than 5 million views is another good test.

MBV definitely doesn't fit either.

>dudebros and stacies are the standard for what is considered "normal behaviour"

You're literally just accepting the frame they are giving you.

>conversing with soccer moms, dudebros and/or stacies
>being the plebbiest pleb in a pleb thread full of plebs

I don't but if I did I would know that they love Imagine Dragons.

Because I'm older then your mom.

Pfft. Enjoy your Warriors while you can.

She's almost 53, what went wrong in your life?

Not a thing. Why would you assume that. I just follow internet trends and became a regular lurker of Sup Forums back in 2008. I'm 2 years older then your mom BTW.

Do you like Cheap Trick?

I dunno, just odd you're my dad's age and spend time on a site full of depressed meme loving 20 somethings.

I saw Cheap Trick in 1983. Was a very good show.

dude weed, 40s and cali tats xD


I enjoy lots of threads on Sup Forums. I was a music lover at an early age. (started listening to music of my choosing at about age 10). Bought tons of albums inn the 70's and 80's. Downloaded tons of mp3's off IRC in 95 right after the format was introduced. Started using the internet in 1993 via the Netscape 4 browser.

And truthfully i don't just like "normie" music. I was a huge fan of the Smashing Pumpkins and Tori Amos in the 90's and other alternative artists.

Right on then.

Were there higher quality (at least V0) rips back in 95? I always figured at most they'd go up to 128.

sinewave? More likely to be a saw / supersaw. Sinewave for the subbass though

128 bps was the norm. After I used IRC of course was when Napster came into vogue and then Limewire. I didn't really use either of those very often during their to speak.

damn i love omnisphere presets bounce unmastered track and send it in to the mastering guy

same actually

Sublimes pretty good tho. I feel like it's one of those logo meme bands

I wish I could forget using Limewire. I remember being a kid thinking something didn't sound right with the music and not understanding what about it sounded off.

What equipment were you using as a kid that had good enough sound reproduction quality to discern the difference?

Hope I'll still keep up with modern music at your age

fuck yeah sharks!

Well that's something you have complete control over.

Current Top 100 for reference